Gwohan Academy Application







Who do you think you are?

Name :  Kwon Sara

Nicknames : None

Age : 19

D.O.B : 22/9/1993

Gender : Female

Place of Birth : Busan, Korea.

Ethnicity : Full Korean

Languages : Korean (fluent) | English (semi-fluent) | Japanese (semi-fluent)


Let's see what you got there...

Personality :

     Sara's name is really known in the school. Yet, rumours about her are rarely heard. She's quiet and is observant. Sometimes a bit too observant until she misses the most obvious things. She barely trusts anyone. She doesn't trust people with her secrets yet people trust her for their secrets. Kwon Sara is the name people search for when the they needed ideas and advices.  People don't even dare to try and piss her off after a few times they heard of the words that came out of her sharp-tongue.

      Even though her eyes looks cold and distant, she's actually funny and caring. By the personality she shows to people, they probably wouldn't believe it that she actually adores cute things. She often get distracted by those. Though she likes those things, she just doesn't believe in love. Some of her classmates date and such, yet she thinks it's not real. She often brings this dark aura around her that makes people who haven't talked with her hesitate to approach her. She treats people based on how they treat her. If they're nice, she's nice. Mess with her, get a piece of her words.  But usually she treats people nicely, even the ones that people hate, but she never let them become to close to her. Since she knows lots of secrets, she knows that person's weakness but never use it against them.

     Since she is a werewolf, her temper is pretty low. But she tries to be as calm as possible and not yell at people. She simply hates yelling. It makes her cry. People barely see her cry, even her best friend, because she rarely cryin front of people. She doesn't cry because of physical pain but emotional pain which rarely happens since she's good at controlling emotions. But when she erupts and starts yelling, tears will form and before she starts to cry she stops yelling and turns away so people couldn't see the tears falling.  


Likes : Winning | Music | Animals | Cute things | Sleeping | Making people laugh | 

Dislikes : Losing | Hot places | Being the centre of the attention | Yelling | Loud places | Being curious/worried |

Hobbies : Daydreaming | Reading | Observing people |

Habits : Not paying attention | Staring at a certain people she finds cute | Sticking out her tongue whenever she makes a mistake | Makes crack jokes without realizing | 

Trivia : Often wear shades because many commented on how her eyes looks cold | Easily gets into bad mood when she's tired/in a hot place | Curses a lot but not too much | She believes in soul mates but not in love at first sight |


Are you the it girl?

Ulzzang used : Mikki

Additional pics : 2 | 3

Pictures of prom dresses you wish to wear : 1 | 2 | 3  


So what if I'm diffrent?

What creature are you : werewolf

Why do you choose to be enroll in Gwihan? : Her parents are often busy. And since both her brothers  goes to academies, they don't want her to be left alone. Thus, she is sent to the acamademy.


I'm special, right? 

Bestfriend : Miss A's Min

His/her personality : She's over-protective towards Sara. A girl who looks fierce and acts tough but is actually fragile.

Love Interest : Infinite's Sungyeol

What do you want him to be like? : Friendly and cheerful. Almost nothing can make his smile turn into a frown. Personality is the opposite of Sara yet they have the same interest. He doesn't mind her eyes and actually said they were pretty. She just needs to smile more.

Backup love interest : Beast's Gikwang



Should we watch a movie together? : Ice Age 4 ;)

Anything else : None :)



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