[name] my character name will do..LOL

[activity rate] 8


「 hello, hello

[character name] Oh Se Na

[nickname(s)] Se Na

[age] 19

[birthday] January 27 1993

[ethnicity] Korean

[languages] Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese

[birthplace] Seoul

[hometown] Seoul


she's breathtaking 

[ulzzang name] Huang Fu Lin

[5+ links]1 2 3 45 6

[back-up ulzzang] Momo Jing

[3+ links]1 2 3

[height] 170

[style] 1 2

[other] -


I'm so curious, yeah 

[personality] Se Na is a very mature and independent girl. She hates it when people say that girls are weak. She'll prove to anyone that she can do better than most male.  She's also Very ambitious. In the eyes of the men, she is irresistible, just one glance at her would make men become attracted to her. She could stand in a room, and attack all the males like a magnet. She's aware of what she capable of, that's why she likes to use it for her own benefits.She doesn't like being 'all cutesy and full of aegyo' when there were boys around. She thinks it's not necessary and well, she thinks girls with too much aegyo are retarded and only can attract boys that way, and it makes girls look dumb, something that she couldn't agree on. Yeah, she's a hardcore feminist.

[background] The Oh Family was known as one of Seoul socialites, you know what it means, right? They're famous because they're rich. Since she was a kid he'll always treated like a little princess. Her parents never home only leaving her and her brother home with a bunch of nannies. When she was little, she thought that her life was perfect, but she was wrong. At the age of 15, her parents were divorced because her father was dating a man behind their back (she accepted it now) and her mother was too busy with her job to pay attention to her family. Her parents only send them this quite amount o money every month, and since then, she learnt that money and power can buy everything, including relationship. At the age of seventeen she decided to live on her own, and doing thngs her own way.

[family] you must do the parents part but if you don't have a sibling, delete it. however, feel free to add to the siblings!


name : Oh Ji Ho

age : 45

occupation :  Lawyer for Elite Societies

deceased - alive :  Alive

relationship : Her relationship with her father is actually better that with her mother. Her father is a caring person, despite of him being gay, Se Na actually still cares for him, and his boyfriend, Tae Kyung.


name : Lee Hwayoung

age : 40

occupation : editor in chief of a VOGUE fashion magazine

deceased - alive : Alive

relationship : She called once in a while just to make sure that her daughter is not running out of money


name : Oh Sehun

age : 17

occupation (if any) : he's a part of EXO-K, doing God knows what

deceased - alive : Alive

relationship : Se Hun and Se Na rely on each other. Se Na being Se Hun's mother figure, really taking care of her little brother.

[likes] :

  • yellow roses
  • chocolate
  • strawberry
  • hot milk tea
  • spicy food
  • dogs,wolves, anything big and fluffy

[dislikes] :

  • hospitals
  • dirty rooms
  • girls who acts 'extremely' cute
  • cigarettes
  • men who smoke
  • hot weather


  • reading
  • swimming
  • ice-skating
  • shopping


  • just sit at the corner and talk to no one when she's in a bad mood
  • locked herself on her room when she's angry


  • She loves RED
  • Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci are her favorite brand
  • She knows how to fight, she just choose not to
  • She has million wigs with different colors to help her with her 'work'.



I will be on your side」


name : Lee Joon

age : 20

occupation : MBLAQ

brief personality : foolish, silly, a bit ert-ish

relationship : uhm, they hang out once in a while

when you met : Joon paid her to gather some information about someone

name :  Kim Junsu

age : 21

occupation : 2PM

brief personality :he's over-positive about every thing,

relationship : they hang out once in a while

when you met : Se Na slept with him when she was still in the Cathouse. But them being sleeping together was a one time only, they still remind friends now.

[best friends] 1-2, choose from the list and no OCs please! feel free to add more

name : Shim Changmin

age : 21

occupation : TVXQ

brief personality : he knows that he's a God, very arrogant, but amazingly a good listener and a good advisor

relationship : they like doing skinship and sometimes stealing kisses from each other, but sleeping together is a big NO NO.

when you met : At first they just fllirt with each other, but turn out that they have almost-identical personalities, so they just be best frineds until now.


name : Lee Jieun (IU)

age : 17

occupation : Cats

when you met : back then at the Ctahouse

brief personlity : flirty, y

why you're rivals : IU was a new cat that time, but she already thinks that she's better than everyone here. She didn't like how the male guest were so clingy to Se Na. Especially when Big Bang came. Se Na and IU were some of the girls who had to them. IU was thrilled because her crush, Taeyang, was there. But unfortunetly, Taeyang only had his eyes on Se Na, while Se Na was actually Seungri's that time. She always bad-mouthed Se Na which almost caused Jessica throwing her out, but Se Na just shrugged it off cooly.

[love interest] Hmm, let's see, there are Yunho, G.O, Taeyang, and Chansung. They're not her love interest, more like a LUST interest. Se Na doesn't do boyfriend, not yet anyway. For now they're just her steady companions.

[when you met] Taeyang and Chansung met her when she was still a Cats. G.O met her from Joon, and Yunho met her when he asked her for some help.


Taeyang : calm, flirty, foolish

Yunho : calm, dark, mysterious

G.O : ert, an arrogant-bastard

Chansung : he's like a little kid, a bit ert-ish


[relationship] just lovers, they know that she sleeps with all of them regularly, So, sometimes, when the boys fight, it's like a personal matter for them. They actually don't like the idea of sharing Se Na.



world full of lies

[mask color] silver

[coverup] Red Ivy

[status] Even before she entered the gang she's known for her alluring aura.

[record] She was Cats, but not just ordinary Cats. She's what you call a fast learner. She learnt that getting information for the Underground is something really important and that can boost your status. So she use her charisma and gather every thing that she heard and use it for her benerfits. The Golden Mask saw ths and asked her to be a part of the gang. It's been a year since she joined now.

[occupation] Florist

[hangout] Mask, Twinkle, The Cathouse (she's a close acquintance of Jessica)

[connections] Big Bang, MBLAQ, 2PM



your last goodbye

[requests] uhm, not really

[comments/questions] I know you probably confused with my love interest, it just that, uhm, I don't think being a Silver Mask is suited of having a love interest.I think having lovers/companions will be just fine.

[suggestions] uhm, maybe you should comment on every applicants. So, if there's something wrong we can fix it immediately

[anything missed?] nope. It's a great story


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