Please Read (OOC) *Forgot to mention, Taeyang is my cousin in RL>.> and Taecyeon is my brother>.>

Hey, so I'm gonna be Semi- Hiatus Tuesday the 24th through Saturday the 28th. I'll be in Viva Las Vegas baby! haha!



People have been showin' their faces, and some- trollin' >.>

I'm not gonna troll as this is going to be my parting gift to yew people.


My name is Aaron, I was born on 08/22/1996 and I'm a fanboy>.<

I live in California (Woot) having 100% filipino blood in me. However, I was born in America so I don't speak the language...

Note: The last two pictures is me waking up with no pants... and the last one is for someone in the rp who we will not mention. Have fun looking at me fugly self all you pedos, creepers, stalkers, or normal people>.>






























Told you I was fugly>.>


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CuTE_BOmI_ApINk #1
OMG! You're not fugly you're handsome and cute!^^
omg you're a fanboy.
I love you already.
OkTaecyeon- #3
You so cute~
{ you're not fugly! I would smack you for saying that >.< You're cute :D not even gonna lie on that lol }
SoNyuhShiDae_Yuri #5
((forgot to mention that u rnt fugly and ur cute....))
SoNyuhShiDae_Yuri #6
((u do have a nice sense of style and I would count myself a normal person and ur not fugly! I went to las Vegas like about 2 or 3 weeks ago for my dance competition.... Have fun! ^^;; oh and what part of Cali? I live in California too!!))
( Oppa! ^^ i like your sense of style :) )
you like purple?
/ignoring your fugly comment/
I would like to consider myself the normal people. Uhhhhh ehem nice collarbone ehem and have fun in Vegas bro~ I heard they have Lego Land ^^
{{ LMFAO. /shakes head and facepalms
Dude you're not fugly xDD
You're actually kinda cute c: }}
Jjonghyun #11
I live in cali too! But im half filipino