
Yeah, so lately I haven't been talking, updating, and stuff like that...

I've commented on a few stories and stuff, but that's basically all that I do when I'm online.



There's a reason for that.

Recently, I actually went through depression... It's not a terrible case of it... But it does cause a lot of pain.

Honestly, everything in me hurts right now. I don't talk often anymore, I only talk properly to a selected few, damn it, I even cry more often now. It's like, I've been torn apart. I feel so emotionless, but yet I feel all the hurt people are putting me through. 

It's hard to smile now, because it's fake. 

I don't even know who I am anymore. I used to be that happy, loud, idiotic, erted, teenager that makes everyone happy or annoyed. And now, I'm just... A person that's different from that. The opposite.

My friend situation, got worse.

I swear, at this point, there's only one person who's my true friend. The worst part is, we're always apart from each other. Everyone I thought I trusted, just... I don't even know. They changed. He changed, she changed. 

At one point, I thought I had nothing to live for.

No, I didn't think of suicide. Although it's been a thought of mine a few years ago. I thought of leaving my life in Toronto for a new one in another city/province. But I know it would just make everything worse for me.

Yeah, I just thought I'd write all that I feel down. 

'Kay, bye.


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sometimes I feel the same tho,
nothing i can say, best wishes fo ya