Boys Cause Writer's Block! Help! Dx

Ok... Hi-yeum guys :)

So... Currently, I am trying to write for my four fanfictions that have been ignored for over a month Dx

That hurts greatly ;-; And...  I managed to update one... but only cuz I already finished it ages ago.

So... Cuz Jenny feels like she owes you an explanation, she shall give one :)

So, the BIGGEST reason I hadn't updated was cuz of school. But for anyone who reads my Jongkey story I updated, I GRADUATED! *applause sound effects* Thank you thank you *bow* hehehe :P just kidding xD

But yeah, you wouldn't believe... Youknow how I was supposed to do JYP auditions!??!?! Jenny... Got horribly sick... The monday of the week that it was happening. I lost my voice for one day. And then... I just sounded like an old lady;-; And i tried to feel better... But  didn't!!!!! *SOB* The ONE TIME I didn't want to get sick... And of course... I do. And it really upset me. I was so... prepared... And I was told I sounded really nice ;-; So.. You can say I was pretty bummed for a week or so. It... it just . That was really a dream of mine... But anyways, during this time of exams and last minute assignments and being sick... Jenny got a crush... Yeah. I finally got over my insane ex... And moved on... And ended up liking the guy my bestest friend has a crush on.

Isn't that just my luck? And to top it off. I knew he liked her.. ;-; Ahh yes... Jenny's life is sad. But... I think things have been resolved for the most part? My bestest buddy likes this other guy too and they're gonna be together! I'm happy cuz they're so cute together >.

And as for the guy we both had a crush on? Well... he's outta the country at the moment... And has no idea about all of this. But he does know we both like him. But... Meh. Apparently my liking him has no effect on him... Cuz... As I type, he came on and began talking to me... It's so normal tho :\ Now, my other buddy thought he liked me for a very long time. But I have my doubts... So yeah! 

My mind is still all confused... but I've made peace for the most part. I think I just get confused when he talks to me? Meh. 

But! My point in spilling my inner thoughts to you guys was to ask you this...

How can I cure my writer's block when all I can think about is that?!?! Dx

Help me!!! Pleaseeeeeee ._.

I love you guys! I will keep trying my best to get back on the writing track!

Bye-yeum for now!~♥

Thanks for reading!!!!!

And I will really appreciate it if you comment!!!!♥♥


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oh chen~ >< was i supposed to read this? LOL cuz, it made me smile LOL<br />
im in the same boat as you with the writers block. going through the same things and all ~ <br />
and i was alone..for the JYP audition ;-;<br />
aww i luff you bestie (:
OMG! I love you guys!~ Thank youu!!! So quick too ^^ Let's see if they'll help~ ^^