Finally Watching MBC K-POP MUSIC WAVE in Google xD

Although, even if it was playing exclusively on TV, I have to watch it on comp w/lesser quality for my parents :/

But still, I guess its worth it ^^

Except it keeps getting stuck cuz of the slow loading /le sob

Oh well...

On a happier note, I went to Cheesecake Factory for the first time! :D

For those who don't know, it's one of the most popular restaurants in all of America, and I could see why. Even if it's on average, $20 per person, and we had to wait for almost an hour when we could've ate earlier due to our pager [they use pagers and when it vibrates, it means they have a seat for you] being defective, it was still heavenly food *0* I thank God tremendously for that hehe plus we bought my mom some birthday presents, and I do hope she enjoys them :3

So, I guess one thing I need to learn is to not only take the good things from God, but also the bad things.

A hard lesson to learn indeed, but not impossible.

Well anyway, just wanted to babble about my day a little :3

God Bless~ <3 Happy Saturday ^^


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