"I Am" The movie!!

So I saw "I Am" yesterday (Totally wanted to blog about it last night, but my brother played minecraft all freaking day! Urg!)

So anyway....

I get up super early yesterday so I can be all ready for the movie and I end up getting there a bit late -_- My grandma can be so slow sometimes! THEN we had some family member drive us because "he knows his way around LA". PAH. YEAH RIGHT. I had to direct him around Korea Town because he couldn't even tell which streets were which -__-

So the movie....



It made me laugh, sing, dance, do fan chants, and cry D:

Oh man. Did I cry...

I tried to hold it in though. Hahaha. I didn't want to release the falls in front of people and my sister. (Oh but its not like there were many people anyway..) Did anyone else cry?? XD

But seeing the movie... man. It was so inspiring! Really! I've been feeling down for the past few months and not very motivated... But after watching that movie, it gave me real hope! And it's inspired me to keep trying and to keep dancing! :D So once I get back home to Vegas, I'm going to finish learning some dances I've procrastinated learning and finishes a few dances I started choreographing (a long time ago kekeke OTL). 

Kekeke. Has anyone seen the movie? I was singing along to every song and I was the only one doing fan chants... aloud. But the movie was super loud! You could barely hear my voice XD But I think there was other people doing fan chants. I couldn't tell if it was in the movie or not.... There weren't many people there. That shocked me! I though there'd be more! But no.. ): Probably like 15 people or something. I dunno. I couldn't see well. 

But I highly suggest watching the movie if you live in or near the LA area!! It's so worth it! And it wasn't too expensive... 

I enjoyed myself, I hope everyone else did!

Does anyone else plan on seeing it?

Bye chingus!^^


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Uwaaaa. I'm jealous. ;____; I wanna see it too. But why are there only few people there. :(
But even the trailers made me cry so idk what I'd do watching the whole thing XD
TT~TT IT'S ONLY IN LA?? *le sigh* do u know when it comes out on DVD??? I've been looking ALL OVER >.< even asked my foreign neighbor if he could get the bootleg (he gets us so many) but no luck :(
Tbh I cant watch it,
I dont know how, where to.
It honestly makes me nervous to think about it.