- Ships and Non-Ships [; []


Five ships you’re into right now:

o1) JongKey [JongHyun/Key]

o2) MyungYeol [MyungSoo/SungYeol]

o3) Chunjoe [L.Joe/Chunji]
o4) EunHae [Hyuk/DongHae]
o5) KevSeop [KiSeop/Kevin]


Four ships you disliked, but like now:

o6) YaDong [DongWoo/Hoya]
o7) 2Min [MinHo/TaeMin]
o8) KangTeuk [LeeTeuk/KangIn]
o9) KrisYeol [ChanYeol/Kris]

Three ships you never liked:

1o) MYUNGJONG [MyungSoo/Sungjong]
11) Daejae [DaeHyun/Youngjae]
12) MyungWoo [MyungSoo/WooHyun]

Two ships you’re curious about, but don’t actually ship:

13) KyuHae [DongHae/KyuHyun]
14) TaoKai [Tao/Kai]



 1.  Why do you dislike #10 so much?

MyungYeol. It's simple. Ever since I started shipping MyungYeol, I didn't let anything get in between them; 'til my heart met WooYeol and that became my guilty pleasure. But that is not the point. Sungjong is the #1 er in INFINITE, and I'm sure everyone can agree. I love him, who doesn't? But fer real, sometimes I feel bad; 'cause whenever I say my favorite INFINITE couples, I'm always like: MYUNGYEOL! WooGyu, YaDong, then there's Sungjong who's forever alone. And it makes it harder since he's not the manliest guy, to find a girl to partner with. ;P Waaaaaaaah. I just hate Myungjong so much 'cause I can not stand MyungSoo and SungYeol being apart from each other. Like, it honestly hurts. And if it wasn't obvious, Myungjong is MyungYeol's biggest rival. >_<

2.  Who is someone you know that ships #14?

I actually wish I knew someone. D:

3.  What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?

L.Joe is the popular jock, Chunji's the quiet nerd. They're best friends, pretty much inseperable. It was bound to happen that one would fall for the other, and Chunji happened to fall madly in love with L.Joe. He didn't know what to do, 'cause he knew he'd be judged for it; so he gradually stays away from him, trying to erase him out of his life. And when L.Joe begins to realize he's being pushed away, he pulls him closer; to confess his true love. 

4.  Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?


- I honestly can't even choose, 'cause every moment is so precious. But, I guess it was their 'kiss' under the towel. OMFG. It doesn't matter to me if they did kiss or not, because something happened under there; probably talking about what they're doing later at night. Because JongHyun's face was PRICELESS, omg; I squealed like the fangirl fool I am.

5.  How long have you been following couple #5?

Ever since I got into UKISS two years ago, they were complete perfection to me.

6.  What’s the story with #8? What made you start liking them/caring?

Super Junior was the reason I'm into KPOP, and they still remain as my favorite group. Hyuk and LeeTeuk have ALWAYS been my top two biases from Super Junior, and ever since; I've shipped them together. I know for a fact, that EunHae and KangTeuk are two of Super Junior's most popular pairings; and before, I HATED that. But I guess one day I was feeling nice, so I decided to look up some KangTeuk and EunHae moments; and thought they actually weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. So now, I love 'em both. ;P 

7.  You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12 

#10 please. Myungjong couple just needs to disappear off the face of the Earth.

8.  Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?

#2, MyungYeol is just perfection at it's best.

9.  What interests you about #14?

I love Tao and Kai seperately, and I stumbled upon their fancams while they were at Disney Land. I noticed this adorable moment between them, and ever since; I've been interested, but I never found the time to actually do more research on this couple. ;P

10.  Why did you start liking #7?

I'll admit, I did not even wanna like them before. xD I'm a die hard MinStal fan, and I ship him with no other girl; except YoonA. I don't really ship anyone that hard with TaeMin, but since 2Min was so popular; I decided to give them a shot, and ended up loving them together.

12.  What’s a song that reminds you of #2?

Super Junior - It's You.  No matter what may happen in life, it's always going to be MyungYeol. MyungSoo and SungYeol, to infinity and beyond; forever and the day after that.

14.  Have #2 kissed yet?


15.  Did #4 have a happy ending? 

No matter what happens, I know Hyuk and DongHae will have a happy ending. Together or not, married to me or not [teehee]. They're such amazing people, and they only deserve the best.

16.  What would make you start shipping #13?

More moments I guess, aha; they're cute. But nothing could surpass my love for EunHae at the moment. [;

17.  If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #5?

Hardest. Question. EVER. But, my heart will forever say MyungYeol > Everything except JongKey. xD I mean, they've already kissed. All they need to do is get married, and I'll be a happy fan girl! ;D

18.  You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

Well, to start things off; MyungSoo just has no interest in Sungjong whatsoever. Friends, sure. But he never even thought twice about being more. He breaks Sungjong's heart and tells him that he loves SungYeol, and ONLY SungYeol. Sungjong gets over it, and remains friends with them; and he learns not to be such a anymore. He even helps arranges MyungYeol's wedding. ;D

19.  Which of these ships do you love the most?


- They are the definition of love, and people need to realize that.


Credits to: candyredhearts



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IAmMeMyself #1
Myungyeol forever, myungjong never haha!
versxce #3
nararahanibi #4
I can't accept Myungjong too... Probably because I'm Yeol-biased. LOL.
And I love Yeol to death, and I will protect him to the point of killing who ever hurts him... .__. Jk. But I love him very much. T^T
Jongkey~ <3 ToT Dying.