drabble about twitter


"What are you doing?"
"Going through your replies on Twitter."
"How did you manage that?"
"Minji pulled it up for me. These people are asking you to them. Sending you nudes. What is this picture of you and TOP wrestling?"
"That's shopped. Don't be jealous."
"I'm not. There are just a lot of weirdos."
Jiyong sighed, then tweeted "I love you." "That's for you."
"Why does it say @Realtaeyang?"
"I thought I was signed on." 
"You don't know how to use Twitter either."
"That's ok. No one will think he's talking to a girl."
I tried to get it under 100 words, but it didn't work. It'd been stuck in my head during dinner and I had to get it out, but I didn't want to spam the SkyDragon tag. 


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oppadeuI #1
Omg its cute xP
ninasunrise #2
ahahahahahahahaha this is the best
So cute!! Thanks~
that's so cute. XD <3 ahaha. made me laugh. but man, i agree. poor Ji is getting bombarded by random stuff. tsk.
AmaoriAmaori #5
LOL he's so amusing, they both are haha, lol to their twitter confusion lol. I enjoyed this drabble. I wish it was longer tho, but hey you're the writer so I take what I can get.