Deleting my AFF

Now, before you all freak out (I don't know if you will or not but I'm just saying lol) I am making another account and going to start over! I am honestly not happy with my stories on this account. I feel like they are crap and I am not doing my best. I want to do better and so I am going to start over with a new account and new stories. This time I am going to try my best and give you guys my best work instead of something I feel was written by a second grader. So, I think my new account will be along the name of yonghwabias09 (similar to the name of this one). I really do feel like all my stories crappy. I'm kind of hard on myself when it comes to this stuff. I love to write I do but I know I can do better. I'm sorry :(. My first story on my new account will be called: He is my wonderful problem.

if you want me to add you on my new account please comment on this blog and I will write your name down so I can do so or you can look up my new user. :). I am going to delete this account at 11:30 pm Washington state time which is about 55 minutes >.<


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ukwonbias09 #1
Alright I shall :D
elisaexplosive #2
You should add me! ♥
add me on ur new account plz... :)