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Beautiful   Stranger  

{Aff Username} secretseweet

{Profile Link} 

{What should I call you?} Ju


  Girls   On  Top    

{Name} Kim Seon Yul

{Nickname(s)} Melody,Little Devil,Yeobo(By Key),Honey,Biatch(By the girls who are jealous of her)

{Age} 20 

{Birthdate} 13 March 1992

{Place of Birth} Paris,France

{Hometown} Paris,France 

{Height} 169

{Weight} 48

{Languages} Fluent-English,Korean and French ; Semi fluent-Japanese and Chinese

{Ethnicity} Korean-French


Sexy  Lady 

{Ulzzang Name} Jung Roo


{Back-Up Ulzzang} Hwang Mi Hee


{Style} She's more to the girly side when it comes to clothing.She loves to wear dress and heels.She has a walk in closet that hold almost 2000 pairs of shoes of different types therefore she never wore the same shoes twice in a month.

Casual: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Formal/Clubbing: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Sleepwear/House wear : [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Beachwear: [1][2][3][4][5]


{If you can't see the pic just copy and paste the link}


Wonderful  Girl    

{Character you're applying for} Girl 2 !!! The rest followed by  1,3,5,6

{Personality}  Ever heard that looks can be deceiving? Well, Melody is proof of that. The face of an angel combined with the personality of the devil. She loves to try things she knows she shouldn't do, just to see if she can get away with it and she normally does. After all, with her pretty face and her skill at doing aegyo, no one can stay mad at her for long. She uses that to her advantage at every opportunity. She's a rebel,she'll do the opposite of what you say just to drive you crazy, but she's also a lot of fun.She gets along well with everybody which refers to the guys and can make a cold person smile and reach up to her.She love to joke a lot and pull pranks on people,even those she doesn't know.She will always make you speechless as she got a very sharp tongue so it's impossible to win against her when bickering with her.She is an observant girl who can read you like a book that take life as it is.She is able to analyze and read people’s minds just by observing their body language, facial expressions and from the tone of voice.She has a outgoing and bubbly personality that will make sure you love her.She will never let an awkward moment last more than 10 seconds.She is one restless daredevil. She can never sit still, never do nothing for a long time. She's always itching to do something, and always speaks exactly what she says, no matter what crude or inappropriate comment, and acts without any regard for consequences later on.

She acts like a baby due to be pampered by her father.She never met her mother before but there's a part of her that knows what her mother is like.Being a mix-blood who was born in the rich family ,simple things amuse her easily..She doesn't get angry easily, she has a pretty good temper, a good-nature person. But if you do insult her badly, she just finds some way to get back at you. Getting angry? Simply put it, that's just not her style.You can count on her in times of need,she will help people in her own way.If you was caught bullying people especially her friends,you will be living in a hell until you apologize and promise not to do it again.For example,you will find your favorite things started to disappear,hole in your clothing,super glue on your chair and so on...And the best part? She's not even serious when getting back at you, to her, it's all in good fun. Plain entertainment.She will let out an ear-piercing shriek when she saw cockroach.

She has the brain but she doesn't want to make full use of it. She has the body and the looks, but so what? She doesn't believe in love anyway.Love. What is love? Does such a thing exist? Frankly, she doesn't want to care. All she wants is to have fun, pissing people off, laughing, and just having a great time in life. She wants to become a famous Fashion Designer; that’s probably the only thing she takes seriously.Dating guys? Yes, she’s so passionate that she has love available for more than one person. Ten? Fifteen? fifty? How many has she dated? She’d lost count ages ago.Still she doesn't allow those guys to take advantage of her.Having ?Dreams on!She'll kick your 'baby' so that you won't have father's day!The girls hate her, the guys love her. But she doesn't give them the time of the day. She just sees them, uses them for pure entertainment. Life is boring, live it to the fullest, have fun, that's her motto.But yet, she still believes in love, well not romantically though. She loves her friends, truly, but she hates people questioning about why she plays around, why she likes to prank so much. Because it’s just who she is.

It’s hard for her to get serious, but once she does you'll need a sledge hammer to break her focus.She is a perfectionist therefore she work way harder than everyone until she's satisfied with the outcome.People are often worried that she might collapsed anytime due to overwork.When she start a project, she spend extra time understanding and trying to follow directions than others might. When she is doing something, all of her attention is focused on it. She tend to stick to a goal and follow it through to the end, even if it seems impossible. She tend to be less than cooperative, as she like to follow her own rules and her own ideas.She pay attention to her thoughts a little more than her feelings, and therefore can sometimes seem cold and serious.

She is often misunderstand by her friend because of her personality.She's the type of person who was always seen as the bad guy by other people.She can suddenly be nasty to you so that you would hate her because she would rather you hates her than seeing you getting hurts.She doesn't mind suffering alone as long as the one she loved are fine.She's someone who treasure her friends a lot so if you threaten her with her friend she'll make sure you suffer twice as much and she wouldn't hold back.

Never ever asked her to cook!You'll probably lost your taste bud after eating her cooking.Her cooking might appear delicious but once you eat it....That's the end!! She can't even differentiate between sugar and salt by it's appearance until she taste it herself.Her cooking is that wonderful that even the fire alarm are cheering for her.So! Never ever ask her to cook if you does not want to end up in hospital

{Summary} She's a total troublemaker and a total boyaholic.She loves creating trouble,looking at guys and dumping them.She is an artistic person since arts run on her blood. She can never sit still, never do nothing for a long time. She's always itching to do something, and always speaks exactly what she says, no matter what crude or inappropriate comment, and acts without any regard for consequences later on.  She just pulling pranks and jokes on people even those she doesn't know.



Oreo crush(Drinks)




•Make up

•Shopping especially for shoes/heels


•Open spaces(balcony/roof top)

•Star Gazing

•High place(Observatories)





•Crawly insects



•Gruesome and Bloody things (Horror Movies)

•Cigarette Smoke



•Alcoholic drinks

•Spicy foods

•Hot weathers




•She always put all her best effort in doing anything

•She will never let a place to be messy with her around

•She is always hyper in front of people

•Hide under the table/blanket or inside the closet when there's thunder

•Scream every time see cockroaches or other insects no matter how small is it

•Hides her feeling well when she's sad or hurt

•Never listen to anyone and always creating troubles

•She will go shopping/surfing if she's unhappy or somewhere no one can find her

•Dumping one guys after maximum 2 weeks




•Travelling/Goes on adventure

•Fashion Designing

•Taking Photos

•Surfing and snorkeling

•Sneaking out


•Collecting Heels/Shoes



•Looking at guys



•She preferred speaking in English and French than Korean

If she's having mood swing,she'll have this scary aura that told you not to go near her

Fav Colour is Pink and Sky Blue

•Most of her stuff are pink in color

She dreams on becoming a Fashion Designer

•When she was 6,she washed her father handphone in the basin because she thinks it was too dirty

She doesn't drink alcoholic drinks or else she would go kissing people on the lips (not even o.1% alcohol)

She can't take a slightest spicy things or else she would cry

•She is always on-time

•She doesn't like to say 'oppa' 

•She loved eating lollipop and only ate strawberry milk flavor ,she can eat one lollipop for almost 2 hours

•She's a shoeaholic

•Afraid of thunder

•Afraid of cockroaches

•Afraid of blood and ghost

•She's nyctalopia-she has night blindness that's why she can't see in the dark

Piercing: Naval , left ear right ear

Necklace  (This is her parent wedding necklace that her father gave her and it's very important to her,maybe more important than her life)

•She drive car and motorcycle


Girl   Two

{How are you going to get him?} 

He's practically the first guy after she changed who isn't attracted to her no matter how hard she tried.All he did was ignoring her and making her more attracted to him.She will comes and visit him at the cafe everyday without fail and just sit there looking at him.Practically,she is just like stalking him! She'll come and bugs him,doing thing that she herself never imagine that she'll be doing it again.Even the god is helping her when she found him loitering around the streets,after being kicked out by his parents.She took him in and they started to live under one roof.That's when she get to know they get to know each other more.She became more of her real self in front of him while he's still as cold as ever.They are inseperable,they can't bear to leave each other's side and seriously sticking to each other like a super glue.Actually it was her who like to stick around him and trust me it's really hard to shrug her off.



Dear  My Family 


 Father | Tom Ford | 48 | Fashion Designer and Film Director | alive | He is a very sweet and fun loving father.He can be really childish and dorky at the same time | He is someone who'll always be there and support her no matter what happened.He really pampered her a lot He's often away for business trip but he make it a point to call her everyday no matter how busy he is.He'll never forgets to bring back present for her when he visits her which would add to the gigantic collection she had

 Mother | Kim Jae Hee | 46 | Shoe Designer and Beautician | dead | Her dad told her that her mom is the most gentle and kind woman he ever met. | Melody had never got the chance to interact with her mother since she died during child birth.She hated spending her birthday because it'll always remind her that she killed her mother.Even though no one ever always told her that it's not her fault,she can't help to blame herself.


{Siblings} N/A

{Family Background} Her mother was once a famous shoe designer and beautician and her father was a famous designer for branded brands like Gucci,Prada,Louis Vuitton,Chanel and Armani.Most of the stuffs were personally designed by her parents and they rarely asked people to select stuff for them.They were very well respected people by the society.Her father was the top 10 richest man in the world.Her parent meet when their company decided to have a fashion show.Her father and mother then moved to Paris,France after they got married.Not long after that,her mother was pregnant with Melody but she died during childbirth.He was devastated about it but he somehow managed to move on seeing the exact replica of his wife on Melody.Her father pampered and treated her like a princess.He would do anything you ask him to as he think he's sorry for not able to give her a complete family.Being the daughter of a famous designers,she has every single limited edition of gowns, dresses, jewelries, shoes that many others did not have.She always believe in fairy tale until...that day.

In her school in France,the popular ones are always the cheerleader and the jocks.The students will treat you like you own the school and will hurriedly get off from your way.Being the head of cheerleader at a seventh grade,she was obviously popular and in addition she dated the captain of the rugby team.She thought at that moment she found her soul mate,her prince charming and they were told to be the perfect couple but who would have guess that their relationship only lasted for 2 weeks.She was completely betrayed when she caught him and another girl trying to have in the gym.She confronted him and all he said was:"Do you really think that I dated you because I love you?I dated you because you are the most popular girl in this school." We stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant everything. In his eyes, there was no trace of what had happened between them earlier and she could feel something inside her break.So that was that.They were finally, finally over.She looked at him, and she felt so sad, because this thought occurred to her: 'I will never look at you the same way again. I'll never be that girl again. The girl who comes running back every time you push her away, the girl who loves you anyway.' That day marks the end of her fairy tale belief and eventually joined the dating game where she'll dumped guys after maximum of 2 weeks.

Even though,she was dating all these jerks,she was actually secretly waiting for her prince charming who wants her for the real Kim Seon Yul not as the boys heart breaker Kim Seon Yul.She decided to move back to Korea when she was 17,worried that she might got into trouble,her father asked her to stay with Key but fortunately she managed to convince her father to let her stay alone.Her father would call her everyday no matter how busy he is and often visits her when he is free.He never fails to bring back presents for her every time he visits which add would add to the gigantic collection she had.


You   And   I


Hyuna  |   20  |  Student/Model   |   Idol(4Minute)  |The y girl that makes guys crazily fall in love with her.She has the most creative,evil,smart ideas and she's a loyal and caring girl-friend.She's a total lazy and dorky when no one's around. | They are really crazy,they can do crazy stuff and are not embarrassed of it even if it's in the public.They are always joking all the time.

Ryeowook  |   25  |  Pediatric  |  Idol(Super Junior)  | He's kind,caring and thoughtful and a really clean freak.  |  He's like an older brother to her.He always appear when she needed his advice and help.He's overprotective and treats her like his real sister and he's a clean freak.He is always there when you need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.He always listen and just can't turn down her request.He's very kind and caring towards her 

Minwoo  |    17  |  Student/DJ  | Idol(Boyfriend)  | He's really childish and cute joker guy.He is so thick skinned and can be seen as conceited as he think himself as handsome and cute.He is like her partner-in-crime,he never fails to make her tear at his joke and he really love doing skinship to her.


{Best Friends} 

Kibum  | 21 | CEO of COEX Mall  | Idol The naggy diva umma that's overprotective of you since you were small.He's very straight forward and doesn't care about other's people as long as he get his massage across.He is like a mother basically,he just can't stop nagging at every little thing.He can give you sermons that can makes you go deaf if you make him angry and he's the one who understand you the most.They are always having verbal fight but he never fails to be by her side when she needed him.Being childhood best friend,many people said that we are childhood sweetheart.She got a V.V.I.P Card from him and he would often lend her his Gold Card for her to go shopping when she's angry

{Rival(s)}   Naeun |  18 | Student/Actress | Idol(A-pink) | She's a kind, caring , adorable , all traits of a perfect girlfriend that guys ever dream of and that just makes her harder to hate especially when Naeun and Myungsoo met at the exact same cafe before Melody met him and they hit it off right away...She is like the sweetest thing on earth. 

{Reason} They aren't exactly rival..They are more like normal friends.She likes him and he likes her.They weren't dating but people could tell that they like each other.She doesn't even seem to mind that Melody is always around him because she believe that Myungsoo likes her.Even though,she sometimes feel that Melody is always being the third party she keep it to herself and tried to act normal.Melody was jealous of her because she was able to make him smile no matter what.


Loving  U

{Love Interest} Kim Myungsoo

{Personality} He is just the total opposite of her.In front of people he's not close with he can be a total cold and mysterious guy who doesn't care about other people say.He doesn't talk to much or smile,all he did is just ignoring you.Rude eh? That's how he appears to be.If he smiles,all the girls will became head over heels over his smile.He just don't trust people easily and is not easy for him to open up to someone.He doesn't really know how to express his feelings well but surprisingly he's just super romantic and sweet to the girl he likes. Believe it or not!He's way more romantic than those dramas.He appears not to care about what you do but actually he cares and he'll help you in the shadow and anonymously.When he opens up,you actually find him very friendly,loyal and a gentleman.He's a very smart and observant guy who can analyze and read people’s minds just by observing their body language, facial expressions and from the tone of voice. He protect his friends and always be there for them when they needed him.He can get jealous easily  and overprotective.He will gives off those death stares that will send chills down your spine when anyone tries to hit on the girl he loves.You dare to hurt her or badmouthing about her,you will find yourself living in hell.He can cook like a professional and he love doing skinship to her. He often got irritated by her and no matter what she does he would just coldly ignore him.She caught him smiling once but it was when he was with another girl and because she wants to see that smile again but this time is because of her.This is why she always bugs him and never let him has a single peace moments.Even though he sometimes feels like smiling when seeing her doing all those dorky thing,he will try try his best to suppress it as not to give her any satisfaction.He will either turn around or walked away smiling so that she can't see his expression.She's the only one who can make him furious and laugh the next. They are totally the opposite of each other but like people say "opposite attracts".Don't you agree?

{How did you meet each other?} She was walking to the most popular cafe in Seoul,Cabae Duream,when a guy walked past her and grab her .That guy is totally tired of living!She was having a mood swing that time and she take off her shoes and throw it at that person but that person dodge it.You know where the shoe lands,yeah it practically hit Myungsoo's head.Myungsoo was walking in front of her that time when suddenly a shoes just hit him.He was so angry that someone throw a shoes at him and tried to find the owner of the shoes.After throwing,Melody quickly hide and walked away with only one shoes on.Myungsoo looks down at the peoples foot and to find who only has one shoes on,he followed her and finally caught her.She was shocked when someone called her that she forget her shoes and that she almost killed him.She smiled seductively at him before snatching the shoes from him and ran away.She apologized as loudly as she ran off.Later that day,they meet again at the cafe that she was planning to go just now but the cafe was so crowded that the only empty seat was in front of him.She cleared to catch his attention and he looks up.They were so shocked when they recognized each other from earlier.She then tried to remain compose herself before doing her flirting technique on him which was the 'Flip and Wave'.Usually guys will fall head over heels for her but he just stare at her coldly before went back to doing his research.She sat on the chair without even getting his permission and try to start a conversation with him.She started to stare at him and admire his handsome feature until he cleared his throat and said"It's rude to stare at people!" without even looking up from his work.He abruptly stood up and went off to the kitchen.That's when she found out he was actually working there.She has been coming to the cafe just to see him.

{Back-Up Love Interest} Kim Dong Jun

{Personality} He is just the total opposite of her.In front of people he's not close with he can be a total cold and mysterious guy who doesn't care about other people say.He doesn't talk to much or smile,all he did is just ignoring you.Rude eh? That's how he appears to be.If he smiles,all the girls will became head over heels over his smile.He just don't trust people easily and is not easy for him to open up to someone.He doesn't really know how to express his feelings well but surprisingly he's just super romantic and sweet to the girl he likes. Believe it or not!He's way more romantic than those dramas.He appears not to care about what you do but actually he cares and he'll help you in the shadow and anonymously.When he opens up,you actually find him very friendly,loyal and a gentleman.He's a very smart and observant guy who can analyze and read people’s minds just by observing their body language, facial expressions and from the tone of voice. He protect his friends and always be there for them when they needed him.He can get jealous easily  and overprotective.He will gives off those death stares that will send chills down your spine when anyone tries to hit on the girl he loves.You dare to hurt her or badmouthing about her,you will find yourself living in hell.He can cook like a professional and he love skinship but he only does it to her. He often got irritated by her and no matter what she does he would just coldly ignore him.She caught him smiling once but it was when he was with another girl and because she wants to see that smile again but this time is because of her.This is why she always bugs him and never let him has a single peace moments.Even though he sometimes feels like smiling when seeing her doing all those dorky thing,he will try try his best to suppress it as not to give her any satisfaction.He will either turn around or walked away smiling so that she can't see his expression.She's the only one who can make him furious and laugh the next. They are totally the opposite of each other but like people say "opposite attracts".Don't you agree?

{How did you meet each other?} She was walking to the most popular cafe in Seoul,Cabae Duream,when a guy walked past her and grab her .That guy is totally tired of living!She was having a mood swing that time and she take off her shoes and throw it at that person but that person dodge it.You know where the shoe lands,yeah it practically hit Myungsoo's head.Myungsoo was walking in front of her that time when suddenly a shoes just hit him.He was so angry that someone throw a shoes at him and tried to find the owner of the shoes.After throwing,Melody quickly hide and walked away with only one shoes on.Myungsoo looks down at the peoples foot and to find who only has one shoes on,he followed her and finally caught her.She was shocked when someone called her that she forget her shoes and that she almost killed him.She smiled seductively at him before snatching the shoes from him and ran away.She apologized as loudly as she ran off.Later that day,they meet again at the cafe that she was planning to go just now but the cafe was so crowded that the only empty seat was in front of him.She cleared to catch his attention and he looks up.They were so shocked when they recognized each other from earlier.She then tried to remain compose herself before doing her flirting technique on him which was the 'Flip and Wave'.Usually guys will fall head over heels for her but he just stare at her coldly before went back to doing his research.She sat on the chair without even getting his permission and try to start a conversation with him.She started to stare at him and admire his handsome feature until he cleared his throat and said"It's rude to stare at people!" without even looking up from his work.He abruptly stood up and went off to the kitchen.That's when she found out he was actually working there.She has been coming to the cafe just to see him.


Before This Song Ends

{Other Information About Your Character}   Nothing else ^^                            

{Scene Request(s)}   

 ►Asking him to teach her how to cook but ended up having food fight

►Myungsoo finds it weird when Melody didn't come to bug him for a few days,he was rather not used to it.He even start to think anyone who annoyed him is Melody even though it's someone else.He then decided to ask Key about Melody and told him that she was hospitalized.Key told him that she fainted due to fatigue and it's because she had been trying hard to find Myungsoo's most precious thing that he throw away because he's angry with Melody.

► Kissing under the rain

►She told Myungsoo that she'll be going back to Paris,France for an arranged married.He went to the airport and stopped her                                             

{Ideas For The Story}   Not at the moment >.<                                                     

{Comments}  I guess many people had already told you how amazing is your story is?But I'm still going to tell you that!! Okay,here I go ~ *take a deep breath*  OMGYOURIDEAISTRULYAMAZING!ICAN'TWAITTOREADTHISWHENITSTART!! *pants* I truly hope you like her ^^ Hwaiting !!

{Anything Else}  



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