Wishing Fire Application [Girl]

Username: XjennykimX

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51314


Name: Yong Hae Jin

Stage Name: Queen [Because she exudes an all-conquering, charismatic presence and because her brother is Yong Junghyung, the Joker]

Any Other Nicknames: Jin, Sun (Hae means sun in Korean)
Age: 18
Birthday: 12/12/1993
Ethnicity: Full Korean
Spoken Languages: Fluent Korean, Semifluent English, Basic Japanese

What Are You Auditioning For? Triple Threat (All Leads), Main Vocal, Lead Rapper and Lead Dancer

Experience: Hae Jin fell in love with music shortly after she witnessed her brother falling in love with music. Even as a little girl, she’d always follow her older brother, Junhyung, around, and was a complete tomboy her younger years. Thus, when her brother immersed himself in music, it was only natural she take interest in it as well. Her brother taught her the basics of rap, dance, and musical composition. Even after her brother left to become a trainee, though, Hae Jin found her own style of music through emotional vocals and continued to pursue music. Music is precious to her in the sense that it links her with her brother, but also allows her to show her own spark and style, something that no one else can recreate.


Name of Ulzzang: Yeon Ji Hee
Links: Several Pictures Here
Name of Backup Ulzzang: Grace
Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



> Normal ear piercings. She always leaves them empty unless it’s a formal event.
> A piercing on the upper rim of her right ear, just under the fold. She alternates between wearing a silver cross or a light blue crystal star.

Tattoos: N/A

Clothing: She dresses completely rocker-style on a daily basis, chill, grunge-style and laid-back. Sometimes wearing boys’ clothes because they’re so comfortable. But she also loves being a fashionista and goes completely full-out when she dresses up. Anyways, her style is fierce and tomboyish.

  • Casual: 1 2 3 4 5
  • Dorm/Sleepwear: 1 2 3
  • Training/Practice: 1 2 3
  • Formal: 1 2 3 4 5



On stage, variety shows, photoshoots, etc., Hae Jin is always the rebellious, strong-minded, and competitive one. Slightly tomboyish, not a whole lot of talking, but a lot of physical action. When performing on stage or at a concert, she loves to move with and excite the crowd. She’s very receptive of how the crowd is receiving them. On variety shows, she’s always ready to run and jump and cartwheel; always the type to try new things or to take on challenges or be a volunteer. On photoshoots, Hae Jin is always expected to rock the rocker eyeliner and pose fiercely. That’s the kind of stage persona Hae Jin has on camera.


Off camera, backstage, and in real life, Hae Jin is far quieter, way more awkward, and less competitive. Inside, she is often feeling lost because she is so used to following her brother around, but finds it difficult to introduce herself to new people because she’s been so taken care of all her life. She is mature in the sense that she is extremely hard-working, focused, and works hard to always be open-minded and nonjudgmental, but she is immature in the sense that she is still naïve about how the world works. She trusts people far too easily and is the type to get carried away by the mood and follow the crowd without thinking about where she is going. She always appears humble and respectful, but is usually quiet and has a hard time making friends. Because she is so naïve and receptive to the crowd, she’s awkward around people and is hesitant to disagree because she can sense their disagreement or stubbornness and is afraid to provoke them. She usually just keeps her opinions to herself, even when she is asked what she thinks about something, she usually answers something neutral. Thus, a lot of people think she’s very boring. But she’s very receptive to moods and expressions and can always see right through a lie.


Once you get to know her a little, it’s a bit of a different story. Hae Jin still doesn’t talk much, but she likes to joke around a lot and she naturally forms skinship with those close to her. She loves to hug people or just be near them. She takes every opportunity to friends or play little pranks on them. She’s also a wonderful listener- the type of person who just makes you want to talk- the person who you end up telling more than you meant to say. Her presence just feels very honest and open. You realize she’s a bit tomboyish- loves sports and running around a little too much for a girl, and sticks to hoodies and jeans whenever she can. Like a little child, not that talkative, but always in motion and always receptive, is Yong Hae Jin. She is growing through music, developing her independence, her maturity, and her love of girly things- like fashion and stuffed animals. :D  


Background: Hae Jin was born December 12th in Seoul, South Korea to a family of four: her parents, her older brother, and her grandfather. Her father was a highly praised attorney and her mother was an extremely busy artist. Her father was strict and stern when needed, but most of the time, he was aegyo-filled and cute to his children. Her mother was quiet, but extremely cheerful and bright and the wise one in the family. Her grandfather was the caretaker of the family because the parents were so busy all the time. He was patient, always encouraging, and very humorous. He was Hae Jin’s absolute favorite. Hae Jin grew up spending most of her time with her older brother and her grandfather. Life before music was simply going to school and coming home to play soccer with her grandfather and her older brother, and being kissed good-night by both her parents. But that was before music. Then, Junhyung discovered music and fulfilled her dreams by auditioning for YG, JYP, SM, and Cube. He was accepted into Cube and left the family to train for his debut. Hae Jin’s parents, although very supportive of Junhyung, pressured Hae Jin to stay away from music, saying that they wanted at least one child to have a stable income. Hae Jin secretly practiced music, and when her grandfather discovered her practicing, he secretly supported her, taking her to lessons and auditions. Hae Jin meant to follow her brother in Cube, and was initially accepted by Cube. However, Hae Jin was transferred to YG after a few years so she could debut sooner. Personally, Hae Jin felt like she was too used to being sheltered and decided to step away from family protection. Her grandfather also became extremely sick when she was a trainee, making her even more determined to debut before he passed away. Unfortunately, he passed away before she debuted.  



Yong Junghyung- Although she will never admit it, her brother, who relentlessly creates a path to a brighter future for himself all the time, without support, is her main inspiration in life. Her dream is to be like him, to be someone he can be proud of, to be someone better than him.

Her Grandfather, Yong Jae Yoon- The one person who made everything possible with her. She will forever think of his warm hands she held when he passed away and his always patient and kind expression.

Soccer Player Park Ji Sung- Hae Jin loved soccer when she was little, and her idol was Park Ji Sung. The short-legged player who pushed himself to be as quick as lightning so he could compete against other players. Amazingly fierce and determined on the field, Hae Jin always cheered him on.


1. Big Fat Headphones (They block out other sound or people and help her to focus)

2. Non-carbonated soft drinks (Calpico, Aloe, etc.)

3. Worn-out sneakers that fit to her feet perfectly (She never throws shoes out)

4. Hoodies and boys’ shirts (So comfy)

5. Travelling (Loves to explore and visit new places)

6. Fame (Loves the feeling of attention or doing fan service or being recognized) (Not obnoxious about it, but it makes her feel good)

7. (Slowly discovering her girly love of) Stuffed Animals

8. (Slowly discovering her girly love of) Glitter and Crystals

*Slowly discovering because she spends more time with girls as a trainee and as a member. She’ll see a stuffed panda on someone’s else bed and think, “Oh…. Oh…. That’s… kinda. Cute. … I want.” XD

9. Friendship/Rocker Bracelets


1. Nitpicking people (People who complain about the littlest things)

2. Partying/ Clubbing (Tends to avoid big parties)

3. Close-minded or judgmental people (Hates stereotypes)

4. Cold weather (She gets cold and sick easily)

5. Scripted/False/Overuse of Aegyo (Thank god she’s supposed to be fierce)

6. Junk Food (Makes her feel sick as soon as she eats a little)

7. Being with two people who are of opposite opinions (She can totally sense the tension)

8. People who only perform what they are given, without having a sense of style of their own

9. “Cute” Acts/Clothes (Cannot stand the concept of “Gee” or “Oh”)


1. Taking a 5-min. shower

2. Crossing her fingers when nervous

3. Drinking out of the carton (She used to do this at home with her brother all the time. She’s going to forget she has to share with her members… XD)

4. Blushing extremely easily  

5. Falling asleep with music still playing in her ears

6. HAS to hug something with her arms when sleeping


1. Sports [Mainly Soccer, Volleyball, and Swim]  

2. Sleeping (This girl loves to sleep, especially outside in the sun)

3. Drawing/Painting (Learned from her mother)

4. Composing and writing lyrics

5. Composing and performing acoustic versions of famous kpop songs

6. (Slowly discovering her girly love of) Acting

7. (Slowly discovering her girly love of) Modeling (Catwalk and Magazine)

8. (Slowly discovering her girly love of) Fashion (Doing People’s Makeup and Hair)  


  1. Hae Jin has synesthesia, which is where she sees color with music. Whenever she reads or composes music notes or lyrics, she often sees them in a color. Usually, the color depends on the pitch of the music. For example, the higher notes may be red while the lower notes are a more neutral gray.
  2. Hae Jin has ten pairs of shoes. She buys one pair every New Year’s and doesn’t ever throw them out. (She started this tradition when she was nine.) Two pairs of old shoes are signed by Park Ji Sung, and one newer pair is signed by her brother.
  3. Blood Type: Type A (according http://issendai.com/rpgs/takemywings/bloodtypes.htm)
  4. Ultimate Art Biases: Yoo Jae Suk (for his humor), Tablo (for his ability to write lyrics), Song Joong Ki (For his acting skills and looks),  Jay Park (for his creativity and ability to continue music even after the 2pm fiasco), and Jung Juri (for her ability to stay strong and continue being an amazing comedian).
  5. She always signs in silver or blue Sharpie.
  6. Favorite Colors: Black, Light Blue, Silver, Glittering White
  7. Hae Jin has a photographic memory. It takes her twenty seconds to memorize a scene, page, or anything she has to focus on.  
  8. Hae Jin has been trained not only in vocals, dance, and rap, but also plays the piano wonderfully, guitar average, and basic drums.

Famous Relatives? Yong Junhyung of Beast is her older brother.

Who is your character most like? Her looks are rather unique. :] Her background story of how she got into the kpop buisness is somewhat like Krystal of f(x) or Thunder of MBLAQ- sibling relationships. His stage persona and real life persona is like Infinite’s L (Kim Myungsoo). She thinks silence suits her, is slightly awkward and dorky, doesn’t like to start argument or draw a whole lot of attention to her, loves doing fanservice, and is also involved in the acting/modeling world.  

Suggestions/ Comments: Thank you for everything! :D Please consider my character.


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