≡Sweet Little Love ಌ Application!



Beautiful   Stranger  

{Aff Username} EXOticxKai

{Profile Link} Hello!(:

{What should I call you?} Kenzie


  Girls   On  Top    

{Name} Kim Tae Ri

{Nickname(s)} Riri

{Age} 18

{Birthdate} April 12

{Place of Birth} Honolulu, Hawaii

{Hometown} Honolulu Hawaii

{Height} 173cm

{Weight} 47kg

{Languages} English (Fluent), Korean (Semi-Fluent)

{Ethnicity} Korean-born-American


Sexy  Lady 

{Ulzzang Name} Sung Sin

{Links} 1 2 3 4 5 6

{Back-Up Ulzzang} YiYi

{Links} 1 2 3 4 

{Style} 1 2* 3 4* 5* (* = Shoes)


Wonderful  Girl    

{Character you're applying for} Girl #5, #2, #3, #6, #7

{Personality} Riri is a laid back type of person. She do not get upset easily, and have the ability to "go with the flow" of things that is happening around her. It's not that she doesn't care, she just doesn't get worked up about things. Even though she's calm, she has bad days too. She could be pissed and literally throw a tantrum at anybody that's in her sight. Riri is the type of girl that hold a grudge, hurt her once, she swore she'll make you feel twice the pain. She is somewhat arrogant, thinking that she's better than anyone else out there with her looks and money. She might not be smart, and she prefer money over brain anyways.

Nonetheless, she is quite fun and caring toward her close friends. She's good with words and will be there and comfort her friends when they need her.She's also an honest person, for example, if you really are ugly and you ask "Am I ugly?", she would be the one that say "Yes!". She doesn't care what others think or say about her. She do consider herself as a blunt person, and go with her own quote "I don't lie to reality". 

{Summary} She's basically a spoil brat, who doesn't care about anything other than looks, money, and her love ones. Response to everything calmly and effortlessly. The girl that would always say "Calm your ".


- Fashion

- Cute stuffs

- Cosmetics

- Puppies

- Video games

- Chocolate milk

- Children books

- Pooh bear

- Disney movies

- Winter / Snow

- R&B, Pop, HipHop music


- Cats

- Clowns

- Ants

- Nuts

- Romantic

- Awkwardness

- Bright colors

- Spicy food

- Storms

- Sweaty person


- Furrowed her eyebrows and slightly pout when confuses

- Mug people

- Checkout cute guys

- Stay awake when there's a storm 

- Slap herself to stay awak


- Shopping

- Exercise

- Eat

- Play games

- Hang out

- Sleep

- Listen to music

- Sit at a park


- Think dinosaurs are cute

- Black belt in Karate

- Literally scream if she see a clown

- Jump if someone touches her neck, waist, or back. She's ticklish

- Still believe in Santa Claus, and fairies

- Doesn't know how to ride a bike

- Can't understand analog clock

- Sneezes when she look at the sun

- Slap anyone who scare her


Girl   Five


{Ex-Boyfriend} Kim Jae Hyun | 19 | Student | 

{Personality} He is super goofy and loving.  But can be a total jerk though, he doesn't understand or care about anyone. Very stubborn, once he set his mind on something, nobody can change it.

{How are you so calm?} She just learned to take things in easily. Being calm have a better chance on solving the problem than panicking. her quote "Keep calm, and pretend everything is fine."


Dear   My  Family 

{Parents}  Kim Min Soo || 45 || CEO of Marketing Management || Understanding, strict, warm-hearted || Even though he's away all the times, they still has that strong bond of a father and daughter. They manage to at least talk through facecam together with mom at least twice a day.

Kim Min Young || 43 || Owner of the Kim Fashion Chain || Caring, loving, cheerful || She's the best mother, well, not really the best when she's mostly away, but she is great. Riri and her mom could talk about anything. 

{Siblings} Kim JJ || 23 || Uni student, study at Columbia UC || Playful, dork, loud || He's like on the other side of the world, and they misses each other dearly. Being an over-protective older brother JJ doesn't let Riri do anything, they used to fight all the times, until he moved away for Uni, they know how much they love each other. 

{Family Background} Riri was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. She moved back to her parents' hometown Seoul, South Korea at the age of 15, because her dad had to take over his family's business "The Kim Marketing Management". Her mom also started her Fashion business there. Her brother live with her for a year and left for his study back in the state. Leaving Riri all alone at home, lacking love, as if she care though.


You   And   I  

{Friends} D.O || 19 || Student || Idol || Dork, goofy, funny, and innocent

Taecyeon || 23 || Model || Idol || Freak, mischievous, evil, and loud

{Best Friends} Hyuna || 20 || Student || Idol || Cute, hyper, cheerful, and a joker

Min || 21 || Student || Idol || Lovable, understanding, laid back, and funny

{Rival(s)} Naeun || 18 || Student || Idol || Rude, snob, arrogant, and unreliable

{Reason} They used to be best friend. But Naeun started hating Riri for taking the spotlights. She backstabbed Riri by spilling all her secrets on FB. Since then, Riri swore that she will make Naeun suffer.


Loving  U  

{Love Interest} Kai

{Personality} Kai has quite a brusque personality, making him look hard to approach. But in reality he's warm-hearted and childsh. He's a blunt person by nature. He;s get real awkward when it come to expressing his feeling. 

{How did you meet each other?} Haven't met yet

{Back-Up Love Interest} Baekhyun

{Personality}He is bright, cheerful and kind. He loves to socialize and befriend with everybody. 

{How did you meet each other?} Not Yet


Before   This   Song   Ends    

{Other Information About Your Character}                                

{Scene Request(s)}     Later?                                             

{Ideas For The Story}     Uhm....idk?                                                      

{Comments}     ...                                                                                             

{Anything Else}        JJ Project - Bounce                                                                        



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