→ Life In Technicolor Application Form



On the radio, baby I heard it's a violent world





 → My Crush Is A Monster Boy   



Username: jokerkkhe22

Profile link : me

What should I call you? Tara


Won't you take me where the streetlights glow?

Name: Yoon Yi Jae

Nickname: Bookworm, strange girl

Age: 17

Birthday: 4/12/1995

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Birthplace: Paris, France

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean, Chinese, French

Languages spoken: Korean, Chinese, French


Still it's such a beautiful sight

Ulzzang: Lee Da Som

Looks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Backup ulzzang: Choi Seo Hee

Looks: 1 2 3 4 5

Style: Her style mostly consisted of floral printed one piece or just plain t-shirt and shorts. She hated wearing long pants because she said that her legs looked strange inside long pants. Instead of wearing high heels, she prefers to wear sneakers or just sandals. Feminine or cool, simple is the best.

1 2 3



Like a serenade of sound

Likes: *coffee *stars *books *nature *sea *chocolate *day dreaming

Dislikes: *being disturbed *arrogance *cockroach *ice cream *crickets *horror *heights

Hobbies: *reading *swimming *taking photos *star gazing

Trivia: *her most precious telescope was given by her grandfather before his death

*when bored, she tends to roll her head on her desk or roll on the floor (at home only of course)

*she likes to sleep without pillow

*she tends to eat chocolate while reading

*mumbles a lot

*she stutters most of the time when she talks

*frequently has mood swings 

Personality: She is an extremely clever girl and most people who know her call her the book worm. Yes, she loved books especially books that are connected with stars. Once she begins to read, at the same time she builds a wall that prevents others from disturbing. She hated being disturbed. She is kind, pretty and clever, perfect right? But she is extremely shy and strange in people’s eyes, she doesn’t talk much and when being asked, she doesn’t answer. Why is that? Deep inside, despite countless of book she read, she doesn’t know what words must she say when interacting with people and she doesn’t see the need of talking to people that are not unique, strange isn’t it?

                        Her thinking is a little different from others, yes she is normal but she likes to think about things that usually people didn’t bother about. Even her friends are confused by her sometimes as she liked to mumble and asked those questions that they haven’t had an answer. After not getting an answer, she just sighed and mumbled things to herself after that read again. Curious, she is very curious, that’s also why she read books, to find answers that people couldn’t answer. She searches for uniqueness. In her eyes, her life is too perfect and strict that bores and irritates her. She wants a different life, she wanted uniqueness and she is… Yoon Yi Jae.


Once upon a time on the same side

Family ( Name | Age | Occupation | Alive or Dead | Personality | Relationship with character )

Father (Yoon Il Suk / 42 / Businessman / Alive / Caring, loving, strict / Good. She cares for Yi Jae very much.)

Mother (Baek Jae Young / 38 / Household wife / Alive / Biased, caring, strict / Not very good, her mother loves Doojoon more than Yi Jae and always told Yi Jae to run errands for Doojoon.)

Siblings (Yoon DooJoon / 23 / Singer / Alive / come and goes like a wind, sometimes mean, funny / Not very good as he is the reason of Yi Jae’s errands. He often bullies Yi Jae.)

            (Yoon Yi Mi / 20 / Stewardess / Alive / Funny, loving, kind, pretty / Very good, among all of her family members, Yi

Jae’s and Yi Mi’s terms are the best. Yi Mi will always lend Yi Jae her ears for Yi Jae to complain and they cared a great deal

for each other. When Yi Mi’s leaving for her work, Yi Jae cries holding Yi Mi’s shirt not wanting her to go.)

Others (Yoon Bong Suk / 68 / Dead / Strict, scary, caring/ Very good, he will always teach Yi Jae about stars and constellation. Before his death, he gave Yi Jae his telescope telling her to take good care of it. Yi Jae doesn’t eat nor drink for three days when she heard her grandfather passed away, she just sits beside the coffin and stares at her grandfather and kept crying.)

                         (Baek Ji Young / 32 / Singer / Alive / funny, helpful, friendly / Good. Baek Ji Young is Yi Jae’s aunt.

Whenever she comes visit, she would buy things for Yi Jae and she is one of the people after Yi Mi that Yi Jae search to

confide in)

Family background                   She came from a strict and rich family. Her family has a company that is ran by generations. This company is supposed to be passed down to Doojoon but he chooses to be a singer. So the company will be passed down to Yi Jae's don't-know-which cousin. Her parents are trading stuff, yes, for her mother's family company to join her father's family company, they are being tied down by marriage, sad isn't it? So the truth is, my father and mother has no love at all. Since small, sophisticated is always the word that her mother chants. "Yi Jae, sophisticated!" yeah, sophisticated. Her mother lets her and her sister take ettiquette lessons, dance lesson, piano lessons and many more. But all of that lessons could not stop Yi Jae's heart for being free. Her grandfather is the one who gave her freedom, he would bring her to the streets and stroll, to the park to see butterflies, to the beach to catch fishes. Her grandfather is also the one who influence her to like books. 


Now why'd you have to go; have to go and throw water on my flame?

Rival (optional. remove this option if not chosen)

| Name | Age | Personality |

Relationship with Character:


You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart

Love interest


| Kim Himchan | 16 | He is cold and calculating. He is often see alone everywhere he goes. His favorite spot is below a big tree that is beside the eco garden at his school that seldom has people|

Relationship with Character: Stranger (?) Enemy (?) It is not clear what their relationship is. They are not in the same class and never once talked to each other. Yi Jae kind of stalks him because for her, Himchan is the uniqueness that she has been finding. She also kind of irritated Himchan because she taken Himchan’s favorite spot.

Backup love interest


| Yoo Youngjae | 16 | Cold, bookworm|

Relationship with Character: Classmates but sort of stranger. He also is often seen alone with a book and he seldom talks. He never talked with Yi Jae before but once they bumped into each other and accidentally took each other’s book by mistake.

You stole my star

Second love interest (optional. remove this option if not chosen)

| Name | Age | Personality |

Relationship with Character:


Backup second love interest

| Name | Age | Personality |

Relationship with Character:

Would you rather end up with your first or second love interest?


Gravity release me

Comments, questions, concerns? No comment (Daehyun’s style LOL)

Requests? I really wanted Kim Himchan to be my love interest in the story, or if not Yoo Youngjae but with Himchan’s personality. ^^ Thanks!

Password: bias






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