(Rainie12 App)

Contact Info



Username: Rainie12

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/23566


Personal Info


Name: Ren Nezumi

Nickname(s):  Nezu-chan

Birthday & Age: February 2, 1994

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 42 kg

Place of Birth / Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan/Shibuya, Japan

Ethnicity: Half Japanese-Half Taiwanese



Appearance and Style












Name of Ulzzang/Model/whatever: Watanabe Mayu

For more pics: http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=e0910d7858ad728cecc66863f99ad2de&topic=28188.20


Style: (six links – 2 casual, 2 red carpet , and 2 party/club wear 

Casual: http://i.imgur.com/rbWYGm.jpg


Red Carpet: http://f.fashion4us.com/images/fashion/detail/1mil/4hun/4ten/500/330088a.jpg


Party wear: http://f.fashion4us.com/images/fashion/detail/1mil/4hun/4ten/500/330074a.jpg



Character Info



This girl has a scary glare that  will give goosebumps to those who have seen it. Maybe she's smiling at you but that's actually not the real thing. Deep in her heart she hates that person so much and that person won't even know that. She is very mysterious. That's her technique, she may look weak but she's like the ultimate manipulator. She attacks mysteriously. She uses her brains to fight. Not magic or whatever. She’s a master manipulator who uses her brains. She plans it carefully and attacks silent. She says strength is not just in fighting, but in using your brains. It does not mean that if you are the strongest, you can beat everybody, Being intelligent, using your mind so that you can think of tricks to beat everybody. Sometimes you don't need to fight to win, you can be mysterious to everybody, what they don't know is that you are their biggest fear even if you don't throw a single punch...It's like they are gonna be losing just with the power of your mind.Nezumi seems to have a few screws loose, though, as she seems to be dancing privately anywhere she wants, on the stairs, on desks, etc. if her plans suceeded. She also likes to sneak around when when someone is talking which gains her the facts she needs to know. She's a total backstabber. She befriends the enemy's friends. After she had gain their trust, she will tell bad things about the enemy to the friends of the enemy. She will say that the enemy of the enemy did it. So that they will fight. She somehow talks to the enemies of her enemy and make an alliance. It's like you won't even know if she is already attacking you and you won't even tell that she's the one behind it because of her tricks.


-Dancing randomly

-Jackets with hoods


-Clack nailpolish




-School desk




-Dead bodies


-Bitter food




-Being sick

-Too much noise

-Lazy people



-Playing tennis when bored

-Dancing on empty hallways, stairs, desks..

-Tricking enemies


-Blowing off her bangs

-Glaring while smiling

-Loves to pout

-Hood is always on


When she was on the camp, she tricks other trainees who bullies her. She is one of the smartest in school. She had an injury before. Her ankle was broken because of the bullies who beats her up sometimes. That is when she learns how to plan and trick people. She also tries her very best to train and be strong. She never starts a fight but she will trick the people she hates. Only if they have done something to her. It's pretty sad for her because she was being bullied while training but that made her strong because whenever she sees the bullies, she uses them as practice on fighting so she will benefit on it too. She starts glaring while smiling when she starts to fight or whenever a light bulb lights on her head and she has a good plan.

Specialty: Interogation Maniac or Knife Ninja..


relationship status

Partner: Shinee's Key or Minho





Enemy / Rival (s): Miss A Min- Nezu and Min just saw each other when they are walking on different directions. Min was holding a smoothie and then she somehow intentionally bumped Nezu and spilled the smoothie on Nezu's favorite jacket. Min said a "fake" apology. It's like she didn't even mean it.Then Min got a smiley glare from Nezu.  It means that Nezu is considering her an enemy.

Sato Michi-

One of the bullies at training camp who took Nezu's money or lunch. Nezu really wanted a revenge. Nezu is also happy that she has been bullied because she wants to learn and train more just to defeat them and get back at them.



Other Info 



-Her favorite jacket has glitters, Colors of her jackets are pink, white, orange ,blue, gray and black

-She also has a funny side.

-She loves to make ok signs

-She cries when nobody is around

-Really loves to ride small cars

-Loves to eat candies when she is going to work on something or if gonna fight

-She donates at charities if she can

-It might not show but she loves kids so much

-She loves to eat Pepero sticks or Pocky

-She loves to wear sandals and sneakers

Any last words?: Fighting to your story! Good luck!








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