Applycation - pyochaeryeong


Beautiful Stranger

{Aff Username} pyochaeryeong

{Profile Link}

{What should I call you?} Carolina :p


Girls On Top

{Name} Shin Chae Ryeong

{Nickname(s)} Tokki ^^ (because when i was little my front theet where like a bunnys >.<)

{Age} 20

{Birthdate} 14th October 1991

{Place of Birth} Canada

{Hometown} Toronto

{Height} 1.65

{Weight} 53 

{Languages}  English (Fluent), Korean (Fluent), Chinese (Semi- Fluent)

{Ethnicity}  Full Korean 


Sexy Lady

{Ulzzang Name} Hong Young Gi

{Links} image 1: image 2: image 3: image 4: image 5: image 6: 

{Ulzzang} Ryu Hye Ju

{Links} image 1: image 2: image 3: image 4:

{Style Hong Young Gi: Cute | Ryu Hye Ju: Casual beauty}


Wonderful Girl

{Character you're applying for} Girl six, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

{Personality}  I like to be myself, i love to dance and sing, write and drawing is one of the things i like to do the most, i love MANDUS, little mandus family's are so cute ^^ I might not be the most perfect human being but i try to be good at everything i do, if I had a chance to chage to another body for one day i would go for Jang Dong Woo from infinite, i know he might have problems in life but he's always so happy and cherfull, i wish i could be like him, always smiling, i dont like to be emo and cry my self out, because i know there are people out there that live a worse life than mine, i love to be creative, i love my friends with all my heart and if anyone tries to bring them down they have to get with me first! i would do anything for my family, i love to travel and find something new, learn more about everything, i have an open mind and i hate when people talk bad about others just by the looks, that's just wrong. 

{Summary} Bubbly and free Girl

{Likes}  Read, Sing, Draw, Dance, Write, Cooking Master ^^, Listen to music (rap and hip-pop), Mandus, Butterflies, Dolphins, Admire MyungSoo from infinite >.<

{Dislikes} Bees, Sharks, Tomatoes, Snobby People, Clean up kitchen's, Bad people, Twilight lol, Bad Qualitty Movies >.<, Small beds.

{Habits} Eat mandus, Make funny faces when nervous, running a lot.

{Hobbies} Jog every morning and every night when she can't sleep, Watch Movies, Eat, Sleep when bored, Draw, Study and dance.

{Trivia} When she's late for class or doing anything else she likes to make backgroud songs like: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN when somebody tells something shocking >.<,  i might look nice, but i killed tons of ants TT^TT, she always wears a necklace her grandma gave to her, it's a little golden ring that has been in her family since the 70's, she's afraid of the water because her brother almost drawned him self at the beach when they were young, she talks a LOT to herself, people think she's crazy sometimes >.<, she loves mirror's, she loves to watch mulan because she thinks her mother looks a like mulan xD, she loves pandas, she's crazyyyy for them,  favorite colour: blue.



Girl Six

{Childhood Friend} Choi Ho Baek | 20 | Dancer | OC

{Give me a few ways how you are going to get him from the love book} I would make  him a LOT of teokbokki, since his a dancer i would dance to nobody but you by wonder girls, *this one could be a idea for the story* since his loket is right beside mine i would leave sticky notes giving clues about who is his crush *ME lol*, i would try to talk with him at school, i would jog beside him since i see him jog every morning.


Dear My Family

{Parents} Father: Shin Ho Won || 45 || Lawyer || He's the most sweet, caring and bubbly dad you are ever going to find ^^ he was once in ballad group in the "early kpop days". || We have a strong relationship since im his lilttle princess, he's been with me and Choong Sik trought the ups and downs in our life. Mother: Lee Ji Soo || 43 || MC of a radio station || Since she's a work aholic we don't see her most of the time, only at dinner time. || We don't have the most wonderfull relationship but, at the bottom of my heart i know she loves us all.

{Siblings} Brother: Shin Choong Sik || 25 || Owner of a Mandu Resturaunt || He's the most clumsy and overprotective brother of all times, he always jokes around with me because in toronto when we were little i once walked out of the door with only my on, hey don't blame me, i was only 5 okay? >.< Has a girlfriend named Jang Hye Jung || We have a great realationship, we're just stupid with each other.

{Family Background} We were a happy family until the day my Grandad died, i was only 15 at the time, we came back to korea since that day, my Uncle only wants to know about one thing: the MONEY Grandad left for both of them. He always tries to take the money from Grandma but she said the money only goes to both of them when she dies, so they backed away and don't talk with us most of the time. As i said before, im daddy's little princess, he once said to me: "Tokki-ah, I want you to have LOTS of dreams, i once had one too, to become the greatest piannist in korea, but i guess that dream died when the group i was in got disbanded, so i want you to do me a favour, please get into the music biz, be an idol, a songwritter or even a rapper, everything you want, but please please please please, end my dream for me. I Love You. "


You And I

{Friends} Allan and Sarah Park (twins from toronto) || 21 || YG trainees || OC || They are very  good dancers and singers, but they can be very annoying when talking about nonesense things >. <

{Best Friends} Kai (Jong-In) || 19 || Idol || We met 2 years ago in Choong Sik's Mandu Resturaunt, he's a bubbly and sometimes annoying dongsaengie, a little bit of a show off when it comes to dancing.

{Rival(s)} Pyo Tae Won || 20 || Annoying neighbor || OC || He's been living near me since i came back from toronto, he always maked fun of me.   

{Reason} In highschool I had the BAD luck to be in his class room, people started to say he liked me and he became real mad, one day i was talking with some kid from there and he came by me and said out loud: "SHIN CHAE RYEONG IS UGLY AND CHUBBY, HOW COULD I LIKE SOMEONE LIKE HER HUH? WANNA SEE HOW MUCH I LIKE HER? LOOK NOW!" he grabbed my sholders and push me to the lokers making me fall on the ground, everyone started laughing, I runned away and never talked with him again, as weeks and weeks passed i was being too bullied, i got enough and changed school, i will never forgive him for what he did to me.  


Loving U

{Love Interest} Exo-m Kris

{Personality} He's somehow cold with everyone, he's always talking about his hair and cream face he uses, altough everyone calls him the ice prince he's the sweetest guy you'll ever know.

{How did you meet each other?}  Haven't met, only at college.

{Back-Up Love Interest} B1A4's Baro.

{Personality} Loves to eat, very caring and anoying sometimes, can be the cutest thing ever.

{How did you meet each other?} At Choong Sik's mandu resturaunt.


Before This Song Ends

{Other Information About Your Character} She really wants to move on with her dad's dream to be in music biz, she'll do anything to do it.

{Scene Request(s)} Please, don't think im a weirdo... *aish, so awkward...* a french kiss with the love interest TT^TT *hides in closet*

{Ideas For The Story} I gave you one already but, like a romantic dinner, or a serenade its fine ^^

{Comments} The first time it took me 30 mins to do this but i closed the tab and baam i had to do it again for like, 1 hour and 30 mins+ T^T but its worth it ^^

{Anything Else} I hope you have fun doing this story as much i am going to like to read it, keep up the good ideas and hwaiting unnie :) favorite song: psy - gangnam style link:



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