╰★╮ decedent ╰★╮{application}



User information 

Asian Fan Fiction Account Name / Link : : simplysuju
How often are you on? Daily
Do you mind M rated fics? I don't read but I don't mind anything else
the basics 
Name :: Kyo Jaehwa
Nick Name :: Jae
Birthday :: November 12, 1992
Birth place :: Holland
Languages :: Korean, English, Dutch (Basic)
Ethnicity :: Korean, Dutch
Height :: 172cm
Weight :: 54kg
the image 
Ulzzang Name :: Park Younghee
Ulzzang Links :: 1  2  3  4  5
Back-up Ulzzang Name :: Beak Sumin
Back-up Ulzzang Links :: 1  2  3  4  5
Dorm wear :: 1  2  3  4  5
Sleep wear :: 1  2  3  4  5
Swim wear :: 1  2  3  4  5
Stage wear :: 1  2  3  4  5
Casual wear :: 1  2  3  4  5
Training wear :: 1  2  3  4  5
Formal wear :: 1  2  3  4  5
lets get to know you shall we? 
{the more interesting the better, don’t make me cry reading this…} 
Personality :: Jaehwa is a very mysterious person to people with little or no relation to her. However, if you do know her, you would know that she is rebellious and hates anyone who tries to assist her in anything. Jaehwa's perspective on life is that everybody should know to live on their own. She can not stand those people who whine and complain about everything. 
​Jaehwa tends to enjoy being alone rather than with people most of the time. If she is with people, they're normally her limited number of friends. She only keeps a relationship with those she is closest with. She doesn't even have her parents in much of her life.
​Jae, will listen to almost anything somebody tells her to do; in other words, she is very loyal. If she knows even a little dirt about someone she keeps that in mind so she knows to keep her guard up when she sees them.
​She keeps secrets to herself, and sometimes forgets them altogether. Jaehwa is a very carefree person when it comes to life in general. If there's a problem, she confronts it up front, right there. 
History :: Jaehwa was always a very passionate person. When she was four, she focused her life on art. That is, until her parents ruined it for her. She turned six and started dancing, until her parents interfered. She took a break from everything and focused on school, which always came easy to her, then turned thirteen. That was the age she discovered gaming. It was like heaven to her. The characters came alive on the screen, and you were in control. You could have your own strategy; do what you couldn't in real life. Again her parents tried to change her life. They had always wanted her to have what they called a practical career. 
​When Jae realized this, she was way beyond furious. Her parents always tried to control her life and "guided" her to choose the "right" decisions. She didn't want a job that would bore her and follow her whole life. At that moment she walked right down the stairs and told them directly that she was going to become a game developer. Her mom screamed at her that she was making the wrong decision. They had always been overly dramatic. 
​Jaehwa waited a week longer, with her parents on her back until she decided to leave the house. Having spent her time online, she had matured much faster than the average person of her age. She had plans to move in with a friend also living in Holland. They had met online, in a game of Left 4 Dead. 
​She took a bus to the next town over, and found herself knocking on the door of Carma's house. Carma had been a friend from when she started gaming. Now, was going to be their first time meeting in real life. She was warmly welcomed and given a room to stay in. Jae lived there for the next few years, and in that time, picked up dancing again and discovered in was what she really wanted to do. Carma showed her kpop and that is what lead her to where she is now. Living in Korea, debuting very soon. She had saved up her money and took the risk of going to Korea all alone.
Family History :: Jaehwa's parents both came from wealthy companies and met each other through and arranged marriage. That is all Jaehwa knows about them. What she doesn't know is both companies crashed before they could be passed down. The family had been living off of loans and credit cards since 2001.  That's why they were so desperate for Jaehwa to get a job with a huge salary. After she left, they could not get in contact with her. They downgraded their house and lived as a receptionist and a vice-manager of a convenience store.
Your family members ::
Kyo Catalyn | January 7, 1953 | Real estate eeceptionist | Mother
​Kyo Junghwa | November 27, 1953 | Convienece store vice manager | Father
Friends ::
Carma Vandermeer | April 7, 1989 | Best Friend | Jaehwa and Carma both got charged by the same charger. They  voice chat to their team and both said "help". After that, they both laughed with each other. They met in another game two weeks later and became friends after that.
Cho Hwayoung | June 16, 1994 | Friend | Hwayoung was looking for her friend at the airport and mistook her friend for Jaehwa. After that, they both realized they had similar personalities.
Park Geumhee | December 23, 1995 | Friend | She was the friend Hwayoung was looking for at the airport. She met Jaehwa when she noticed her with Hwayoung.
Likes ::
  • Challenges
  • Camping
  • Doritos
  • Technology
  • Fancy architecture
  • Escalators
  • Alcohol
  • Pokemon
Dislikes ::
  • Stupid people
  • Bad computers
  • Beaches
  • Needles
  • Tv 
  • Teaching people
Hobbies ::
  • Gaming
  • Reading
  • Studying
  • Taxidermy
  • Jogging
  • Fiddling with electronics
Habits ::
  • Playing with her earrings
  • Biting her toe nails in her sleep
  • Making frog noises while going to sleep and waking up
  • Subconsciously defending herself
  • Ranting about how someone is stupid
  • Reading everything around her
Talents ::
  • Dancing
  • Rapping
  • ​Making odd noises
  • Amazing aim
  • Hiding emotions
  • Memorizing very quickly
Trivia ::
  • ​Sleeps beside a knife in case of emergencies
  • ​Watched all the Pokemon episodes and movies up until season 15
  • Favorite game is Skyrim
  • Changes her number every six months to avoid her parents
  • Has been on two internet dates
  • Her sleeping schedule is constantly changing
so you wanna be a super star? 
Training Years History :: Jaehwa had trained a lot by herself before she came over to Korea. After she settled into a small apartment with her limited amount of money, she decided to not wait and auditioned for SM. Naturally, with her unpreparedness for the audition, she was rejected. Jae proceeded to audition for the other popular entertainments she knew of and eventually got accepted at her sixth audition at YG. She trained there for two years then was transferred to wild Entertainment during that year's trainee exchange.
Friends you have made while a trainee ::
CL | 2ne1 | YG | They met one day in the dance room. Jaehwa was taking a break and sitting at the back of the room listening to music and trying her best to improve her Korean. CL came over to her with a bag of chips and their relationship just sort of clicked together. They both understood each other right away. | They keep in touch by meeting up when they are both free and texting each other in their spare time. Sometimes Jaehwa even tries to get CL to play a few games with her.
​Cho Kyuhyun | SM | Kyuhyun and Jaehwa ran into each other at a super market. They were both forced by others to get groceries, and weren't given time to change. Jaehwa was wearing a minecraft shirt and Kyuhyun, a Team Liquid shirt. They both realized they were gamers and exchanged steam usernames. | Ever so often they join in on each other's games when notified by steam.
Rivals you made while as a trainee ::
Kim Jaejoong | JYJ | Warner Music | Jaehwa met Jaejoong at a bar when she first cam to Korea. It was right after her failed audition, when she realized her dream was hard to achieve than she though. Jaejoong tried hitting on her, asking what's wrong, trying to help, doing exactly what she hates. After that, she left the bar. She didn't hear from him again until she became a trainee. Jaejoong was having a break in his career, and made regular visits to YG, where he was offered a contract. | Jaehwa had been getting a bad aura from him ever since he said his first words to her. She was jealous of his success, and was angry that he was too clueless to understand her. | When Jaehwa dislikes a person, she tries to avoid them as much as possible.
Have you done any pre-debuted work? Jae had done a few photo shoots for online clothing companies to pay her rent.
Dancing talent :​1  2  3
Rapping talent :: 1  2
look at that look at that...
Position :: Sub rapper - Sub dancer
Stage name ::  Jae
How where you discovered? Jaehwa originally trained at Yg and when given the opportunity, she signed up for the trainee exchanged and continued training at Wild Entertainment.
love is in the air
Who is your love? Lee Kiseop (U KISS)
Why are they you love? Even though Kiseop is the cute type of person, he lives on his own. He is an understanding person and has the most adorable reactions in Jaehwa's eyes.
How did you meet? Jaehwa was going for one of her jogs to help relieve the stress of training and she saw a big black van. She approached it, wanting to know whaat was going on. When she got about two metres away a group of handsome young men stepped out. They walked towards what looked like a radio building. Not knowing who they were, Jaehwa grabbed one of their arms. She asked him what was going on and he replied by saying they were going to host a radio show and that they were famous around Korea. 
After that meeting, they met once more at a kpop showcase. She had gotten backstage passes with her friend, CL, who was still a trainee. They had a nice conversation after Ukiss' preformance and exchanged numbers.
What was the first impression of them? Jaehwa had just thought he was another one of those idols that goes through life, not knowing how to survive without all the fame and fortune. She thought he was someone she could put up with, but not so much get along.
What was their first impression of you? Kiseop had thought Jaehwa was some fangirl when she was approaching the van. He was scared she would attack them or something but was relieved when she didn't. He had thought her personality to be innocent and curious with n edgy style. 
How would you catch their eye? ​Jaehwa would try to catch Kiseop's eye by constantly poking him when he was around or pestering him with questions. She doesn't know how to act around someone she likes, so she attempts to give out her version of subtle hints instead of confessing straight up like her personality would suggest.
Anything you feel I should know about that I might have missed? Her favorite type of cheese is cheddar soaked in pickle juice.




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