I got tagged

By 1wkeylove. C:


1. List the rules..

2. Answer the Q's your tagger set you then make up 11 of your own.

3.Tag 11 people and link them in your blog post. 

4.Let them know they were tagged (post a messaggi saying 'You have been tagged'..... or something more interesting)



1.       Your favorite name brand.

Probably Louis Vuitton, if that's what you mean by name brand.

2.       Your bias.

I have 2: Jonghyun and Key. And no, I will not choose, lol.

3.       Favorite drama?


4.       Are you a snacker?

Not so much, really.

5.       Your favorite physical feature of yourself? (Hair, nose?)


6.       Favorite book?

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

7.       Number one song at the moment?

Belispeak - Purity Ring

8.       Favorite Korean actor?

Idk. Maybe Choi Min-sik.

9.       Your cell phone ringtone?

Don't have a cell phone. *gasps heard in the background* Shut the up, I'm really ing poor, alright?

10.   Do you play any instruments?

Nope. I'm a talentless asshat.

11.   And your OTP?

Jongtae. Jongtae everywhere. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


My questions:

1. Pancakes or waffles?

2. Favorite non-Korean celebrity?

3. Favorite non-Korean song at the moment?

4. What's your favorite era of history?

5. If you were given an unnumbered amount of money but could only spend it on one thing, what would that one thing be?

6. Favorite fic?

7. What are your favorite lyrics to a song that has gotten you through tough times?

8. Best comeback you've ever heard?

9. Out of all the Korean films you've seen, what's your favorite?

10. What's one of your life ambitions?


I don't feel like tagging people, so answer them if you want to. It doesn't matter to me.


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I'll answer here ^^
1) Waffles. Unless the pancakes are made by my aunt :3
2) Lana del Rey & Willow Smith <3
3) Jason Mraz "I Won't Give Up"
4) The times when teens didn't carelessly someone just to abort the innocent & helpless child
5) 0_o No...Just no!
6) That's ing hard. I'm not doing that. So, CURRENTLY, my favorite on going fanfiction is... Into Your World by..Crap! I forget ><
7) SHINee's AYo & Honesty. The entirety of them...just.. I can't xD Oh, and Tablo's Home. I have more, but I can't think right now..
8) Um..see, I had one in mind as soon as I read the question, then it slipped my mind when I went to type -_-
9) Hard! But, I'll just pick Heaven's Postman. And no, not cos Jaejoong is in it. There's meaning as to why I picked it ^_^ Just saying.
10) To help the world, even if it's small.