What is love?


It's such a short word that means so much. Some people live just to hear that word from another, and some die without ever getting that chance. But what exactly is love?



Well, I'm just wondering xD


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Lol. XD I like the first two comments. XD

Love. It's a powerful emotion. It can inspire us, it gives us strength and gives us faith on a lot of people and things that happens to us. At the same time, as a powerful emotion, it can also destroy one's life if rejected, crush one's heart and dreams. And also, it can make a person change her perspective in life.


Everyone has their own definition of love. :)
whitepastel #2
Feelings of affection.♥ We are lucky to have family and friends that we love and love us. :))
KhKheiselle0901 #3
I Lost my mind~ Something something something slow motion xDD

LOL... Love is something that you feel xDDD
IIIIII Lost my minddddd. na na na na na shou shen i7vguoiubcodouvbobhbdvbhjvb get in slow motion.
