Fine, I admit it

I miss AFF and my over active imagination is getting stifled with just studying and no outlet. So I re-registered and my new account is Yj2464. I'll finish my least gratuitous fic Immortal Song, and work on re-uploading the others pending my guilty concious.


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Finally! I knew this won't last long kkkkk love u!!
SO HAPPY!!!! You could always write fanfics without - your writing is fabulous and doesn't need it to be successful. Seriously!!
O thank god praise the lordt praise Shisus!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad your back I was sad that I never got to finish Immoral song and Your Dongwoo clone story I was so looking forward to that Dongwoo is my bias I love that man he is a wonderful piece os hyper hilarious happy with a nice man!!!!!!!!
oh my thank you. im glad you're back... /sobs/
i was shocked when your story that ive subscribed gone... hurr..
looking forward to your stories.....
welcome back...
fighting!!! ^^
jellyfriedgreen7 #5
I'm so glad to see you're back!!! My status for the past week or so has literally been, "I miss you, yj2464 :(". Seriously!
So, I really hope you'll get inspired for many more stories in the future, and stay a looooong time on AFF!! I'm looking forward to it~
Fighting!! ^w^
Yay =D
Nice to have you back! :D
Ahahah nice to have you back! The only story I was reading was Immortal Song tbh...

I didn't think you'd come back though.