Tagged by ChocolateSky and Guestz


I'm not posting the rules because I don't really like these things, but heck, I might as well answer the questions right?


Questions from ChocolateSky

1.  Shopping  in a big mall or reading in a quite place?

Reading in a quiet place. I have social anxiety. 

2. Have you seen Exo funny gifs and macros ? XD

Yes, plenty.

3. Do you like Niel? and why?

Yes, he's extremely funny in the practice videos.

4. Do you love me? XD

I don't necessarily love you, but I definitely don't hate you. So, it's more like a like.

5. Who are the three handsomest members from INFINITE?

Woohyun, Myungsoo, and Sungyeol.

6. If Chunji and Ljoe are in danger and you can only save one who would you choose?

WHY must you do this? They are my biases of Teen Top. T.T

7. Do you prefer wearing skirts or pants?

Pants. I DETEST skirts.

8. Daehyun or Jongup?


9. How do you desbribe Bang YongGuk?

Amazing, husky voiced rapper with a handsome face that is too old for me. T~T

10. Are a Manga\Anime lover ?

I AM a manga/anime lover.

11. Where are you right now? XP

Laying on a mattress in my living room since my bedroom is being repainted and currently has nothing in it. I'm gonna be roomless for a few days, so no updates because I have to help paint and there is no way I'm writting in the living room.


Questions from Guestz

1. Kpop band bias? and your bias in that band.

TVXQ. Changmin.

2. Favorite movie (any movie)? Or one that you are currently absolutely in love with?

The Amazing Spiderman

3. If you read manga or watch anime, which is your favorite?

Nabari No Ou

4. So, pokemon or digimon?


5. What is/are your favourite character/s? (from anywhere; manga/anime/novels/movies/tvshows/fanfics/doujinshis/etc)

Pikachu. (only one I can think of at the moment. Blast my tired brain)

6. Are you still in school?

Yes, I have two years left in senior high, well, at the moment three, but come August and it'll slowly become less than three. ^^

7. Do you like Snakes (the lolly version ...not the real live ones ==")?


8. Top five OTPs?

MyungYeol, ChunJoe (or whatever it's called when there is Top!L.Joe and Bottom!Chunji), WooGyu,YaDong (funniest pairing name EVER since it mean in Korean), and JongKey and Yunjae are tied for fifth.

9. What's your favourite animal? (mythical creastures included)

Wolf, the gray wolf to be exact.

10. The sweetest thing someone has ever done to you. (since I have not idea how to answer this... you guys can =D)

It's something a previous crush did, but it's a little too long to be told here...sorry. ^^

11. Languages that you can speak...

Fluently: English, French, and Spainish (three major languages where I live)

Nearly fluently: Korean, Japanese, and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

Learning: Italian, German, Malay. ^^



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You like Nabari No Ou so do I when the anime ended i was sad since it was a sad scene as well