sugar, spice & everything nice || Kwon Yoonji


these are the ingredients to create a family of loving sisters.

personal information

name Luckky 
profile  75813

character information

birth name | Kwon Yoonji
nickname(s) | Jin, Yoon
birth date | September 21st
appearance | 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6  || 7 || 8 || 9 || 
identity theft | Park Jihyun

role | Scholar
personality |  Although she may seem like she's all about books and studying, using her intelligence for brewing up trouble is her expertise.  Yoonji is introverted, demure, and antisocial because of the fact that she does not like to be associated with people not of her level. She's self-dependent and chooses to do things independently. Being very stubborn and opinionated, she strongly disagrees with anything that doesn't fit together or seem practical to her. She can come off as cold and adamant, and that's how she actually is. The idiom "Cold Fish" matches her perfectly as she is distant and unfriendly. At times, she can be big headed and flaunt off her achievements. Strangely enough, she is too mature for her age.
trivia | Likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, fears, and additional facts will be listed below.

likes | Books, challenges, comfortable places, quiet, and organization
dislikes | Distractions, spontaneity, childish games, sharing, and procrastination.
hobbies | Writing her thoughts in a notebook and collecting rocks
habits | Speaking impetuously, clenching her jaw when she's angry, and eating in her room
fears | Heights, tight spaces, and lightning
extra | ​Learned how to write with both hands, has countless awards, plays two instruments: harp and flute, saves her money, and dresses professionally.

life information

raised in | Cambridge, Massachusetts – one of the smartest states in the U.S., and home of Harvard University.
background | With Yoonji's intellect, she received awards and grants for spelling bees above her standard as a child, obtained a special spot in Lowell's Latin Lyceum, and was even rewarded by the President for her endeavor and strive for education. Other than her development of knowledge, she grew up with a nanny who cared much about her and her nanny was a positive and dependable role in her life. She spent most of her life in her room, secluded from social activities.

nanny information

name | Catherine Kwon
age | 47
occupation | Professor
personality | Catherine is mature, level-headed, and nurturing.
family | Catherine has no family members and it's only just her and Yoonji.

partner information

name | Kim Kibum of SHINee || Ahn Daniel of Teen Top
age | They are both older.
appearance | Key during Ring Ding Dong and Niel during No More Perfume On You
nutshell | You can make it up~

final words

requests | Eh, nothing.
freebie | Sigh, sickening eyes. I can tell you're in touch with your feminine side.




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