So-called friends

How can you ever know who your friends are?

True friends stab's you in the front not in the back. the one who chooses to hurt your face than hurting you in the back! the kind of people who will stay with you even if you won't have money to offer! the kind of people who will understand you when you have a breakdown! who can say "be strong!" when everything around you is falling apart! "cry it all out" when you pretended to be fine. the one who can read your weather. who can predict what goes in your mind. people who understands you most not people who make you say things private and tell it to other people!. the one you can really trust. people who won't disappoint you. the people who are with you on your ups and downs.


i have this so-called FRIENDS. i tell them everything about me! everything i hated and loved! i trusted them to keep some secrets. we have spent years together being classmates. i like em and trusted them with things i didn't said to others. we treated each other nicely and helped each other. but then i saw this one flaw! a flaw that i should have seen for a long time! i went to school that day and find myself puzzled. i tried saying to myself that they are always there for me every step of the way. that they have helped me with things i wouldn't have solve without them. but those flaw keep on showing up! like a barrel in the sea. they floated out of nowhere and made my little mind confused! it started floating one by one from the sea. i tried to relax myself but i couldn't. i watch myself in the mirror and found that myself became tinted. i tried to remove those tinted parts but how can i ? how can i remove the people whom i thought was there for me! the people whom i thought whose going to protected me! but i have no one to share this troubles. i said to myself that i need to wake up from the reality but how?

then it came to the point that i almost lost myself!

after days of watching myself in the mirror it made me realize that i have only myself to blame!

i have only myself to blame for trusting those people!

now i have learned!!!!!!


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jamaine #2
ahem ! haha.........
nka relate ;D