Okay to understand this.. Do you remember that one blog where I was talking about that one guy & other stuff, if you do... Guess what? He just texted me! I know I know I'm making a huge deal out of it buuuuuuut let me explain. This only happens like -3 times a month {yes NEGATIVE 3} wait... he just texted me saying 'what are you doing' .___. In my mind I'm like; 'writing a blog about you' lolol obviously I didn't say that. But yeah back to the point. He rarely texts anymore like I said on my other blog but for some reason he did. & I swear on my life that this past week I was like 'oh I should text him' but yeah now I know that he was probably thinking the same thing... I can't even with this~ Everytime I remember he exists he texts its like magic or Narnia.. whaaaaaa o.O idk okay I'm such a loser. I'm gonna stop with this useless nonsense. Wait. Another text 'I'm going to the mall' WHAT! Was that his reason of texting on the first place. Is he indirectly asking me out O__O Okaaaaaay now I'm really confused *sneeze* allergies Dx okay really I'm stopping now..


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My guy did the same thing last week.
He's in Michigan until the end of the month... :/
He's kind of dumb. Hahah.

Deff think some indirect asking out is going on here though. :D
ohhh... ask him if he wants company! :)