wgm | Exo [Application]



Your info.:

AFF name: Pandapinky19

Link to profile: 

Name: Dayoung

Character's name: Kim Dayoung

Nicknames: None

Age: 19

Birthdate: April 21, 1993

Birthplace: Yangpyeong, South Korea

Ethnicity: Asian

Languages: Korean

Ulzzang name: Park Hyemin

Ullzzang pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back up Ulzzang name: Moon Dambi

Back Up Ulzzang pics: 1 | 2 | 3  | 4 | 5


Just like her blood type, Dayoung's personality is a rarity. A thick layer of ice surrounds this young woman. A blank expression adorns her face 90% of the time. You never know what this girl is thinking/feeling. She's extremely hard to read and unapproachable. A mysterious and eerie cloud hovers above her, intimidating the ones around her, yet there's something alluring, almost hypnotizing about her. You can tell right away that she carries herself with poise, pride, confidence, and grace. A creative and artsy soul, she spends most of her time coped up in her dusty little studio lined with paint splattered canvases. With a keen eye for detail and an imaginative mind, she’s one of the brightest and most artistic youngsters of her time.
Her level of maturity surpasses her nineteen years. She is extremely well mannered, disciplined, and treats everyone with respect. She only asks for respect in return. She is quick witted, and intelligent. Stubborn as a bull, cocky, and arrogant, Dayoung refuses to receive or ask for help. By no means is she a team player, she'd rather do things on her own. Don't get on her bad side because arguing with Dayoung is pointless. Her tongue is fully equipped with a slew of witty remarks and sarcastic comments, yet she never raises her voice, and the last word is always her. She addresses every situation, good or bad, calmly. Her soothing, melancholy and monotone voice is something she is known for. A hopeless romantic who has yet to receive her first kiss or heartbreak, she often fantasizes and daydreams about her dream boy whisking her away. Her greatest weakness is self-doubt; she is her own biggest critic. A workaholic who doesn’t know how to take a break, she constantly strives for perfection. She beats herself up over the tiniest things, and is oftentimes indecisive. Dayoung is constantly thinking of every possible outcome, looking over every little detail, and over analyzing every situation. 

Cocktails | Animals Polaroid photography | Black and white images| Starbucks | Heels | Cleanliness | Art | History | Reading | Dramas/Soaps 

Math | Large bodies of water eg. lakes, oceans, etc | Hospitals/Needles | Clingy women | Cold weather | Liars | Horror films/Gore | Animal abuse/testing | Public restrooms

Hiking | Painting/sketching | Visiting the library | Puzzles eg. Rubix cude, anything challenging

Partener: Chanyeol


Password: EXOtic


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