
There's a little drama competition going on around my school at the moment. The form 4 students to be exact. Classes competing against each other acting out the drama Gulp and Gasp by John Townsend. And my friend suggested that I were to be the scriptwriter for the play. I thought of giving it a shot since the teacher was enlightened by the idea as well.

As I was in my wet closet which is where I tend to think a lot in, I realised that dialogues are not exactly my strength in writing. And my classmates wanted more humour in the play. Which I believe is what I lack as well. *facepalm* So yeah, going to try and make this work. Confronting two of my weaknesses in writing in one shot is a little scary. Plus with 46 people in my class having to approve the script, the thought of it is a little nerve wrecking. But hey, I have to tackle my weakness at one point, why not now?

Yosh, shall try o_o


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Yessss Ya should!!<br />
Hwaitinggg and yeah charlene was right.<br />
It's uhhsome dat ya get to flair with it.<br />
Woottt Woooottt...<br />
CharleneSa #2
o.o its awesome that you get to flair your writing!!!! haha good luck jeff and jia you :)