I have been tagged! Oh my!

T A G G I N G  R U L E S

1. Post the rules

2. Answer the given 11 questions. Then create 11 new ones!

3. Tag 11 people

4. Let them know you tagged them


(Tagged by neilsgurl859)

1.What would you do if your bias asked you to marry him?

     Uh...SAY YES!

2.If you bias was on a bus or train, and was sitting next to you what will you do?

     Smile at him and pretend to be doing something cool or interesting.

3.Do You read ?

     Honey, I WRITE so yes, I read it.

4.If you were to sing a duet with your bias what song it will be?

     Well since Tao is a RAPPER, I'd go with Kevin (my 2nd bias) and sing "Take Me Away".

5.Have you ever stood up till 5:00am?

     Only on nights when I can't sleep.

6.Is your phone filled with pictures of your bias?

     No. My phone is filled with pictures of me.

7.What's your eye color?


8.Who are your top 5 bias's?

     Tao, Kevin (U-Kiss), Gikawng, Suho, Hoya.

9.Are you a b2uty(B2ST), a Angel (TEEN TOP), a baby (BAP), a Sandy (NUEST) or all?

     Mostly a B2UTY and a Baby.

10.Whats your favorite song from KPOP?

      At the moment, "Sherlock".

11.Fav Kdrama?


My 11 Questions:

1. Who's your favorite AFF author?

2. What's your favorite AFF story?

3. (For writers:) What made you want to write fanfiction? (For non-writers:) Who's your favorite group to read about?

4. Who's your ultimate bias?

5. Which member of a group do you want to stab (for whatever reason)?

6. Who do you think is an underrated author on AFF?

7. Do you have a Tumblr? (if so, follow me: aeroryuu)

8. What's your favorite kpop song?

9. What's your favorite drama/variety show?

10. Who do you think is the most underrated kpop group?

11. Why are you reading my stories?



Honestly, I'm not going to tag anyone so feel free to do it if you read it. It'll make me happy. :)


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