
  1. If you had a baby, what would you call it? Chunsa (Angel. or a girl :3)
  2. If you had the choice to have a baby with any idol, who would it be? Why? Kyuhyun or Zico.
  3. Which haircut on your bias (list his name) do you prefer the most? Kyuhyun Dont don
  4. If you could paint the face of any idol on your bedroom wall, who would it be? Zico
  5. If you were in a film with any idol, who would it be? Kyuhyun.
  6. What is your favourite type of shoe, sneakers? Sneakers.
  7. If you got hit by a car, and your dying wish was to see any band (it can only be one) who would it be and why? 2NE1
  8. If you had the choice to kill any idol, who would it be? no clue LOL
  9. You're at the beach, walking along with your friends, when you bump into someone. Who was it? eunhyuk
  10. What's your favourite drink?  TEA
  11. How much kpop merchandise do you have? zerooo


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