First K-POP related Dream.


Okay I'll tell you what I can remember about my dream since it's been 12 hours... TT

So apparently I, myself, was UKISS's manager for the day and we were in their dorms with somehow some girls that they like. The girls were to be in the room with the guys who liked them. There were only two girls at the time and one of them went into Eli's room (he was sleeping by himself - yes I know, not real but yeah. LOL) while the other went into Kevin and Kiseop's room. Xander was in a room by himself - one with an air-conditioner. Dongho and AJ shared one while Soohyun, Hoon and Kibum shared another. I remember telling them all to sleep at around one in the morning. I knocked on each of the doors to made sure they were asleep and then knocked on Xander's. There I found out that he wasn't asleep yet because of the heat so I told him to turn on the air-conditioner and left the room, only to have Xander telling me to sleep more. I laughed it off and said it was fine, it was for them. He nodded hesistantly before I closed the door and fell asleep on the couch at three?

From there, it jumped and I was the girl in Eli's room. I realised that this girl had feelings for Eli and he had feelings for her. Somehow, they were now in a relationship before all this kissing mushy things happened. Apparently, he had proposed to her and she accepted before they fell asleep, hugging each other.

It jumped again and I was back in my own body. I had woken up at five having only two hours of rest before knocking on each of their dorms, jerking them awake. Kiseop, Kevin, Eli, Xander, AJ and the two girls easily woke up while I had to walk into Kibum's room to wake them up. Soohyun and Hoon woke up groggingly while Kibum just sat straight up and shoved a video container into my face, grinning like a mad man and saying 'I have yadong.' Soohyun and Hoon instantly popped beside him and grinned at me. I face-palmed myself before telling them to hurry up and get ready.wake up the others asking what made them stay awake. Their reply was that it was too hot and then I asked why didn't they turn on the air-conditioner. The look on their face asked me 'What air-conditioner?'. Xander called out saying that his room was the only one with the air-conditioner. I facepalmed myself and just said the same thing as Xander before walking away. Dongho was the only one that wasn't awake yet so I tickled him awake. He laughed so hard at the sudden interaction and fell off the bed and onto the ground. I continued to tickle him before he knocked me off my feet and I landed on top of him (with my hands supporting myself that my face was mere centimetres away from him). I quickly gave him a peck on the forehead before telling him to shush since his eyes widened and his mouth opened. I quickly got off him and skipped(?) away with a grin on my face and a tint of pink dusted against my cheeks.

When we were just about to leave, their was a flash of light that made us covered our eyes. From there, I jumped to the same girl who liked Eli. Our hands were connected and we were in a totally different world with flying things. FLYING CLOCKS AND DRESSES AS SOME! Apparently, I went around with him looking for wedding things. I could remember part of it how I went to look for a wedding gown and Eli suggested something blue which made me shoot him a 'Are-you-kidding-me?' look. But somehow, we got caught by security guards for being people from another 'world' that made them curious. They brought us into a laboratory where they stripped me down to my undergarments. This made Eli and I nervous. I began to thrash about while Eli struggled in their grip before another blinding light came from both(?) our bodies and blinding the 'scientists'. They were confused because I was now gone but I was in fact 'invisible'. I somehow slipped out of the chains and pulled Eli away from the scientists midest the confusion.

From there I jumped to near outer space. There was a rock on the edge of outer space and the Earth's atmosphere where Kevin, Kiseop and the other girl was. Kevin and Kiseop woke up at the same time and they instantly became afraid of dying that seals(?) came from thir body and joined with another - the one from the girl. Black gasly like substance came floating above her body before it formed navy-blue egg and a sign on it. The two signs from Kevin and Kiseop joined together with the seal to form a sign that looked a whole like Maplestory's Evan character. Then the gg began to crack and a onyx dragon came from it with a large roar before it disappeared back into her body. This caused her to jerk awake and fall back into the new 'Earth' with the two boys where Eli and the other girl was. The girl with the strength of a dragon fought back before disappearing with the rest of the crew.

From that point, I was in the girl with dragon's strength's body. We went to our so called 'dorm' since it had changed a whole lot. Eli instantly pulled in his girl and began ty things with her. The thing was, the window was opened so we could hear the groaning and . We entered and ignored the fact that they were doing it. We all stayed there for a few minutes before I heard a car rolling up. I went outside and saw Soohyun trying to pull everyone in the rain. I rolled my eyes before I pushed the car into the garage while at the same time getting myself drenched. This surprised him btu I just shrugged it off before I opened the door and helped carry everyone out. I started with Xander and AJ while Soohyun got his dorm mates. There were two people missing which was my originally body and Dongho. I asked Soohyun who just shrugged it off.

THEEEEEEEEEEN! before I knew it was dark and we were in a flying car - do note about the flying things i mentioned earlier.  We were going out of space but we were able to breathe. Xander was flying the car and then there was 'EXO planet' which were inhabitied by the 'EXO-Masians'. (LOL At my lame pun.) We all assumed that was where Dongho and my old body is so we started to head there, hoping to meet any of the members of EXO-M to help aid our search. We flew at high speed and then....











.... I woke up. LOLOLOL But still! The kiss on Dongho's head was fresh in my mind and I couldn't get it out! I guess this is what I get since Dongho's my second ultimate bias... LOL HE'S STILL CUTE THOUGH! FOREVER A KISSme! <3


P.S!: Yadong = . Yes, as in that ual . LOLOLOL


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