EatYourKimchi Live Chat

So I was watching the live chat with EatYourKimchi and what was one of the first things mentioned?


A Martina x T.O.P fanfic!!!!!!!!!


At first I thought it was all fake cuz someone earlier *cough* me *cough* said it would be funny if they wrote one themselves. Then people started saying that there should be a fic like that. Someone mentioned it when the chat started and simon was like "BURN IT ALL!" hahahaha! But I guess there actually is one cuz some people said they read it....O.e

And Martina likes Harry Potter fics! And she actually read a BigBang fic! XDDDDDDD

Then they talked about their new cat and I told them my cats uniquely weird name and they mentioned her!!!!! xD They couldn't say her name though. LOL. 

They were at a photoshoot and showed us their face that they learned from Kpop MVs. Can't believe they're going to be on the cover of a magazine! ^3^

Well, I just had to write about this cuz it was too funny! ^.^


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KaishkaKo #1

I LOVE them!!!!!!!!