≡Sweet Little Love - Application

Beautiful   Stranger  

{Aff Username} MaknaeChen

{Profile Link} MaknaeChen

{What should I call you?} Chen or Qing c:


  Girls   On  Top    

{Name} Park Qing Won.

{Nickname(s)} Qing

{Age} 17

{Birthdate} 03/30/95

{Place of Birth} Seoul, South Korea.

{Hometown} Incheon, South Korea.

{Height} 165cm

{Weight} 52kg

{Languages} Korean (Fluent) , Cantonese (Conversational) , Mandarin (Conversational)

{Ethnicity} Full Korean.


Sexy  Lady 

{Ulzzang Name} Choi Seohee

{Links} 01 02 03 04 05

{Back-Up Ulzzang} Kim Seuk Hye

{Links} 01 02 03 
[Yes, could you PM me the ulzzang first? But, I have chosen some ulzzangs already for incase]

Qing Won dislikes clothes that reveal more skin than needed. She prefers a much more approachable look. If it's a hot day, so be it, she'll prefer over-sized clothing and shorts instead of exposing tanks. If it's a cold, chilly day she'll prefers sweaters and jeans. For shoes types, she prefers tennis shoes. For formal occasions, flats over heels and if needed, low heels.


{Personality} Qing Won is human. She has her bad points but then there are her good points. Qing Won happens to be extremely gullible. It's hard for her to tell between a lie and a truth. Qing Won is usually seen postive but can't stop when her mind seems to think differently. Qing Won appears very approachable with her good sense of humor and her friendly aura. She avoids awkward situations by not revealing her emotions when they turn sour. Qing Won can be very childish. She bawls at kids movies and uses just about a million tissues. 

Qing Won has the appetite of a pig, she could go on endlessly, stuffing her face with delight. She dislikes the thought of people staring or focusing on her bad points. Qing Won isn't all that patient either, she can't seem to stop fidgeting. Qing Won dislikes being proved wrong of her claims and brushes it off in the situation. She doesn't freqeuntly apologize unless she accepts unless she accepts her wrong doing. Qing Won is highly competitive as well, she feels uncomplete being the loser, even if it's only a simple game of rock-paper-scissors. Qing Won, if she commits to a task, she'll follow it along until the bitterend. Qing Won can be ridiculous at times as she can be upset by the simplest of things.

{Summary} Qing Won is a person most people can approach and become friends with with her good sense of humor and friendly aura. Qing Won is a childish person, who cries at kid's movies, dislikes waiting, refuses her lost, is competitive, and is very stubborn and persistant when she commits to a task. Qing Won is extremely gullible, not being able to tell between a lie and a truth. Qing Won often thinks deeply when she's alone. She's good at keeping her emotions to herself when she's upset unless she wants you to know. Overall, good and bad points.

-Polaroid Photographs
-Bubble Milk Tea w/ Pearl
-Frozen Yogurt
-Piano Tunes
-Oversized T-shirts
-Stuffed Animals
-Ice Water
-Cherry Blossoms


-Gas Fumes
-Enclosed Places
-Exposing Clothes
-Bad Grades
-Overly Buff Men
-Warm Soup
-(Head, Stomach, etc.) Aches


-Scrunching Nose Up
-Sleeping In
-Eating at Night
-Drying Her Hands on Her Shirt
-Swallowing Large Amounts of Food



-Playing Piano
-Reading Manga
-Watching Anime


-She Only Drinks Soup When It's Hot
-She Only Drinks Bubble Milk Tea With Pearls
-Afraid of Heights
-No Sense of Direction -She walked into the men's restroom of doom.
-No Sense of Direction 
-She's Very Cheap - She got her hand stuck in the tip box attempting to get her accidently dropped 5 dollar bill.
-She Sleep Talks
-Her Favorite #s are ; 6, 8, 9, 16


Girl   Six

{Childhood Friend}  Lee Kyu Jin | 18 | Student / Bakery Employee | OC

- Making kimbap featuring his face -she finds them perfect, he takes it as an insult to his face.-
- Awkwardly posing in the wind
- 'Concidentially' bumping into him on the street.
- Enhancing appearance
- Waving / Talking to him in the hallways 


Dear   My  Family 

Father: Choi Kwang Joon || 48 || Light Shop Manager || A very thoughtful man is what Kwang Joon is. He's very kind and caring, he often jokes around and always tries his best in everything he does. He does have a harsh way with words but they always mean well. || Kwang Joon and Qing Won have a very soild relationship in which both care deeply for each other.
Park Mi Young || 46|| Noodle Restraunt Cook || Mi Young is a very understanding and a person anyone could talk to. She's very gentle and warm. She enjoys having fun and being playful from time to time. She weilds patience and is a great listener. She is a giant fan of peace. || Mi Young and Qing Won are very comfortable around each other and hold a strong bond.

{Family Background} Qing Won's family is small, with only three people, including her. Her family lives in a small house located in Incheon. Both of Qing Won's parents are Korean. Qing Won was born in Seoul when her parents had gone there for short vacation. The family is neither rich nor poor and are considered middle-class with just enough money to make keep a living. Her parents are hardworkers who try hard everyday to support the family. Qing Won's parents are strongly strict about her studies therefore Qing Won can usually be seen studying. Qing Won as a child was greatly interested in Chinese action movies. She found herself learning self-denfense and catching the language.


You   And   I  

{Friends}  Im Yoona || 22 || Student / Candy Store Employee || Idol || Yoona is gentle person. She has a mature aura around her but once becoming close to her she will show her immature side once in a while. She's a very good role model and supportive.

{Best Friends} Kim Kibum (Key) || 21 || Student || Idol || Kibum is very mother-like. He often playfully nags Qing Won. Kibum is very caring towards Qing Won in his diva-like way and often cooks for her when she's sick. But getting on his bad side means being stared at with laser-beamed glares.
Kim Jonghyun || 22 || Student / Noodle Shop Employee || Idol || Jonghyun works at Qing Won's mother's noodle shop. They walk home together and both work at the shop as employees. Qing Won and Jonghyun are close but get into disagreements frequently. Gradually they blow over because Jonghyun is mater at cheering Qing Won up. 
Kim Kibum (Key) || 21 || Student || Idol || Kibum is very mother-like. He often playfully nags Qing Won. Kibum is very caring towards Qing Won in his diva-like way and often cooks for her when she's sick. But getting on his bad side means being stared at with laser-beamed glares.
Choi Minho || 21 || Student / Snack Shop Employee || Idol || Minho is very easy to be around. He's very fun and friendly when you get close to him. Minho and Qing Won often compete and let's just say it doens't end well. Minho knows when he's wrong but can't be a bit reluctant to apologize but being a great friend covers up for it.

{Rival(s)} Kim Ae Cho || 18 || Student || OC || Ae Cho judges you heavily on her first impression of you. Ae Cho is mildly nice towards people she is fond of, also known as people who are at the same popularity level as her but to other below her you're lucky if you're invisible to her. She's very natural around guys and is able to lure them in easily. 

{Reason} Before Ae Cho and Qing Won had met, Ae Cho and her group of friends came to to the noodle shop Qing Won's mother owned. Qing Won stumbled onto Ae Cho as she walked in. After apologizing several times, Ae Cho knocked shoulders with Qing Won and left.


Loving  U  

{Love Interest} Lee Taemin

{Personality} Taemin is very shy at first meetings. But if you get the chance to become closer to him, he becomes very playful and teasing. Taemin is a cheerful person who always tries to be optimistic. He's hardworking and is always hooked if it relates to dancing. He strives to improve his skills with dedication and passion. Taemin is a forgetful person as well as guillible, he just can't seem to tell lie apart from truth. 

{How did you meet each other?} Haven't Met.

{Back-Up Love Interest} Lee Jinki (Onew)

{Personality} Onew is a kind and gentle person. He is very positive and cheerful, not to mention humble. He's very helpful and is always open and at first glance seems very approchable.  Onew is also known for his ridiculous clumsiness which most people find funny. He pulls body gags every now and then to give friendly atmosphere. He's very caring but can be completely clueless at times. He is a hardworker who tries his best in everything he does. 

{How did you meet each other?} Haven't Met Yet. 


Before   This   Song   Ends    

{Other Information About Your Character}  N/A                                

{Scene Request(s)} Do not do this if it doesn't fit into the storyline, I wouldn't want to disturb the story c: Qing Won angers Taemin/Onew.                                               

{Ideas For The Story} T___T N/A                                                       

{Comments} I'll be cheering on your story and waiting for updates!                                                                                             

{Anything Else} Password ;) If you choose Onew for my love interest, boost up my age to 18, thank you. >:3 


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