That awkward moment...

...when an Asian sees you with a South Korean flag and does a double-take, because he's pretty sure he just looked at these two girls in front of him and he SWEARS they were white and Mexican XD


Lemme explain.




When me and my kpop friend (she's my BEST friend) went to NY, we went to Ellis Island to see Lady Liberty and while we were there we went to the gift shops, of course. Inside they had a rack of multi-cultural flags and, being the nutso kpop junkies we are, automatically spot the SK flags and we HAVE to buy one! On our way back we're on the ferry and we're sitting there happily with our Korean flags and this Asian man walks by and of course we see him and he takes one look at what we have in our hands, pulls this flummoxed face, and looks us up and down! xD Diana ma bestie could pass as a dark-skinned Asian girl, but I'm obviously white and HAHA it was just so laughable! His face! XD


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