Tagged from chocopop96...

Rule one: Post the rules

Rule two: Answere the tag of questions the tagger asked you in their post (it'll be in the bottom) and then after make your own 11 questions

Rule three: Tag eleven people and link them to your post

Rule four: Let them know you tagged them




1. Which of your biases shows the most skinship?



Hyukjae is really shows skinship with hae.....


2. What was your first reaction to K-Pop when you first found it?

It was : "wow hae is such a cutie!"....


3. If you were sick and dying, what would your one last wish be?

That Aprilia would live happily ! and that eunhae would be official ! Then i can die happily !


4. If you could plan to meet your ultimate bias in any way, shape or form, how would you meet him?

In a lonely house ! we were looking for the same house !


5. Pick a type of fanfic---romance or angst? Why?

Romance ! Because it's cute and lovely !


6. Have you ever written fanfiction, whether it be for this stie or not?

No !


7. If you had to choose, which is better--Arrogant and cocky boys with good bodies that are rich or sweet and caring guys that are middle class and have a soft body?

arrogant caring guy who is middle class and have a soft body !


8. Do you ship Super Generation?



9. What did you think of when you first found it?

Strange then i liked it !


10. Do you sing Korean songs even if you aren't that good? (which I'm not saying you are)

Yeah i sing sujus songs really much !


11. Have you ever been disappointed by your ultimate bias because they did something?

NO !



My ing Questions


1. Do you think to love someone who loves another human is right ?

2. Do you ever had lovepain ?

3. Who is better rapper ? Pitbull or Hyukjae ?

4. Better dancer ? Taemin or Hyukjae ?

5. Say 3 citys in Germany !

6. Who is the right one for hae ? Jess or Hyuk ?

7. Which k-songs do you hate ?

8. Which song are you hearing this times really much(i'm hearing bittersweet while crying) ?

9. Which k-MV that you saw was your first ?

9. Do you believe in True Love ?

10. Imagine: in my status is written: "i'm dying help me or i will die! seriously help me!" and i'm not coming online since then ! what would you do ?

11. I will change my AFF name to a name with who have the word "ruby" ! but i don't have a idea ! pls help me and say a example ! ThanKyu !















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-intothenewworld- #1
1. Do you think to love someone who loves another human is right ?
yeah, it's fine. because you can't control who you love. but if you become the "mistress", then no, that's not right.

2. Do you ever had lovepain ?
like pain as a result of love? yes.
3. Who is better rapper ? Pitbull or Hyukjae ?
uhhh have to go with pitbull on this one...
i like hyukjae better but pitbull's rapping is pretty cool so...
4. Better dancer ? Taemin or Hyukjae ?
5. Say 3 citys in Germany !
frankfurt, munich... & berlin
6. Who is the right one for hae ? Jess or Hyuk ?
hyuk. jess is right for tiffany
7. Which k-songs do you hate ?
...bubble pop. sorry hyuna fans. i just don't really like it. >.< i mean i don't hate it but... uh... yeah i don't like it
8. Which song are you hearing this times really much(i'm hearing bittersweet while crying) ?
mama & history
9. Which k-MV that you saw was your first ?
gee by girls' generation <3
9. Do you believe in True Love ?
yes, it's just hard (near impossible! maybe) to find
10. Imagine: in my status is written: "i'm dying help me or i will die! seriously help me!" and i'm not coming online since then ! what would you do ?
i don't know. i don't know OTL
11. I will change my AFF name to a name with who have the word "ruby" ! but i don't have a idea ! pls help me and say a example ! ThanKyu !
because i like flower names :)