
AFF Username: supergenerationrocks

AFF Link:click me!

Nickname: astrid



Name: Hwang Se Na

Age (): 22

Birthdate: January 27th 1990

Blood Type: B

Ethicnity: Korean

Weight: 50 kg

Height: 170 cm

Languages (max. of 4): Korean, English, Chinese

Personality: Se Na is a fashion diva. She likes to doll-up her members. She's also known for her mature and independent personality. She's also a hardcore feminist. She doesn't like when people say that she's weak because she's a girl. She'll get upset and will prove to anyone that she can do anything better than most male. She's very open-minded and easy-going. She has more male friends than female though she's not a tomboy. She believes that girls have to be able to do something on their own and not depending on boys too much.

Se Na doesn't like doing' aegyo-bbuing-bbuing stuff', she thought that girls who likes to do aegyo just to make them look 'cuter and adorable' are retarded and that makes girls look dumb. She believes that girls are already pretty without doing unnecessary things like that. She's also very ambitious and organized.

Likes :

  • yellow roses, she likes any kind of rosed but yellow intrest her more, she doesn't know why though
  • strawberry, it's her favorite fruit
  • books, she loves reading
  • classical music, it's the first music that she heard when she was 4
  • fashion, she believes that clothes also decides the person's behavior
  • chocochip ice cream, her favorite ice cream


  • hospitals, when she was 2 she had a bad lungs problem so she had to go back and forth to the hospitals until she was ten, and she hated it there especially its smells.
  • dirty room, she's a neat freak, dirty places will freak her out
  • girls with too much aegyo, she hates girls like that and it makes her wants to hit them sometimes
  • bell pepper, she just hates the taste
  • arrogant people


  • reading
  • swimming
  • shopping (?)
  • ice-skating
  • travelling
  • cycling


  • biting her lower lips when nervous
  • sit at the coener and talk to no one when in a bad mood
  • locked herself on her room when she's angry
  • playing with her nails when she's bored
  • making a soft-glance and smiled a bit when she feels uncomfortable


  • she's the sister of NU'EST' Min Hyun
  • she's the y icon of the group
  • one of the rookies who had been voted as idol who has a y figure by netizen
  • even though Big Bang claimed to be closed with the Emerald's members, but she's still awkward with GTOP.
  • RED is her favorite color
  • can't do rapping, it'll end up weird and funny
  • Se7en said that she has a dangerous alluring aura, but she doesn't realise it.
  • she knows how to ook, but she choose not to.She only cooks for her brother
  • Seungri's flirtatious behavior scares her.




*note: Kim ShinYeong is already taken.

Ulzzang Name: Huang Fu Lin

Pics of ulzzang: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Momo Jing

Pics. of Back-up Ulzzang:1 2 3 4 5

Fashion Styles:

Details: *scars/birthmark/burns




*note: you could have idol siblings but please make it realistic.

Family Background: Be descriptive and creative. I will appreciate a little family complication, just a little.

  • Father: [Hwang Ji Ho || 46 || restaurant owner || alive || love || discipline, hard-worker || Se Na is her dad's little princess, she loves him though at first her father didn't agree Se Na becoming an idol || click!
  • Mother: [Lee Hwayoung || 42 || head chef || alive || love || calm, caring, a good listener || Se Na will always comes to her if she has problems and need some advices || click
  • Siblings : [Hwang Min Hyun ||18  || idol (NU'EST) || alive || love || quiet, conservative, calm, worried about everything || Se Na spoiles him too much || here




*note: OCs are acceptable.


Best Friend: [Choi Minho || 21 || idol (SHInee) || quiet but playful || when Se Na was 2NE1's back up dancer on Music Bank || Even if Se Na is older by a year, Minho doesn't want to call her noona, because he thinks that physically he's taller than her  || here

Friends: max. of 4

[Lee Joon || 24 || idol (MBLAQ) || playful, foolish || on a music award, Emerald was there to perform, so is MBLAQ || Joon respected her, he takes her seriously even if Se Na is actually younger than her . || after  || here

[Seungri || 22 || idol (Big Bang) || ert, joker, loves the spotlight || Seungri and Taeyang were her vocal teachers || Seungri loves to flirt with her and treats her like his 'girlfriend', because he knows that it annoys her and he loves making fun of her || before || here



*Since YG Entertainment has a five year dating banned, boyfriends are not allowed. :) But, CRUSHES or LOVE INTERESTS is allowed.

*NOTE: He should be in BigBang, SuperJuniors, ShiNee and B2st ONLY!

Crush: [Taeyang|| 24 || idol || Big Bang || out-spoken, goofy, silly, caring, get jealous easily || here

Does he has a girlfriend: nope

Does he know you exist: yup

*if yes, how did you met: Taeyang was her vocal coach along with Seungri, and actually it was Taeyang who had a crush on her first.

*if no, how will you two met:-

Do you want him to become your boyfriend? maybe, but it's up to you

How do you want it to happen: just make it natural and not lovey-dovey. Too much cutesy romance gives me creep



*Supposedly, an idol or a male artist likes you; Answer this! This is good!

Male Artist: [Jung Byunghee(G.O) ||25  || idol || cool, quiet, ert-ish || MBLAQ || here

Have you two met: yup, from the same music award when she met Joon

Do you like him? a bit

*if no, why?

What are the things you don't like about him:-

How does he treat you: he's just suddenly showing his masculine side more in front of her and gives excuses to be able to do skinship with her, or sometimes he steals a glance.


Male Artist: [Taeyang|| 24 || idol || Big Bang || out-spoken, goofy, silly, caring, get jealous easily || picture 1+]

Have you two met: Taeyang was her vocal coach along with Seungri

Do you like him? at first, Taeyang is just an oppa, but suddenly it grows more

*if no, why?

What are the things you don't like about him:-

How does he treat you: he can't look at her in the eyes, and always starring at her longingly when she's not looking



Rival: [Lee Jiieun (IU) || 18 || singer || cute, bubbly, aegyo-explosion alert || solo || here

How you two met: on a reality show

How do you interact with her: she ignores her, because she thinks that IU acts a bit childish because she's much younger than her, so Se Na thinks that Iu doesn't worth her time

Why does she hate you: on a reality show where Se Na, IU, and Taeyang were one of the guests. Suddenly the host asked Taeyang to choose between Se Na and IU, and Taeyang chose Se Na while blushing

Do you plan making amends with her? it depends on how the story goes, I guess, but I don't think so

*if yes, how?



Stage Name: XeNa

Persona: Fashion Diva

Personal Fan-club Name: GLAMBITION

FanClub Color/s: violet

Position: Leader/Main Vocalist

Back-up Position:Visual/Lead dancer/Lead Vocalist

Why fans love you: because of her composed attitude and her easy-going personality

Why anti-fans despises you: becuase her 'y and flirty' image, they thinks that she 'lures' the male-idols

Your long-time idol: Rain



Past experiences: Modelling

Past companies: YG



*Hyperlink it maybe.

Singing: 1 2

Dancing: 1 2

Rapping: *optional

How long did you train? 3 years

Life as a trainee: Se Na is what you called a fast learner. She's good at copying every thing, from singing to dancing. The Chairman is quite fond of her because of her obedient behavior( we all know how strict a company can be is) that's why the chairman didn't bother if she hang out with lots of male idols, he knows that she won't cause any trouble. She's not very close with the female trainees because she feels uncomfortable around them, you know, they all can be so giggly and act 'extremely' cute when there were boys around. She got Taeyang and Seungri as her vocal teacher. She specialized in high notes.



Questions: not really

Comments: FIGHTING!!

Suggestions: hey, maybe you can put all the applicants and comment on their app


~Ohhh please. Help me!

What shall our fanclub name will be? how about, GEMS? or SAPPHIRE?




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