The Adventures of Greasy,Awkward and Friends

This post is dedicated to my ever greasy Pixie, A. Don't laugh okay? XDD I love Chu
Title: The Adventures of Greasy,Awkward and Friends
Main Characters: Alex, Joon and Chen
Other Characters: EXO 
Pairings: Ninja!KrisLAy, Ninja!BaekYeol, Ninja!HunHan, Ninja!kaiSoo, AJC OT3 FTW
Warnings: Made from extereme craziness and love for Pixie and Chen. Grammar and typo errors. 
"Remember, you have to say "Boy, you give me the moves.." right before you ask him-"
"Wait,do i have to ask it ily?"
"- to go to the dance with you,because you can't throw a pick up line-"
"You know i can't do it ily like Jongin, KyungSoo says so."
"-if he agreed immediately, that’s an important detail."
"I can't do it."
"Okay, you're ready.Go Joon."
The girl stumbled out from the broom cupboard after being pushed by her bestfriend. She turned towards the still hiding girl with wide eyes, unable to move since her long time crush is currently few feet away from her, bawling his eyes out with a book on his hand.
"Fighting." Alex mouthed, her fist pumped in the air encouragingly.
Joon nods towards her, heart drumming against her chest as she turned her back on Alex and starts walking stiffly towards the boy.
Because today, right at this moment, she's going to ask Park Chanyeol to the Dance.
The boy is still sniffling, the bottom of the book is already wet from the tears and something else that’s suspiciously looks slimy. Joon tried to comb her hair with her hands,but the thing just won't cooperate at the moment so she let it be. Chanyeol has the same locks anyway.
She looks at Alex (who already got out of the cupboard since she can't see the proposal there), and saw the girl with a huge grin,her dimple showing as she mouths encouragements again. Letting a deep breath out,she tapped Chanyeol's shoulder."
"Chanyurr- err.Chanyeol." She calls, and the boy swings his arms harshly towards her, and she dodged it as if the punch is something she's expecting. Which she is, because Chanyeol does it everytime he's surprise. Almost everyone is well practice with dodging Chanyeol's punch. Almost.Except one.
"Oh! HyeJoonie!" Chanyeol exclaimed while attempting to clean his face with the sleeves of his uniform. "Uhm, sorry for that, you know me when I'm getting surprise and all." 
"Uhh, yeah. That's okay.Yeah." Joon scratched her nape as she fished Alex's handkerchief in her pocket (she swears she doesn't know how it got there) and handed it out to Chanyeol. "Here."
"Oh,thank you." Chanyeol wipes his tears with it (Joon prays that those are tears alright, or else Alex is going to kill her) but to her horror, the boy blows his nose with it. Uhm, Chanyeol bloOOoooOOOooowsss his nose with it. Yeah,the long one,you get it.
Joon starts to pray for her soul.
"Oh, sorry. My nose just got really blocked up i can't breath. Here." Chanyeol handed the handkerchief back and Joon is too afraid kind to take it back;she'll deal with Alex later.
"Uhm, no it's okay. You can keep it." She said and attempts to gesture her hands cooly like the way Wu Fan does, but ends up looking like an idiot, so she stopped it right away.
"Really? Okay then. I think I saw Alex having the same one so i thought it was really important to you, like some bestfriends couple thing,you know? Baekhyunnie and I have lots of those." He says as he continues to wipe his face. "Aww, i teared too much, this book is just really really sad. Have you already read it?" He asked, holding Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief in his hand.
"Uhm, yes.That's actually my book that you borrowed--" Joon scratched her head this time, wondering if her name  in neon letters on the front cover is not that noticeable when Chanyeol suddenly grabbed her shoulders.
"You know!God, i know you'll understand. The story is just sooo sad that i'm bawling for an hour now!" He exclaimed,glomps Joon and buried his face on her shoulders.
And Joon lost the ability to can.
She's about to raised her hands to pat the crying boy on the back, mind still fuzzy (and lost between Chanyeol hugging her and running Satyrs and demigods) when Chanyeol let go.
"Sorry,it's's so sad." 
"Yeah I know."
Awkward silence.
"Uhm,so why are you here? And where's Alex?And Jongdae?" Chanyeol asked,finally calmed down.
"Oh, uhm.. That Chanyeol..err." 
. Joon cursed mentally. She almost forgot that she's supposed to be asking Chanyeol to go with her for the upcoming dance,and now that she remebered it,she's nervous as . But the thought of Alex chanting on her back pushes her to go for it.
Boy, you give me the moves..
Uhm. Drop the 'Boy'. It sounds greasy.
"You give me the moves.." She started.
"Baekhyunnie!"Chanyeol suddenly exclaimed and run towards his bestfriend to glomp him.
" Chanyeol,what's wrong with you!" Baekhyun cursed as he was lifted in the air by an overly happy Chanyeol. He managed to calm the hyper boy though, walking towards Joon who was watching the scene with wide eyes (because yes,first time she tried pick up lines and she's not successful);Chanyeol happily following him back.
"What happened? Baekhyun said asked as he settles himself beside her. 
"I don't know. He's bawling his eyes out earlier because of Percy Jackson." Joon answered,still in the middle of thinking about her fail pick up line attempt.
"Ugh. Nevermind, he's always like that. Eww,that's gross." The pretty boy said, eyeing the handkerchief on the ground,forgotten.
"Baekhyunnie! Go to the Dance with me!"
just got real.
"Oh . Oh ...." Alex mumbles as she saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun waving goodbye to Joon. She waited for the two to disappear before rushing towards her bestfriend who just stood still.
"Joonie hey, are you okay??" She cooed, clinging to her bestfriend who just stood there,wide eyes.
"Alex." Joon mumbles,titlting her head a little to meet her bestfriends eyes. "Alex." She repeats.
"Oh my god, did he reject you?How dare he!" Alex exclaimed grabbing Joon's shoulders to see if her bestfriend is already drowning in her own pool of misery.
"No. I didn't get to ask him." Joon mumbles blankly, sending Alex in the edge of frustration. She's worried okay.
"So you didn't get to throw my awesome pick up line? Then what happened?" She slightly shook her friend, urging her to speak.
"Chanyeol.." Joon started.
"Yes, yes. What happened?"
"Chanyeol and Baekhyun.."
"Chanyeol and Baekhyun? You mean those two bullied you?"
"Chanyeol and Baekhyun are going together in the Dance."
"Chanyeol and Baekhyun are going-- WHAT?!"
"Both of them turned towards the owners voice. And there stood the most dashing and adorable and beautiful and perfect prince in the whole world..err.That's Alex choice of words.
"YIXING!!" Alex exclaimed as she let go of Joon and runs towards the boy. 
"Yixing~" She cooes and clings at the boy's arm. "I was looking for you the whole time."
"Why?" Yixing asked, chuckling because he already knows what yet to come.
"Because you've been running in my mind all day."
"All day?You don't mean that? I mean it's just 9 in the morning." Joon mumbles in the corner.Alex never bothers to give a . She's awesome okay.
Yixing chuckles and pats Alex in her head. "Actually, yeah. I've been running in the field earlier. Warming up a little cause we'll have dance practice later."
"Practice?Can I watch??Yixing,come on.Please please pleasuuu~" 
"Uhm,no one is allowed to. It's for the upcoming Dance next week so yeah, it's supposed to be a surprise for everyone." Yixing said, apology lingering in his voice which is something Alex can't take.
"SURPRISE?I LOVE SURPRISES!!It's okay, i'll just wait for the Dance. Which reminds me,will you be my partner for the Dance??" Alex asked smoothly with a bit of her puppy eyes that can't make anyone resists her.
"Err, actually WuFan already asked me to go with him..And I uh..I said yes."
"It's okay, can I go with the both of you?"
"Uhm, i don't think he'll approve of it.."
"Can we have too?"
"YAH!" Jongdae appeared out of nowhere, hands on his hips and glaring at the two girls. "Yixing, WuFan is already looking for you."
"Uhm,yeah.Okay." Yixing said,almost thankful for being saved  from Alex's greasiness and urm, weirdness. He bid goodbye to the trio before running out of the place.
"God, look at how he runs, isn't he awesome?"  Alex said dreamily.
"I know." Joon said.
Both earned a pair of smacks in their heads, courtesy of Jongdae ofcourse.
"HEY!" They exclaimed in unison,holding their Jongdae-abused heads and glaring at their bestfriend.
"You are both idiots."
"I know."
"We're not!"
"Your crushes are gay okay?Stop harassing them with going out with you."
"What, i can be gay for him too."
" is awesome."
"God, why am i even friends with you?"
"Because you love us."
"And you need us to pass our subjects."
"And you love us."
"And you need free food for breakfast."
"And you love us?"
"Okay, okay i get it. Now who's up for some Luhan and Sehun Fighting Video?I installed a videocam earlier in the classroom, i heard they fight as soon as Sehun entered the room with some girl.."
“Wait is that my handkerchief?”



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ForeverFlippingA #1
I re-reading this over and over again Meow! OTL cannot get over how genius and awesome and perfect you are! TT~TT