- My intake on all this SHINee controversy.

- Well, 

most of you probably don't care on what my opinion is;

this is basically just a rant,

sorta. xD




All I've been reading and seeing EVERYWHERE is revolving around that JongTae moment,

and now;

that 2Min kiss is taking over.

I for one, 

am not too bothered by it.


Being an extreme and psycho JongKey shipper,

you all probably think I'm lying.

But as I mentioned in my blog before,

JongTae and KeyTae moments don't bother me too bad.

It's the MinKey moments I can not deal with.


But fer real.

People are taking this way too seriously.

First off,

look at TaeMin while JongHyun was all up on him.

Did he even look interested?


He wanted to pull away,

he tried;

but JongHyun was grabbing onto his hair.

And before you say,


To be real,

both of them have to enjoy the moment.


JongHyun clearly has been watching HeeChul moments or somethin',

'cause he's getting all these fanservice tips from him.

No lie.

If you didn't know,

HeeChul's pretty much the master at fanservice.

Especially if you like hot makeout sessions. O.o

But then again,

they are from SM Entertainment;

Gods of all fanservice. [;


But back to this JongTae moment,

it's going to cool off sooner or later.

And it's not like all JongKey shippers lost hope,

'cause I for one;

will never.

JongKey is what you call REAL.

Take my absolute word for it.

They're real because they don't need to do stuff like that to show it,

they're real just by the way they have those cheesy smiles after catching each other's glances.

THOSE are the moments I really cherish.

Because those are the moments you can actually feel.


Now onto that 2Min kiss.

I'm happy that this came out AFTER the JongTae moment,

'cause if it came before;

2Min fans would rage.

And trust me,

me being an obsessed 2Min shipper;

I was more than happy to see a moment between them,

'cause I completely forgot about JongTae.


once again;

that 2Min kiss made me happy inside,

it helped fix my feels;



Now if you're reading this and still think I'm crazy,

get this;

I will defend JongKey and 2Min with all my effing heart.

If you don't think what JongHyun is doing is fanservice,

and you think it's real;


He kissed MinHo.

JongKey still had moments afterwards,

JongHo was pretty much over after that.

He effing tried our poor baby TaeMin.

JongKey still lives.

And remember that towel moment between him and Key?


that beats all those other moments with JongHyun and any other SHINee members COMBINED.


So that's right,

hate all you want;

but JongKey will always beat every other couple.


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I totally and utterly agree, you beautiful person, you. <3
versxce #2
I am actually fine with all of SHINee pairings.....espesially JongKey and 2Min....JongTae im just not used to along with MinKey
I don't ship Jongtae because they've NEVER had a legit moment until that moment at the concert. I'm fine with them, but they're shippers bug me what with they're rubbing it in Jongkey shippers' faces. (Taemin did kind of pull away in Jongtae's kiss, but in 2min's he just stayed for the ride. xD)