one of those moments

you know when you walk into an asian restaurant with your family and you're just in a really jerky mood?? it happened to me just last night... ( love the family but....a whole two weeks with them is just a little too much..) your in the restaurant trying to get through a meal when BAM. SUPER HOT ASIAN WAITER BOY COMES TO TAKE YOUR ORDER. that's when your mood turns from eh... to YES. it's the special moment when you go from cold and upset and shift into this warm happy place deep inside your heart. but its also a deadly place.

see...this isnt just some kind of "recieve a lot of money" happiness, it's a "just saw a hot boy, eyegasm" happiness. from this moment on you turn a little self-conscious and try to impress your target a.k.a HOT WAITER.

so like any female teenager...that was my instinct. im actually a very loud person but last night, i was with family and family friends...and me being to only age. i kept quiet but snuck in a few glances at the great gift God sent us that night... oh but wait. the of this story is at the end when we all get up to leave. he stood there holding a couple of plates and when i turned to my left, HE WAS THERE. AND SMILING. i felt like part of my died and went to a glorious heaven. he was tall too!


GREAT NIGHT. i slept with a smile :D


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ahh the wonderful memories :D<br />
vic2ry98 #2
It happened to me too! but I saw this korean guy at the airport! he was like so cute! :D I can still remember him