Bad News

First . I won't have that much time writing stories, so my stories would be less updated. 

Second, I have a new couple that I ship. Chill, guys. Shiny Effects are still my OTP [except Lunew, jongstal, mintoria, jongtoria, keystal, keylli, krymin(Taemin), minlli, etc that is not Ontoria JongNa Keyber Taelli Minstal] Wanna know what that is? it's.. Kyutoria!! Ahahaha. Oh, I ONLY ship kyutoria out of Super f(x). Maybe Yejung too, but noo(?) . Sulhee perhaps? haha. 10 year . Kyutoria is *aaah!!! worth screaming for. hehehe. 

I knew I shipped Kyutoria when I scrambled through a tumblr for 48 pages just to find Kyutoria posts, since the author didn't have tags. I know, silly right? But that's just the case with Ontoria too. It's kind of lucky that I only searched ONE tumblr for Kyutoria posts. What about Ontoria? I searched 10 tumblrs, that ships shinyeffects to find Ontoria ONLY. 

Crazy 13 year old, I know.. I know.. My  heart just can't be rested~ 

Third , I can't find any minstal material to write. I mean, the only thing I could describe the couple as, Hot, Sporty, Super-Competitive. Three descriptions only doesn't make a good story line. I kknow MInstal's my last OTP, but I still scream when I see them, counts too, doesn't it? *heheh. A must to do, scream when you see your OTP

[What does OTP means anyway? hahaha. I know this is weird, since I kept saying OTP over and over again. I only know that it means your fav couple. But what does it stands for? O = ? T= ? P=? Optional Torture Portions? hahaha. Juz kidding. It doesn't even have the word Couple in it, so.., what does it stand for?] 

(BTW , Jongna's rising my interest. It's just that Jjong is my second fav in SHINee, and Luna is also my second fav in f(x), it matches up. Ontoria~ Where are you?!)

JongNa - golden voices, playful, vitamins, dorks, lefties, lead singers, shortest, [jjong is like gangsta type and luna's the good rebellious kind of type, opposites attract. :D] and etc. 

OnToria - maknae-like leaders (loves to do aegyo~ ahaha) ,both speak mandarin (think soo... since Vic teaches Kyu Mandarin, Onew knows how to speak and write it) ,both are reaaally playful! both have less haters, their smile is the same~ amazing personalities, known of their special variety skills (ahaha. okay, but this is kind of true, Onew with the sangtae, and vic with the talking to plants and animals thing..), i love both of their laugh, (their eyes are the opposite of each other, Vic has big round eyes, Onew can easily create that cute adorable eye smile) and like i said before, opposites attract, both are my fav members from SHINee and f(x) , etc and I could go on and on~

TaeLli - dubbed maknaes, even though sulli is sometime mistaken for the maknae. I thought so too. , adorablest [new word!] girl and boy in Kpop, in charge of cuteness~ , youngsters from high school, Taemin is taking care of Sulli~ hehehe.. etc. I can only create out of these cute facts. Anyone who wants to add?

KeyBer - SOO TERRIBLY MANY! (in a good way) TOTAL opposites, unique fashion styles, rappers, BFFs (hopefully a couple?) switched souls , etc. Okay, i don't know that many,. since I kind of not .... so much on the Keyber thing. Keybers, tell me~

Fourth, Hey hey. I was wondering. For SHINee there are Shawols. For f(x) there are affxtionates. If it's for shiny effects, then what do we call us shippers? A Shiny Effects Shipper? (ahah. soo true) Maybe if we could create a name~ ahaha. That would be so utterly COOL! Ontorians, Keybers, Taellians, Jjongnatics, Minstallians . ahahah. I'm just practically adding ans at the back~ since i know that i am a Victorian. Amber fans are called Embers, then Lunatics for Luna's , Sulli's are Sullians , I think, and Krystal's are Krystalized (somehow like that) 

*dead battery. please remove now*

Fifth, I can't seem to find any translators,, ahh. I can only offer people, and they, who I was offering, wasn't even online~ how can this be? aaaah. Anyone knows where I can find some? I'm just starting to learn Korean, soo in the meantime,.. yeah. I only found one, that is, he could only translate the captions, but not what they are saying, since he kind of forgot the Korean language. He is korean, though. 

Sixth, Shiny Effects BTS pics are released! And I screameeeeedddddd!!! Ontoria is LINKING HANDSSS!!! OMGGG! Okay. I'm spamming. But it's just Normal for me. Hehehe. ANd I love this pic, where SHINee and f(x) (excluding amber and krystal) are just sitting, and like playing music~ ahhh. vic is just behind key and minho. besides her is taemin, and taemin is at the back of onew. whaat? couldn't you just make her switch places with Taemin?! That would be better, thank you. hehehe. 

 see???? and it was just to happen that jongna are linking too. kystal's out of the pic. okay? hehehe

. tell ya what i think of this pic. I think, that Ontoria is getting of to a desserted island, get away from all of the noisiness of the city and Jongna + Krystal are pulling them back so that they won't leave Shiny Effects. Hehehe. OMO! Just got an idea for a new fic. cheeky

Seventh, Expect more Kyutoria fics/oneshot/appearings from me. Okay, maybe love triangles. Of Onew, Kyuhyun and Victoria. All my biases from SHINee, Super Junior and f(x) . 

OH and did you guys know? Victoria and Kyuhyun + Changmin went to Sung Shi Kyung's concert. Not to mention, ONEW was there too. TOo bad I didn't get to save the pics. If not, Total my dream of Ontokyuria (weird name!) is coming TRUE!!


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i love kyutoria too ^^