a REAL poem.

I'm not Shakespear. Or a poem wriing emo. But all I know is; You don't need to live in this shadow. Shadow of no hope. Expectation of being less than what you're made of. You're creation. You make You. Don't let anyone tell you you're not. You're not different nor are you weird for how you were born. You just have enough courage to express who you are. What you are for. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel and Your glow is bright enough to get there. Wipe your tears. Keep your head up. This is enough: To push you. To motivate you. Your weakness is your STRENGTH. You're wait might be long. But, I promise, You'll make it. You'll smile. Be Happy. If you're S T R O N G. ♥

Hey guys xD i dont usually write stuff like this >.> im sorry if u didnt like it but i was feeling poetic so~ bleh xD.


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That was really good!~~^^
yogurtlegs #2
-___- pft man u guys
DarlingIDo #3
Aibii Unni's was better...
yogurtlegs #4
Bro gtf outta here bro lol
I have a poem c:

"Roses are red.
Tomatoes are, too.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Let's go eat some soup"