Review for elf_verl


The Many Faces Of  Love by elf_verl

Reviewed by Nicole

Title (2/5)
It’s not that attractive and besides I have the feeling that you translated the title to English… 

Poster/Trailer (4/5)
I love the poster though… It’s very simple and nice…

Foreword and Descriptions (6/10) 
It is very well organized… but don’t you think that it is too long?

Originality (7/10)
Original to me… Great one

Writing Style (6/10)
This is the first time coming through stories where the details are very fine… But the words are very bombastic… Keep it up!

Flow (7/10)
The flow is okay… The story is going slow and steady… 

Plot (17/20)
You did a great job here… keep it up!

Grammar and Spelling (18/20)
I don’t really need to bother about the grammar at all… Good one

Ending (-/10)
I’ll just leave this blank

Total: 67/90 = 74/100

B : 60-74

A short note from me to you,

Firstly, I apologize for reviewing your request this late… I know it has been a month since you requested… I’m really sorry… I didn’t have time to use my computer too… Please forgive me… Well am I strict? Your grammar and spelling is good, keep it up! 



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