so, happyapple  tagged me.



1. Answer 11 questions or die

2. Tag or don't tag 11 people you know Honey Badger don't care >:D   

3. After making your own 11 Qs tag said 11 people and link them to your blog post and get candy

4. Let them know they've been tagged by sending a message/wall post…or stand outside their room and tap on the glass.


1. Pick your top two OTPs…now have them battle each other in a duel. Who wins? (ex. Tao and Kris against Khun and Wooyoung…ohmygad what have I wished? o_O Tao's wushu against Khun's Thai-ness ohmyfreakingshindongthisisinsanity)

lol okay. uhm ... Taoris versus Ubomb.

" ukwon used kawaii kitty face laser power on Taoris. it is very affective on Kris. Tao used bbuing bbuing kawaii to the max beam on Ubomb. it affects his own teammate, Kris. Kris fainted. Taoris lose. "



2. What was your first Kpop song?

Bad Girl - Beast.

i was a hardcore b2uty ok lolol


3. Best fanfic you've ever read and why.

my own fics. ohyeah. 

nah, i dont really know.

but i do love Being Human(i cried Orz), the great wonderwall of China, Just In Time and a one shot ( i forgot the title ) about how Kris have to live a poor life because of Tao. it was sweet, tho and ty hurhur.

all of them are Taoris fics and i love them because its Taoris.


4. First fanfic you've ever read and what fandom.

uhm. i dont even finished reading that fic because heck, it was long. and it was a DBSK fic and i dont really stan them. lol my friend asked me to read it. its a fic. c:


5. You walk into an ice cream parlor hoping to get some frozen delight…and then you see your bias standing there. What pickup line would you use? >:)

hey zico.

i just met you and this is crazy.

but i watch your every shows, listen to all your songs, have a folder full of your pictures from debut until now and another folder of your body ,

so have my babies maybe.


6. Most despised pairing in Kpop

Zico x Kyung.

because Zico belongs to me, yaw.


7. If you were an idol, which entertainment industry would you want to debut under?


because the interior is pretty and ................. big bang.


8. Pick a career for Joon of MBLAQ besides "stripper". (If you don't know him, pick something other than a stripper or an accountant XD)

my something to cuddle at night. aha. /gets strangled by Zico


9. Who is the girliest face in Kpop? (with the exception of Ren from Nu'est)

well, in that case.

i present to you, my 2nd bias, Kim Himchan.

aint he kawaii?  (◕‿◕✿)


10. Favorite singer/artist outside of Kpop.

theres no lyfe without kpop. what are u talking about.


11. Last question. What is your favorite group and why? (Back in Kpop…or not. Doesn't matter ^^)

Block B. my babies. idk i just love these dorks and their music. i'm still upset about what happened to them and how Zico have been missing in action since then, but yeah. Block B have grown up a lot without Zico. they were so dependent on Zico before, having Zico missing like that, they have to find their own identity and ways to shine. it was awkward at first, but i think they're okay now. and i hope i can see the 7 of them on stage again, having fun, and smiling. thats all i ever wanted. well, except for having Zico to marry me. Block B, i love them for who they are, not for who the fans want them to be. may the next comeback will be hot as hell and may the haters burn themselves, ok. OT7 forever. <3


and to tag eleven friends.

the truth is idk how to tag. ohoho. i'll just let you guise know on your wall ;______; /sad lyfe


so, here's my q.

1. who was your first bias and why

2. which kpop idol that you'd want him/her to be your sibling and why

3. choose. your boyfriend or your bias ?

4. what was the last tag u tracked in aff

5. what kind of story do read the most

6. what if your bias read the story you authored . (◕‿◕✿)

7. who will you turn gay for in kpop

8. when was the first time you listen to kpop song.

9. what is 10 most played song in your phone/mp3

10. what is your fav song?

11. fav quote by a kpop idol.


happy answering =w=




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infinitecolours #1
o.e xD wait I'm gonna do this later~~
Daw XD
Good luck then, this thing is really fun to do, tho ;_____;