most embarassing thing i did with three korean guys T_T

LOL so well, this happened weeks ago, so yeah, i just wanted to share this with you ^^


We were eating lunch in the second floor of the cafeteria, there were 4 of us, and we all love kpop. We were just eating there, using wifi and reading fanfics and all (usually rated, but who cares? XD) when the 3 korean guys from the foreign section (foreign section consists of students from other countries who only wants to learn english here) and passed by our table.

We didn't know they could UNDERSTAND english, so i was like, "They're so handsome!"

And then after 30 minutes, they passed by us again, and they looked at us, and they said, "mworago?" (what did you say?)



thats all. We see them everyday since we always eat in that same table . Embarassing right? Although they already know that we think they're handsome XD


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kekekeke xD
I wish i could meet those gorgeous men!! Envious much!!!
oh my god 0.0 I admit its embarassing but who cares your school year would be more awesome right than just study study and study