≡Sweet Little Love ಌ Application ಌ



Beautiful   Stranger  

{Aff Username} Lil_Doufle

{Profile Link} Click!

{What should I call you?} Lil


  Girls   On  Top    

{Name} Nam Hyo Jin

{Nickname(s)} Nam-ah. She is also called The Dragon (short form of The Fire-Breathing Dragon of the Soccer Team).

{Age} 22


{Place of Birth} Sao Paulo, Brazil

{Hometown} Seoul, South Korea

{Height} 167 cm

{Weight} 48 kg

{Languages} Korean – fluent; Portuguese – Semi-fluent

{Ethnicity} Half Korean, Half Brazilian


Sexy  Lady 

{Ulzzang Name} Bae Hyo Won

{Links} 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!

{Back-Up Ulzzang} Baek Su Min

{Links} 1! 2! 3! 4!

{Style} Hyo Jin’s clothes are simple and comfortable. She prefers a T-shirt and denim over a tight dress and high heels. Of course she thinks some things are pretty, but she has to pay attention to her budget. Most of her clothes are cool-looking, with a simple design, and given character through accessories such as hats, belts and vests.


Wonderful  Girl    

{Character you're applying for} Girl One, Two or Six

{Personality} If there is one thing people can’t accuse her of being, it’s lazy. Or not dedicated, for that matter. Hyo Jin is dedicated to the point where people are just telling her to chill and stop doing so much. But the girl just won’t stop, she’s always up and about doing this or that. Whether it is studying, working or playing soccer, she’s always dedicating herself 110% to it. And now that I mentioned one of her passions, soccer, I should probably also say that she is very competitive. Like scary-competitive. She must be the best at everything, and maybe that’s part of the reason she’s so dedicated at everything she does. She is also quite smart, if I’m allowed to say it, and she had the highest grades of her class in high school. She’s also kind of funny, in a non-conventional way, because she’s really sarcastic when she’s frustrated and she has quite the sassy tongue.

Talking about frustration, she gets annoyed very easily but usually doesn’t let it show. I mean, she will give you this look that says “Are you serious? Please disappear from my view and come back when you’re not so stupid”, but she’ll be smiling all the while and trying not to show how frustrated/annoyed she actually is on the inside. That is, until it gets too much and she is just really angry, and she will look absolutely pissed, throwing death glares everywhere and trying to stay silent, because if she opens … It won’t be a pretty scene. She can get pretty worked up about a lot of stuff, and when she does, she gets very INTENSE!!!!! Also, even though she is not a lazy person and she’s always doing something, she actually hates people who are too bubbly or hyper, they get on her nerves.

She is actually very cool-mannered, despite all of the things she does, and she is pretty fun to be around, making her actually popular. How much her position as the captain of the female soccer team in high school and now at the University helps in this particular aspect is not clear.

{Summary} A smartass coolkid who somehow still manages to be popular despite being too competitive and soccer-obsessed and a freaking time-bomb.



-Pretty cakes and other baked goods (they’re sooo delicious)

-Horror movies



-Listening to music

-Exercising in general


-Adventure books

-Potato chips


-Bubbly/hyper people

-Pretty cakes and other baked goods (they’re sooo delicious BUT SO FREAKING CALORIC)


-Romance movies

-Spicy food

-Valentine’s Day

-Dancing (she’s terrible)





-She rolls her eyes a lot

-She stalks people and doesn’t even realize what she’s doing is called “stalking”

-She “headdesks” a lot

-She taps her foot when she’s getting annoyed, and the frequency increases along with the size of her anger

-She likes to joke-flirt with her friends (she does this little dance with her shoulders and looks at them with a poker face and says “Am I seducing you yet?”)


-She jogs every morning and every late-afternoon



-Practicing soccer

-Talking to her friends



-Using her tumblr



-When she’s angry, she gets slightly more violent when playing –ahem–soccer. Also, if she’s still frustrated by the time she gets home, she acts completely childish about it – she goes straight to her room, slams the door closed, throws herself on the bed and screams on her pillow. She then proceeds to beat up Doojoonie.

-Doojoonie is a lion plush which was given to her by her Ex-Boyfriend in one of their dates. After they broke up, she made a paper cut-out of his face and glued it to the plush, and now she beats it up whenever she is frustrated or starts remembering her Ex-Boyfriend.

-She can’t whistle.

-It’s very easy to know when you say something that seriously annoys her, because her left eye ticks.

-She’s also terrible at ice-skating.

-Hyo Jin is scared of pigeons.

-She has this Polaroid-style camera and she takes lots of pictures with it and then sticks all of them to her wall.


Girl   One 

{Ex-Boyfriend} Doojoon | 22 | Student at Seoul University and captain of the male soccer team | Idol (BEAST)

{Personality} He is a cool, fun and smart guy, albeit a little conceited. Actually that’s his biggest problem. Because he thinks so highly of himself, he thinks everything he does will have no consequences. He also has full-conscience he’s good-looking, so it’s a recipe for disaster.

{What's your revenge?} Hyo Jin’s plan to get her revenge is very simple, really: She’s going to outshine him on everything he does. You’re the captain of the male soccer team? Say hello to the new captain of the female team. Your grades are great? My grades are better. And so on, so forth. Also, Hyo Jin has quite the material on him from when they were still dating, so who’s to say she won’t let a few dirty details about him slip from her lips here and there?



Dear   My  Family 


Nam Young Jae || 44 || Owns a restaurant with his wife || Young Jae is a very bright and good-spirited man, always smiling and ready to work. He’s also very dedicated and active, a trait which Hyo Jin seems to have gotten from him. || Hyo Jin and her father have a great relationship, mainly because Young Jae is very easygoing, and there is something about his aura that makes him respectable.

Carolina Santos || 41 || Owns a restaurant with her husband || Carolina is a very feisty woman, and she has quite the sharp-tongue. Even though she is mostly in a good mood, she won’t back away from a fight. || Hyo Jin and her mother have a lot of dynamic between them. Carolina and her sharp tongue and Hyo Jin and her tendency to get annoyed easily make quite the explosive combination. Because her mother is quite the no-nonsense person, she is the one who’s always there to give Hyo Jin a wake-up call.


Nam Jin Young || 18 || Student || Jin Young is quite a charming boy, what with his tendency to be clumsy and blush a lot. He is very sweet, really, a little shy, though. But with people he’s comfortable with, he has quite the sarcastic humor. || Jin Young enjoys annoying Hyo Jin because she gets worked up quite easily. They argue a lot, though it’s mostly one-sided, with Hyo Jin fighting and Jin Young laughing, which only makes matters worse, mind you.

{Family Background} When Young Jae was a teenager, he moved with his parents to Brazil because of their job as representatives of a Korean company. There, he met Carolina, and they married really young (she had Hyo Jin when she was 19). Eventually, they came back to South Korea, not too long after Jin Young was born, and opened a small restaurant of a mixture of Korean with Brazilian cuisine. It is not an extremely famous restaurant, really, but it was the result of the dreams of Hyo Jin’s parents. However, just the income from the restaurant isn’t enough for them, so Hyo Jin works part-time as a cashier at a café and Jin Young works at a daycare.


You   And   I  


Kim Ye Ri || 21 || Student || OC || Ye Ri is a really sweet person. She’s always curious about everything, and she knows about all the latest gossips. But she’s really not a bad person – she just likes to be informed, that’s all.

Oh Young Pyo || 25 || Photographer/Waiter at Hyo Jin’s part-time job || OC || Young Pyo always has this poker face on, and he always seems to be in deep thought about something. He’s also a bit 4D. But he’s a good friend.

{Best Friends} Jeongmin || 21 || Student || Idol (Boyfriend) || Jeongmin is a mildly serious-looking person, even though he’s the funniest guy Hyo Jin ever met (also the naughtiest). He is very vain and will often get offended when people point that out – he has no problems being complimented, though. He’s kind of smug sometimes and very narcissistic, and he also gets annoyed easily, so he and Hyo Jin argue often. Especially because of the fact he hates soccer. (Really, it’s a mystery how they’re best friends.)

{Rival} Doojoon || 22 || Student at Seoul University and captain of the male soccer team || Idol (BEAST) || He is a cool, fun and smart guy, albeit a little conceited. Actually that’s his biggest problem. Because he thinks so highly of himself, he thinks everything he does will have no consequences. He also has full-conscience he’s good-looking, so it’s a recipe for disaster.

{Reason} Ever since they broke up, Hyo Jin gets annoyed at every little thing he does, or anything that somehow reminds her of him. Everyone thought they were a match made in heaven: captains of the soccer team, good grades, and both good-looking, and they also seemed to fit each other perfectly. But then, Hyo Jin found out about his other girlfriend. And because of the complete humiliation she went through, Hyo Jin has the need to become better than him at everything, and of course Doojoon is outraged that he’s being outshined and also tries his best to surpass her again.


Loving  U  

{Love Interest} Kyuhyun – Super Junior

{Personality} Kyuhyun is a very smart person. He can be quite stubborn sometimes about the way he wants things, but he always sees reason eventually. He likes to tease people a lot, and his humor is very much on the ironic side. Also, sometimes he’s quite childish.

{How did you meet each other?} Haven’t met yet.

{Back-Up Love Interest} Jeongmin - Boyfriend

{Personality} Same personality as when he’s her best friend. They would just evolve into something more later.

{How did you meet each other?} On his first week at the University, Jeongmin was walking around, humming happily and passing by the soccer field, drinking his delicious Americano when BAM – his face is introduced to a soccer ball. Hyo Jin goes over there to retrieve the ball and say sorry – she really didn’t intend to kick so strongly, but then she saw Doojoon and… Anyway, she goes over, and Jeongmin is just like “Do you have any idea how many people would be disappointed if you damaged my face?” And then they became friends, for some weird reason.


Before   This   Song   Ends    

{Other Information About Your Character} Hmm, I don’t think I’ve left anything out. If I did, please tell me and I’ll get onto it. ^^

{Scene Request(s)} I guess a scene between Hyo Jin and Doojoon involving soccer would be nice. Oh, and I hope I’m not asking for too much, but it would be really awesome if the scene about how Jeongmin and Hyo Jin met could be in the story!

{Ideas For The Story} None as of now, since I don’t really know how you’re going to go about writing it. But if I have an idea, I’ll tell you about it.

{Comments} I FEEL SO BAD FOR MAKING DOOJOON THE BAD GUY *cries* He is one of my favorite members of BEAST, but when I made Hyo Jin soccer-obsessed, everything just seemed to click together and I just knew I had to put Doojoon as her Ex-Boyfriend. Oh, and I also hope you don’t mind that he’s also her rival. I mean, it just made sense when I was writing it that they would also be rivals, so I just went with it. And I just copy-pasted his personality from there, lol… Sorry, hope you’ll forgive me on this one. Good luck with your fanfic! Hope I get chosen, lol

{Anything Else} Right now, my favorite song is Love Style, by Boyfriend~ I was listening to it while writing this, actually.


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