(OOC) 100 Questions: Stolen...From Somewhere >:)

Name: Lindsey
2. Name backwards: Yesdnil
3. Were you named after anyone: Not that I know of
4. Does your name mean anything: Brightlands
5. Nickname(s): Mocha, Sweets
6. What was your name going to be: Um just my name?
7. Date of Birth: July 1st, 1992
8. Place of Birth: Michigan ^//^ Not saying what city though sorry :3
10. Current Location: My room
11. Sign: Cancer
12: Religion: Christian.
13. Height: 5"7
14. Weight: .....Don't laugh......*mutters 240*
15. Shoe size: Um an eight or seven I think
16. Hair color/type: Dark brown
17. Eye color: Brown
18. What you look like: Hum I guess slightly tall, chubby, I look angry if you first meet me though XD But I'm really a nice person ^-^
19. Innie or Outie: Er...an outie?
20. Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous: Lefty
21. Gay, Straight, or bi: Straight
22. Best friends: In real life: Christian, David, Sylvia, Andrea, and Molly. On the internet...too many to list :P
23. Best Friend you trust the most: It'd have to be David ^^
24. Best Friend(s) your : Sylvia
25. Best Friend(s) of the opposite : Christian, David
26. Best buds: My best friends.
27. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Well in real life I'm a girl not a guy like on this RP XD So I'd be a girlfriend
28. Crush: Um....no one at the moment?
29. Parents?: I don't want to give out their names sorry ^^; But my  mother and my nana ^^
30. Worst enemy: This one girl who shall not be named on Fanfiction.Net...I'd rather not go into details either about why she's my enemy and why I'm her enemy -__-
31. Favorite online guy: Oh gosh...Yunho XD
32. Favorite online girl: Oh so many. Um....the one that roleplays as Yunho XD I'm sorry dongsaeng I don't know your name T^T
33. Funniest friend: Christian
34. Craziest friend: Sylvia
35. Advice friend: David
36. Loudest friend: Molly
37. Person you cried with: Andrea
38. Any sisters: Yup. A ten year old
39. Any brothers: Yup. Fourteen year old
40. Any pets: Used to have a golden retriever but he passed away when I was a child T^T RIP Alex! But I have a cat and a kitten...apparently mom said the kitten ran away though so I hope he comes back soon V.V
41. A disease: Uh.....swine flu? No I don't have it! If I did I wouldn't be on the internet I'd be in the hospital .___.
42. A pager: Nope
43. A personal phone line: Uh...who the wha?
44. A cell phone: I used too but I'm cursed with them, they break everytime I buy one T^T
45. A lava lamp: One of my uncles who lives with us bought one a few months ago :D Pretty cool actually ^^
46. A pool or hot tub: Hot Tub!
47. A car: Er Mustang?
48. Personality: Shy, somewhat introverted, calm but passionate and can be loud :P
49. Driving: Never. Never EVER want to see me on the roads, and if you do...flee. Just. Flee.
50. A car: Wha-? Are you a ghost question? I answered you already O.O
51. Room?: .....My own?
52. Mmh: Oh this is easy: It's what people say when they're having ? XD Dunno what you mean by that...odd question.
53. School: Graduated in 2010 woot!
54. Bed: Ah how I love sleep ^///^
55. Relationship with your parents: Excellent.
56. Believe in yourself: Of course.
57. Believe in love at first sight: Well kinda-sorta ^^;
58. Consider yourself a good listener: *zones out* Huh? Oh uh were you talking?
60. Get along with your parents: Very well.
61. Save your E-mail conversations: I delete them XP
62. Pray: Forever and always.
63. Believe in reincarnation: Um that's a toughie...kind of do and kind of don't.
64. Like to make fun of people: Of course not!
65. Like to talk on the phone: Sometimes but not a lot.
66. Like to eat: Yeah. Kind of have too in order to live.
67. Like to drive: Nah I'm not a driver.
68. Get motion sickness: Every now and then.
69. Eat steamed broccoli: Nah sorry
70. Eat chicken fingers with fork: Fingers! Well depends if it's a leg or not.
71. Dream in color: Er sure?
72. Type in home row: Wha-?
73. Sleep with stuff animals: No not really.
74. Right next to you: Um...nothing really?
75. On the walls on your room: New Moon poster, Bruce Lee poster, Bolo Yeung poster, orange and white tiger picture, dream catchers ^^
76. On your mouse pad: Okay wha-? Do I even wanna know? O__O
77. Your dream car: I'm really not into driving and don't know many car types ^^;
78. Your dream date: A nice walk on the beach holding hands together, just talking, laughing, having a great time really ^^
79. Your dream honeymoon: Oh gosh many places I'd like to have it at XD South Korea, Hawaii, London, anywhere is fine really
80: Your dream of a husband: Well I've always had a thing for asian guys, but as long as he is nice, polite, Christian or Atheist doesn't matter to me, not homophobic or jerky to those that are, and just treats a girl right ^^
81. Your bed time: Nothing specific I choose when I go to bed
82. Under you: ......The floor?
83. The single most important question: ....When Will DBSK come back as five? T^T
84. Your bad time of the day: When I'm on my um...*cough* female issues *coughs*
85. Your worst fears: Being alone for the rest of my life T^T
86. The weather: Sunny, warm but not warm like it has been thank god.
87. The time: 7:48 pm
88. The date: July 24th, 2012
89. The best trick you ever played on someone: I've never pranked anyone
90. The weirdest food or drink that you like: Ramen with cheese and barbecue sauce ^//^
91. Theme song: Humans Being by Van Halen
92. The hardest thing about growing up: Trying to acheive my dream of being an author -_-
93. Your funniest experience: Um...well I-I have one but...kind of embarassing ^^;
94. Scariest moment: When a tornado almost formed in my city and we rarely get tornados
95. The silliest thing you've ever said: Aish I can't remember >.<
96.The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite : ......'Hey' XD Yeah uh that's it.
97. The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): There was a shooting at my old highschool years ago and we all just looked at each other like 'WTF is going on?' very scary indeed :shudders at the memory:
99. The best feeling in the world: Happiness ^//^
100. Is everything true?: Yuppers! :3


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