≡Sweet Little Love ಌ Application ಌ




Beautiful   Stranger  

{Aff Username} acarlex

{Profile Link} clickeu 

{What should I call you?} scarleth, scar, eonnie, and any other nickname you can think of for me ^^;;


  Girls   On  Top    

{Name} Eun Hae Kimura


◉ Eunnie — her baby sister, Hanah started this

◉ EunKi — her friends back in Fukuoka call her this

◉ Kimchi — when she moved to Korea, that was the only thing she ate for months because it tasted good and she wouldn't try anything else.

{Age} 20

{Birthdate} February 4th, 1992

{Place of Birth} Fukuoka, Japan

{Hometown} Fukuoka for 10 years & Seoul for last 10 years

{Height} 179cm

{Weight} 49kg

{Languages} fluent—Korean & Japanese | semi-fluent—Cantonese/Mandarin | broken/basic—English

{Ethnicity} Japanese-Korean—mother is Korean and father is Japanese


Sexy  Lady 

{Ulzzang Name} Seo Eun Byeon | Eun

{Links} [001] [002] [003] [004] [005] 

{Back-Up Ulzzang} Kim Seuk Hye aka Joo

{Links} [001] [002] [003]

{Style} EunHae's style is very casual. She usually prefers to wear comfortable clothing because she really has no one in mind to please. That's not saying that she's not capable of dressing up and pulling off a more 'mature' look. She can. Her daily outfit is just a pair of cargos with a nice top and sneakers. EunHae's closet is filled with cute dresses that she's hardly ever touched. EunHae has no time to dress up for a boy that she figures isn't the man of her dreams. She loves jeans and sneakers. She especially loves hats. They're her favorite accessory and always wears one. EunHae has a necklace that was given to her by her parents. It's in the shape of a heart and inside is a family picture of her, Hanah, Eomma and Appa. She always wears it and claims it gives her good luck. Overall, EunHae's style is very tomboyish though she can get dolled up for any special occassion.


Wonderful  Girl    

{Character you're applying for} 6 || 2 || 3 || 1 || 5



Once EunHae let's you in, her whole mood changes around you. She becomes a little silly. In general, EunHae will become a little more erted than usual. You would think that a face like hers would be backed up by an innocent personality. Wrong, She hears something that has a double meaning, she'll flat out say, "That's what she said!" Her friends love yet they find her annoying because there's no turning off her erted mind.

Though she may be erted, EunHae is loyal. She sticks by her friends through thick and thin. She loves her friends to death. She'll keep their deepest and darkest secrets. She also forgives those close to her easily because she knows that friends fight from time to time. EunHae's friends are her main priority. She and her group of friends have a strong bond and trust each other. Her loyalty goes beyond the moon. Even if she hears that you talked bad about her, she'll try to fix th situatuation by trying to talk it out.

One thing that may make EunHae a little less lovable is her tendency to get jealous rather quickly. Anyone talking to her friends, she'll flip out. She thinks that they will like that person more than her. She doesn't want them to throw her away and never talk to her again. This causes the bad but not the worst side of EunHae to come out. One time, EunHae saw someone talking to one of her best friends, he was a guy. EunHae saw that a girl was talking to him and EunHae could immediately tell that the girl was flirting. EunHae went over there and started indirectly insulting the girl herself. EunHae shocked her best friend and also angered him. EunHae particularly didn't give a damn if she hurt the girl's feelings. The little green monster always manages to get the best of EunHae but her friends know she's only doing it because she doesn't want their friendship to be ruined by some outsider.

For a girl EunHae's age, she's incredibly lazy. EunHae loves to sit on the couch and watch TV or go on her computer. She loves to sleep and she could sleep for a whole day if she tried. EunHae doesn't really like doing anything that requires a lot of stamina or endurance. She likes sports or activities that require more intelligence and some flexibility. She surprisingly, takes archery classes along with yoga. EunHae likes to spend her weekends sleeping in and pigging out and just overall relaxing 


{Summary} Overall, EunHae loves her friends to death that she doesn't want them to throw her away and forget about her. Though, she tends to be lazy, when it comes to something that she's truly passionate about, she'll work her off. She tends to get very competitive, especially when it comes to her grades. EunHae is a great friend who is very shy at first but lets people in her circle of friends pretty quickly and they get to see a slightly more...erted and fun EunHae.


◉ dogs—she's a total dog-lover. 

◉ TV—what person doesn't like TV? it's her favorite way to pass time

◉ sleeping—a stressful and tiring day will make her automatically come home and go straight to her bed to sleep

◉ beach—she loves the sound of the ocean

◉ chocolate—she adores chocolate. Her favorite is milk chocolate

◉ iPod—she will die without her iPod. If she doesn't have it ....all hell breaks loose

◉ music—if there's no music playing, she'll never concentrate

◉ dancing—it's a good way for her to pass time

◉ her laptop—if she didn't have it, she wouldn't be able to do her homework. it's the best computer in her mind

◉ children—she's a natural born mother around little kids


◉ cats—she's not a hater but she's not fond of them

◉ nosey people—why do they need to know everything about everyone

◉ arrogant people—there are less fortunate people out there, how about we try not to make them feel like they're dirt poor!

◉ liars—she hates liars. Nothing angers her more than being lied to

◉ cutesy girls—they annoy the crap out of her

◉ fake aegyo—there's natural aegyo and then there's fake aegyo. She hates it when boys/girls pretend to be cute when they aren't

◉ moody people—just effin' pick an emotion!

◉ romantic movies—to her, it gives people false hope

◉ gum—she doesn't like it because she can only chew it for 2 minutes and then the flavor goes away

◉ players—they make her want to strangle them. She doesn't get why they need to date every girl they come across


◉ biting her nails—she hates the habit herself but she can't help it. She bites her nails when she's nervous

◉ talking with hands—it's always been a habit of hers. EunHae claims that it helps her talk

◉ scratching the back of her head—whenever she can't think of something or embarrassed

◉ playing with her hair—does so when bored

◉ biting on cheek—always been a habit of hers and doesn't realize she's doing so


◉ memorizing—the law to be exact. She's always trying to make sure she knows what she's talking about when it comes to the law

◉ doodling—her notebooks are filled with doodles in the margins but yet she never goes past the red line....

◉ studying—she's in a university. She needs to do her best so most of the time she's studying

◉ listening to music—she loves music and usually studies with music blasting in her ears

◉ photography—she likes to take pictures of her surroundings and likes to think of them as memories

◉ surfing the internet—she loves to stay up-to-date with current events

◉ TV—she loves to watch detective shows

◉ yoga—a way for her to relax and exercise


◉ always has a camera on her—whether it be a phone, iPod or an actual camera

◉ blood type O

◉ ideal type—someone funny, honest, cute & good with kids

◉ plays with other people's hair—when bored she'll usually sit behind someone and start braiding hair

◉ has two dogs named Dr. Meemersworth & Spudgy—yes, you heard right. both are Austrailian labradoodles. [Spudgy:  | Dr. Meemersworth:  ]

◉ is afraid of thunder—she's always been afraid of thunder. She won't sleep until it stops

◉ loves to sleep—this girl loves her beauty sleep

◉ isn't a morning person—she just isn't one. She'll have nothing but pure attitude when just woken up

◉ very flexible—she's always been flexible but with the yoga classes, she's gotten more flexible if that was even possible....

◉ has birthmark in the shape of a heart—it's located on the palm of her hand


Girl   Six

{Childhood Friend} Jiru Sae || 20 || student in university/part-time cashier at supermarket || OC

{Give me a few ways how you are going to get him from the love book} (I apologize for them not being very good or humorous)

◉ enhance appearance—if he won't notice the way EunHae looks now she might as well tweak her wardrobe

◉ leave notes/hints—make cute references to the childhood love the two had

◉ 'accidently' bump into him—best way to start a conversation with him

◉ trips and falls into his arms—as soon as she is caught by him (hopefully) she can start a conversation with him by being shocked to see him

◉ cook for him—she used to make sandwiches for him when they were little. She will make the sandwiches for him everyday for lunch so he can remember how good they were and their past

◉ seduce him


Dear   My  Family 


◉ Rikuto Kimura || 39 || lawyer || He's generally funny and is very laid back. He isn't too strict on EunHae's future as long as she isn't doing something stupid. He knows that EunHae can make her own decisions and she has to learn from her mistakes. He's very supportive of his daughter and is a little protective when it comes to boys. He going insane knowing that her two best friends are boys. || Their relationship is really close. He knows that she needs her space at times and he gives it to her. EunHae loves her father to death and she's greatful that he understands her feelings. The two always have a good time when in the same room.

◉ Eun Ri Kwon || 38 || nurse || EunRi loves to live life. She is more outgoing than her husband and is optimistic about things. When it comes to her daughter's education, there's no joking around. She wants her daughter to get the best education out there. So, she always makes sure that her daughter works hard to be able to find a career that can support her (eunhae). Eunri is often seen smiling and laughing her off at the randomest and silliest things. || Their realtionship is just as good as the one Eunhae has with her father. The two are close and Eunri can often relate to what EunHae is feeling because she's gone through it before. She knows the way EunHae feels in certain situations and is always there to comfort her. She and EunHae spend a lot of time together by talking and cooking together.


◉ Hanah Kimura || 5 || — || Hanah loves to run around the house and make a mess of everything...yet again, she's a kid. Hanah is often in the house running around or outside trying to run to the street before anyone stops her. She love her parents very much yet she tends to fight with EunHae. EunHae loves her to death and doesn't understand why she always tells her 'no'. Either way, Hanah loves her older sister. || The two have a complicated relationship. She and Hanah always bicker. Hanah complains and runs to eomma and appa saying how EunHae won't let her do something. In EunHae's defense, there are certain things that Hanah isn't allowed to do that her parents still let her do which she thinkgs isn't right. So, EunHae always tells her no when it comes to climbing chairs, touching breakable items etc. 

{Family Background}

 EunHae was born in Fukuoka, Japan to loving, young & excited parents; Rikuto and EunRi. Yes, EunRi was 18 when she bore EunHae but she could care less. Rikuto and EunRi were in love and planned to have children at a young age. She loved EunHae the moment she was born and has cherished every moment with her ever since her birth. EunHae grew up in an average home. Both her parents aren't filthy rich but they aren't dirt poor. They're right in the middle. When EunHae was first born, her father had to work while Eunri stayed home and took care of her. EunHae lived a pretty average life until a certain someone invaded her mind.
EunHae loved going to school for one reason..well two: the swings in the playground & a boy. Jiru was his name. He was everything that EunHae wanted at age 10. The boy was pretty darn cute.
 Well, it showed since every girl in school flirted with him or made googley eyes at him. What sheloved about the kid was that he didn't really care if he was the pretty boy and that every girl had a crush on him. 
In the month of February, EunHae had a boyfriend....guess who? Yup, it was none other than Jiru himself. He had finally confessed to her that he had always liked her from afar. EunHae was surprised at first because she would never believe that a guy would like her. And so it happened. EunHae and Jiru were a couple at a young age. Though she was happy, it wasn't for long. She was soon hit with devastating news from her parents; they were moving. They were going to move at the end of her school year to Korea. Her father had gotten transferred from his job because his law firm wasn't doing so well and decided to move him to korea. 
That was the end of their relationship. On their last day as a couple, they promised each other that they would meet again and continue their relationship. They pinky swore on it and sealed it with a kiss. EunHae has never been kissed since. 
After her agonizing departure from Japan, EunHae got used to Korea rather quickly. She made new friends and focused on her schoolwork. It was an easy transition for her because Korean was her second language. She hasn't been in a relationship since she promised Jiru that she wouldn't date anyone else. At times, she was a little regretful for repeating the words when it came to dances but figured that she would either go with a male friend or just stay home and study. She wanted nothing to do with romance and guys until she reunited with Jiru. She didn't care if it meant she would have to wait 50 years until she saw him again.


You   And   I  


◉ Amber Liu || 19 || student in Performing Arts || Idol || Amber is one of those 'cool' girls in the high school. She's one that can make your day with a warm 'good morning'. She can tell when someone isn't themself because she's pretty good at reading body language. Amber can read anyone like a book by their body language, tone, and just overall mood of the day.
◉ Kiyomi Ono || 21 || intern in law firm || OC || Kiyomi is very reserved and quiet. Not a peep will be heard from her if you're speaking. She's respectful and knows how to make someone feel better about themselves. Kiyomi is a hardowrker and has always pursued her dreams. It seemed like a pice of cake for Kiyomi to get to where she is now. Kiyomi has always been a star pupil in school and EunHae looks up to her and knows that she's a good friend. Both have their differences but both remain friends even after EunHae's leave.

{Best Friends} 

LuHan || 21 || student in Photography || Idol || LuHan is a sweet boy. He likes to make others happy. If he sees one sad face in the room, he'll immediately run over to that person and try to make them smile. He is also very responsible. He'll usually get things done before others. He likes the satisfaction and relief that he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. C'mon, how do you not fall for that baby face of his?! He's known as the baby face in school. He doesn't mind the nickname but likes to be called LuHan and wants people to know that he can mature for his age since people often think that he's all mushy-gushy and always doing aegyo. EunHae and LuHan hangout everyday. The two are always talking and having a good time together. He always manages to make her smile and there's never an awkward moment between the two. 
◉ Jung YunHo || 26 || mechanic || Idol ||  Yunho is very protective of his friends and never wants to see them hurt. Out of him and LuHan, EunHae's father likes him the most since he's more responsible (in his opinion) than LuHan. He's pretty popular among the ladies in the school and is always have one or two or ten girls confessing to him a day. While he gets love confessions, EunHae gets just as many death threats a day about how she should stay away from Yunho and what not. They never turn out to be true so she ignores them. Since he's protective, he's more of an appa figure to EunHae. Yunho always looks out for her and whenever a guy is staring at her, he'll immediately shoot a death glare in their direction and mouth "Hell no". It actually depends on the guy that stares at her, if it's a jock, then he'll either shoot the famous death glare or walk over to them and suddenly threaten them while trying to make it look like a friendly conversation to the public eye. If it's say, a normal boy like a smart-type, he'll simply put his arm over her shoulder as in making it seem that he's hers. Either way, Yunho doesn't let a wandering boy's eye wander for long.

{Rival(s)} Kwon Sunji || 22 || student in Law || OC || Sunji and EunHae are too alike. A reason why there's a rivalry between the two. Sunji is competitive just like EunHae as well as her being protective. Sunji is organized and likes things to go her way. Unlike EunHae, she's super possesive of what's 'hers'. If she talks to a boy, he's automatically untouchable. Same goes for her friends, they're untouchable as soon as she talks to them or plants a finger on them. Sunji's a spoiled, stuck up and very prideful.

{Reason} Both are the star pupils in their law class. It's been nothing but pure competition between the two. Both know the laws like the back of their hands but one has to the better lawyer, right? Both are just waiting for the other to just forget one part of the law. Also, both have different studying methods. Sunji is more organized and spends most of her time memorizing the law in a quiet room and studying her off while EunHae does almost the exact opposite. She will be blasting music, laying on the bed/couch/comfortable surface and be reading the law book and reading aloud to make sure she knows what she's saying. 


Loving  U  

{Love Interest} Kim HyeongKon | A-JAX

{Personality} Hyeongkon is unbelievably protective. Whenever he's around anyone, friend or family, he is always the appa figure. He always has to make sure that everyone he cares about is safe and happy. He won't let anyone he thinks to be 'dangerous' anywhere near anyone he loves. He'll threaten them like there's no tomorrow, and these threats are not empty. While he prefers not to have to hurt anyone, he'll go all out if it's to protect someone close to him. The problem is, he can sometimes jump to conclusions and threaten the wrong people. He can get easily jealous whenever he sees anyone he is fatherly towards (girlfriend, sister, or close female friend) and so he feels threatened by any guy he catches them with. He'll often threaten school friends, boyfriends, and/or brothers to stay away from the girl. It sometimes scares them away, but if they explain themselves and spend some time with Hyeongkon, he usually opens up to them and he sometimes even becomes friends with them. Once he deems the boy worthy of the girl, he doesn't mind them hanging out and going places together, but if he doesn't like the boy, you're in for a trip to hell. He'll forbid you from seeing him and if he catches you two together, he'll beat up the boy and put the girl under house arrest. Of course, this is all out of love. He just doesn't want to see anyone get hurt, so he tries his best to protect them. Still, his jealously can sometimes get in the way. Also, he'd do anything for someone he loves. Don't get me wrong, he's not a push-over, but if you ask him to do something and he knows that you're serious and sincere, he'll do it without hesitation. Yes, this even means backing off when he's threatening a guy. He doesn't have to be happy about it, but he'll do it for the one he loves.
Sometimes, Hyeongkon tries to use aegyo in order to convince someone of something, but he epically fails. Aegyo isn't his thing, but it's adorable when he does attempt. It's not cute in the way he's trying to be cute, but it's cute in a funny, adorable, playful way. He likes skinship too, but only when the other person is okay and comfortable with it. Lastly, Hyeongkon is extremely easy to surprise. For some reason, he can never seem to see things coming even if you give him slight hints. It's not that he's slow or stupid, but he just isn't too great at picking up on hints.

{How did you meet each other?} met when she first moved to Seoul. He was her next door neighbor. He showed her around town. Both always walked to school together and always hung out after school. Since she didn't like thunderstorms, she would always sneak out into his home and hang out until she either fell asleep (usually in his arms) or until the thunder stopped. She never thought of him as anything more than a good friend. He thought otherwise. He then moved away and lost touch. The two reunited again on registration day. He thought he would surprise her by pretending to not know her and help her on the first day. After she recognized his face, EunHae hugged him and he smiled back at her, happy that she remembered him even after 4 years. 

{Back-Up Love Interest} Ham SeungJin | A-JAX

{Personality} He knows how to make the most out of everything. He has the energy of a little boy hyped up on candy. It's a good thing 'cause he's always smiling and he's a definite people person. He's a natural-born charmer that knows how to make his way into a girl's heart and drive her insane. Mission accomplished, he's got EunHae second guessing on her first love though she's only had the one encounter with him and it didn't seem like he took much notice in her except in helping her. Anyway, he's also got a cute side that most girls have fallen in love with. Even though he has a cute and manly side to him, he's just one big ball of energy that loves to make others smile.He's not an idiot, he knows the difference between right and wrong. He's pretty average like her; he's not smart but not dumb. He cares about his future and could honestly care less about his image. He has a sense of humor that most people can understand and laugh to. Though many don't notice, he gets extremely shy when approached by a girl he thinks is attractive but most girls confuse it for his cute. Luckily, his shyness doesn't last long and opens up rather quickly.

{How did you meet each other?} haven't met except on registration day

Before   This   Song   Ends    

{Other Information About Your Character}  I think that about covers it so I don't think I left anything out                           

{Scene Request(s)} EunHae and Hyeongkon having a fight; Hyeongkon forbidding EunHae to see Jiru (first love) because he feels he's no good for her || EunHae asking him how to impress a guy and he tells her how not to but EunHae doesn't know that he's doing so || EunHae getting jealous because of Hyeongkon's female friends || uhmm oh yeah, a kiss scene between the two?             

{Ideas For The Story} none at the moment but feel free to ask me!                                               

{Comments}  if you choose Seungjin, then could you bump his age up by 2 years & drop down EunHae's height to 176cm. Uhm...wonderful storyline and I completely love the format of the story you have! So appealing to the eye! Fighting author-nim! I hope you liked EunHae ^^                                                                                   

{Anything Else} BEAST's 'Beautiful Night'                                                              



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