Internetless and YunJaeMin oneshot~

Hey guys -wipes away the dust set on my profile- . I am really sorry for being so inactive here lately T^T writer's block hit me so I must find a cure soon. And omg sun thanks for al the subs <3 love you~ I am really gratefull T~T tough I didin't write much good stuff here and there.-cough- for about a week or so I m internetless so I stared writing on a oneshot featuring YunJaeMin pairing xD I was inspired by the visual kei concept ^W^ -high5all tha j-rock lovers out there- so yeah,you will "see" Jae dressed in a dress xDDD and the two him on the film set~

well yeah- akward silence- I will be off a while and I promise I will come back with good stuff.Until then see ya.


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