ReD application

AFF Username:  AraiVIP

Profile Link:

Name:  Park Ai Rin

Date Of Birth: 28 June 1995

Race:  Indonesian - Chinese

Stage Name: Ai

Age: 16

Personality:   Ai Rin is a really outgoing person. She’s like sunshine in the middle of rain. She has a baby faced. People often said that she’s only 14 years old instead of 16 years old. She’s not really tall, around 162 cm. She doesn’t really care about her appearance. She prefer a comfortable fashion than a gorgeous fashion. She’s very childish because she’s the only child in her house, but when it needed she can change into a dependable woman. She really emotional, when she heard sad story or watch something sad, she can cry river. She didn’t like this side of her so she never cried in front of other people. When she’s with other people she’s just cheerful and cute. She become really seroius when it comes to work, she’s a little bit workaholic and want everything to be perfect. She is also very friendly to other people even the people she’s just know. She has an eye smile and a very bright smile.

Background: Ai Rin was the only child from Park family. Her parents really loves her but she didn’t grew up as a snobbish and spoiled child.. Before she got accepted, she lived in Indonesia because of her father work. Her father work as a diplomat, so they have to travel around the world. Usually they stayed at one country for only 1-2 years. Her childhood is full of travelling. She has many friends because of this. When she travelled to one country and live there she will make many friends and they will be friends even after she left the country.

Likes :

1.       Listening to music

2.       Chocolate

3.       Candy especially lollipop

4.       Teddy bear

5.       Tea, evey morning she drink tea

6.       Rain

7.       Blue, green and yellow color

8.       High heels

9.       Cute accessories

Dislikes :

1.       PINK

2.       People who lie to her

3.       Paprika

4.       Horror movie

5.       Ghost

6.       Insects

7.       Cockcroach

Persona: Shorty – because she’s short and Smile Ai – because she’s always smiling

Hobbies :

1.       Shopping

2.       Eating

3.       Listening to music

4.       Watching drama

5.       Writing

Good habits :

1.       She is a fast learner

2.       Never late to appoinment

3.       Always wash dishes after eating

4.       Polite to everyone

5.       Always left  food for other people that didn’t eat yet

Bad Habits :

1.       Bitting her nails

2.       Twirling her hair when nervous

3.       Talking very fast when panic

4.       Talking when sleep

5.       Short tempered

Position: Lead Singer or Jack of all trades

Talents:  Cooking and writing






Name of Ulzzang:  Hong Young Gi

Your Fanclub Name:  Diamonds

Friends:  IU, Key, Amber, Jiyoon, Hyuna, Dara, Minzy, and Taeyang


  1. Really Like Chocolate
  2. Fluent in 5language, English, Indonesia, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese
  3. Has a farsighted eye
  4. Have an IPAD and an IPhone
  5. really like cute glasses
  6. Really loves rain
  7. Range upto 3 octave
  8. Her ideal guy is Dong Young Bae
  9. Have a phobia of height
  10. Hate anyhitng that is pink
  11. Really like blue color


1. Lee Taemin – Shinee

2. Baro – B1a4

Other Info:  Well, she has phobia for height..

I hope you’ll choose me..


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