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tagged by theonedeidara

Rule one: Post the rules

Rule two: Answer the tag of questions the tagger asked you in their post (it'll be in the bottom) and then after make your own 11 questions 

Rule three: Tag eleven people and link them to your post

Rule four: Let them know you taged them


1. If you only had one minute with your favorite Kpop group, what would you do or say?

i'll thank them for their great job and ask them all to hug me :3

2. Which is your favorite kpop song of all time and why?

Better From Shinee, it makes me feel good when i'm sad

3. If you could join any kpop band you wanted, which one would it be and why?

Big Bang?, they seem to have lot's of fun :)

4. From your favorite kpop band, who do you like less and why?


i like them all, but i think i'll have a talk with onew about reciving some of the spotlight *kicks Jonghyung out*/Sorry babe i love you!/

5. If you could do a make-over to a kpop idol, who would it be for and why? (Both girl and boy)


KEY! i don't really like his new hair :)

6. If you had the chance to perform with your favorite Kpop band your favorite song they made, which one would it be and which spot would you pick? (This means one of the members would be replaced by you.)


Shinee's Keeping love again . BYE BYE MINHO~!


7. Which idol would you take with you to a deserted island and why?


Key from shinee, like taemin i think he might be useful in many things :9


8. How many kids do you want to have with your bias and what names have you picked for them?


1 or 2, Alexander and Leah *i just think about that question,*


9. If you could make your bias fall in love with you with food, what would you cook for him/her?


A Romantic Italian Dinner, 


10. If your OTP told you they would act out any story here from AFF to you, which one would you choose for them and why?


Breaking innocence, It was my fist Fanfiction ever and I LOVED IT!


11. Which is your favorite kpop idol quote of all time and why?


" I think i was born with it "






-Name (Write)  your favorite 7 K-pop Groups 
-who's the 1° and  why?
-Favorite song, *write the part and why you like it*
-Favorite Bias?
-The saddest fanfic you've ever read here (AFF)
-Do you like Key from shinee *cuz' i do*, why? 
-Favorite k-drama?
-Kim hyun joong , Lee min ho or Jang Geun Suk
-can you post a picture of your OTP were you think they show their "Love"
-What do you think about gay love? * don't get me wrong, :3 i'm young and i need some orientation*

Sorry But no tagging :I Thank you any ways!


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