Sweet Little Love Application



Beautiful   Stranger  

{Aff Username} Paj1324

{Profile Link} ^-^

{What should I call you?} PJ


  Girls   On  Top    

{Name} Jung Minhee 

{Nickname(s)} MJ 

{Age} 21

{Birthdate} 05/23/91

{Place of Birth} Busan

{Hometown} Busan 

{Height} 168 cm

{Weight} 46 kg

{Languages} Korean ( State fluent), English (State Fluent), Japanese ( Basic)

{Ethnicity} Full Korean


Sexy  Lady 

{Ulzzang Name} Park Sora 

{Links} #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

{Back-Up Ulzzang} Do Hwe Ji

{Links} #1, #2, #3  

{Style} Casual and no skirts

#1, #2

Wonderful  Girl    

{Character you're applying for} Girl 1 Backups: Girl 3, Girl 5, Girl 6 and then Girl 2 

{Personality}  (I'm gonna use either 2end or 3rd POV since I can't take 1st POV)

Minhee is a sweet and protective girl. She can really kick some if she is super mad, which rarely happenes. Even though she is sweet and caring, Minhee hates attention and never try to be in the spotlight. She always put her family and friends before her and would do anything to make them feel happy. She puts up a cold act infront of boys (other then her father, older&younger brother) because she doesn't want to feel the pain that she already felt from one boy. Minhee is called the 2end umma at home, since her parents were both away from home because of work. She helps her younger brother on everything. She and her younger brother are like twins, but with diffrent ages.

{Summary} (Give me a summary of your personality) 

Minhee is sweet, protective and caring. She can really kick some asses if she is super mad, which rarely happens. She hates attention and always put up a cold act in front of boys other then her father, older&younger brother.


- Sweets

- Food

- Reading

- Sports

- Dancing

- Cooking

- Math

- Flowers

- The Beach

- Gardens


- Rich People


- Boys (other then her father, older brother, younger brother and her 2 best guy friend)

- Bitter things

- Queenka's and Kingka's

- Heavy Makeup

- Seafood

- Veggies

- Valentine Day ( because that was the day Tae Jun confessed to her)

- Heights


- Cracking knuckles/neck

- Biting Lips

- Touches hair when nervous

- Sleeps like a boy

- Stare into space

{Hobbies} (8+)

-Writing down in dairy

- Running for 2 hours

- Dancing

- Drawing

- Swimming

- Taking photos

- Video Games


- Can wake up at the slightest noise

- Sleep talks in 4 diffrent languages (korean, english, japanese, and her own alien words)

- Scared of Lightning and Heights

- Has a dog and calls him Taemin (hehehe shinee lol)

- Talks to self when no one is around

- One time thought that a boy was a girl

- Voice could be very high or very low

- Hates yet Loves studying


Girl   One    (Delete   the   one   that   you're   not  applying   for)

{Ex-Boyfriend} Park Tae Jun | 22 | DJ | OC                                        

{Personality} A player and cheats on Minhee behind her back. Cute, but plays cool in front of everybody, but his friends and Minhee.  Stubborn, hot headed and gets jealous easily. Wants the people he loves near him even if it mean by force.

{What's your revenge?} Minhee would ignore him and act like she doesn't know him. She would also act cold in front of him even though it breaks her heart.  


Dear   My  Family 

{Parents} Jung Taehyuk || 48 || Chef || Very caring towards everyone. Helps everybody even when he is not okay. || Father 

Jung Jieun || 47 || Chef || Loves to help people. She is very sweet, but can be strict when need to. || Mother

{Siblings}  Jung Hyungjae || 25 || DJ || Acts cold to a lot of people, but his family. Loves them so much that he would do anything to make them happy. Even though he seems cold he is really caring and protective|| Older Brother

Jung Jaehyung || 13 || Student || Very cute and bubbly. He uses ageyo to get what he wants most of the time. Behind that cute and bubbly guy he is very shy with new people. || Younger Brother

{Family Background} Minhee and her family struggled when they were kicked out of their house at age 15. The Jung family moved in with their Aunt Sora. Mr. and Mrs. Jung worked as a chef at one of there Aunt's restraunt. They moved out after having enough money to by an okay house. Minhee studied hard since she didn't want her parents to be disappionted in her.


You   And   I  

{Friends} Hwang Ji || 21 || Student and Waitress || OC || Very cute and bubbly. She is just like Jaehyun, but the girl version and older too.  

{Best Friends} Hwang Tiffany || 23 || Waitress || Idol || Cute and clumsy. She shows people her eye smile when every she is very happy or laughing her off. Even though she is pretty cheery when her friends seem depressed she would always try to help out.  

{Rival(s)} Lee Sunhee || 21 || Student || OC || Loves flirting around with boys. Uses boys as toys and make them break up with their girlfriends.

{Reason} Sunhee hated Minhee from the very first step she took in school. Why? Well, Sunhee is the Queenka and seeing another beauitful girl in her way make her angery. Sunhee ignore Minhee for the first couple days, but when she see how many love letter Minhee had she was mad and she became more mad when the Kingka. Tae Jun, himself asked Minhee out infront of the whole school. She was also the reason why Minhee and Taejun brokeup in the fisrt place.


Loving  U  

{Love Interest} Suho

{Personality} Sweet and caring even though he is rich. Never looked down on the poor and try to help them. He smiles a lot and try to cheer people up when their down. He can be harsh when he is mad.

{How did you meet each other?} Minhee was running away from Tae Jun and bumped into Suho. She quickly said sorry and ran off again. 

{Back-Up Love Interest} Myungsoo

{Personality} Puts up a cold act in front of others, but is really childish when he is with his friends Infinite. He is rich, but hates it because some people pretend to be his friends. When he is mad he can be pretty harash.

{How did you meet each other?}  Minhee was running away from Tae Jun and bumped into Myungsoo. She quickly said sorry and ran off again.


Before   This   Song   Ends    

{Other Information About Your Character}                                

{Scene Request(s)}  Nope                                               

{Ideas For The Story}   Nope sorry                                                     

{Comments} Myungsoo is from Infinite just telling  you and Hwaiting on the story!!!                                                                                             

{Anything Else}    Nope                   


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