Application form for 'Gods and Goddesses' - Lee Ae Yeon


Who are you?

Aff username : AmyL09

Profile link : Click~

What can I call you: Sabrina or you can just call me my username ^^


Who are you again?

Character name: Lee Ae Yeon

Nickname: Her friends usually call her 'A' while her sister calls her 'Yeonnie'.

Your human age: 16

D.O.B: November 29, 1996

Blood type: A

Language that you can speak: Korean,English- Fluent | Chinese-Basic

Height: 164cm

Weight: 50kg


Mirror-mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest/most handsome of them all?

Ulzzang: Eun

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back-up ulzzang: Seo Ji Hye

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4


I like you no matter what.

Personality: Ae Yeon is a very energetic and cheerful girl. She loves moving around and doing activities that uses a lot of energy. She couldn't do these things in the immortal world though. The gods and goddesses were too strict and her mother would always scold her and tell her to act like a real goddess when she tries to play sports. She's very talkative especially when she's with her friend Athena. Ae Yeon is a little boyish or you can also say she's not like most girls. She would rather play sports or participate at a chariot race than to fangirl over a married god. Ae Yeon is very competitive and with her power she always wins. Ae Yeon is very tricky; She can make people say the truth which she learned how to from her friend Athena. She is very approachable; She is very open to making new friends but she doesn't trust people easily since she thinks that they might be only using her to be victorious. Ae Yeon can be really mean to the people she hates and she always fights for what she believes in.  Ae Yeon is a very patient girl. She doesn't get mad easily and she is very intellectual when thinking. She may be really playful but she always becomes serious when she has to. With the help of her wings, that changes depending on her mood, people gets to know what she feels and this is the reason why she doesn't get mad a lot.

                         Ae Yeon in the mortal world is the same as the Ae Yeon of the immortal world. The only difference is she can show her cheerfulness in the mortal world.






 ~Amusement Park


 ~Spicy Foods

 ~Night time



  ~The color pink

  ~People who thinks down on her

  ~hot weather




  ~Playing sports



  ~Surfing the net 


   ~She would either jog or swim when she wakes up

   ~Plays with her hair when she lies

   ~Bites her lip when she's nervous


  ~A very fast runner

  ~Her favourite colors are red, black and white

  ~Her favourite sports are track racing, archery and motorcycle racing

  ~Can play any sport

  ~She is learning how to play the drums

  ~Nobody knows how she knew how to speak in english. Not even herself.

  ~Knows how to ride a car and a motorcycle

  ~She had a pet tiger in the immortal world. She has both a cat and a dog in the mortal world.


I'm so lucky~

Normal friend(s): JR (NU'EST) and Yoon Bora (SiSTAR) who are members of her mortal school's athlete team.

Bestfriend(s): Her brother Lee Sungyeol, Lee Chanhee (Chunji) and Choi Junhong (Zelo).

Rival(s): Kim HyunA. They have been rivals ever since Ae Yeon joined the athlete team. HyunA looked down on Ae Yeon for being young.

Your immortal friend(s) which you didn't know was immortal:

 Yoon Bomi | Muse of Dancing

 Kim Ye Lim | Goddess of Witchcraft


Saranghae <3

His/Her name: L (Infinite)

Personality: An arrogant but autistic like guy. He can be very random; you would find him doing the most random stuff. He is very confident and he loves doing skinship. He loves reading comic books and mangas, and he loves taking pictures. He has a very short temper and he can be very possessive at times. He is very competitive and he shows his temper when he loses. He is a musician; He loves playing his guitar and he can sing really well. He is a part of a school band that wins a lot of competitions.

Relationship: L and Ae Yeon are friends that always bicker with each other. Since Ae Yeon clings to her brother, she gets to see L everyday and they would just bicker and tease each other. But even though they may seem to hate each other, L always watch Ae Yeon compete when she the athlete team has competitions.

How did you guys met?: When Ae Yeon was touring the school she went to the music room and found L alone playing his guitar. She got interested in music and she suddenly barged in the room and asked L to teach her how to play the guitar. L, who was startled at the stranger's entrance, just left the music room. They formally met when Sungyeol introduced them to each other.


Love you too.......? 

Her/His name: Chunji (Teen Top)

Personality: A very friendly and flirty guy. Skinship to him is natural that he doesn't notice when he's doing too much skinship. He is very cheerful and energetic. He loves playing sports and singing. He is very talkative; He will keep on talking and talking even though the one lisening to him doesn't respond anymore. He is very patient and it takes a long time to make him mad that is if you don't mess with people he cares about. He is very possessive not only with objects but also people like his friends.

Relationship: Chunji is like Ae Yeon's unofficial boyfriend. They're always together and Chunji would always flirt with Ae Yeon in a friendly way. Chunji always supports Ae Yeon when she's competing as one of the members of their athletic team. He always told Ae Yeon that there was something special about her. Ae Yeon would always think that Chunji is just teasing her when he says it but Chunji really thinks that there's something special about Ae Yeon in a non romantic way.

How did you guys met? They met on Ae Yeon's first day of school. She got lost in school and Chunji helped her find her way to her classroom.


The fans

Your father's name: Lee Shi Hyuk

Your mother's name: Lee Bo Ram

Your sibling(s): Lee Sungyeol (infinite)



God/Goddess: Nike, The goddess of Victory

Special effects: In her goddess form, her wings changes color depending on her mood. In her human form, she wears a bracelet that changes color depending on her mood.

Power: She can control someone or a team's victory. 

Background: The daughter of Styx, the goddess of the underworld river, and Phallas, a titan. She lived her immortal life envying mortals. She wanted to live like them where she can learn new things and be able to experience happiness through hardships. She got tired of being one of the decision makers and having too much power. She started to have this desire when she took a peek at the mortal world and saw how happy the people were. The kind of happiness that she never experienced in the immortal world. When she found out that Zeus was sending gods and goddesses to earth, she didn't hesitate and ask to be one of the goddesses who will go to earth.


Oh,so you got swag

Casual clothes link: o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o

Formal clothes link: o | o | o | o | o 



Comments: none~

Suggestion?: none~

Extra: click me or me~



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